Gerald Celente on The Alex Jones Show, April 20, 2009 discusses corruption in government, government policy, tea party media spin, the coming collapse, pessimism porn and more. Gerald Celente Interview – Alex Jones Show April 20, 2009 (Part 1 of 4): Gerald...
ABC News continues their report on pessimistic outlooks in financial, economic and geo-political climates, including interviews with Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente. April 2009. Watch the ABC News Report with Peter Schiff and Gerald Celenete:
Gerald Celente interviewed on in mid-March 2009 discusses the making of the 2nd Great Depression and what is ahead for 2009. source and high quality download version: Gerald Celente...
 Dan Harris of ABC News reports that most mainstream economists don’t predict as dire an economic situation as forecasters such as Peter Schiff and Gerald Celente, so why are they so popular amongst doom and gloomers on the web? Why would anyone read pessimism...
 (The Jeff Rense Program April 9, 2009) Gerald Celente, the Master of Trends and Founder of the Trends Research Journal, discusses media clowns, false flag financial rallies, government intervention and more. (The 4 Part Interview follows the comments and excerpts...
Gerald Celente appears on Fox Business News to talk more about the collapse of ’09, where he predicts more civil unrest, collapse of commercial real estate and the retail sector, and the new credit crisis. (video follows excerpts and comments) Who’s going...