Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Jon Stossel, and Ron Paul appear on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano on April 1, 2009. Gerald Celente on Fox April 1, 2009 (Part 1 of 6): Gerald Celente on Fox April 1, 2009 (Part 2 of 6): Gerald Celente on Fox April 1, 2009 (Part 3 of...
Gerald Celente on Air America’s Thom Hartmann Program January 11, 2009. Celente discusses the collapse of 2009, his recent bank visits and gives us some insight into business practices and education that may survive the depression. Watch Gerald Celente on The...
An ABC interview with Gerald Celente March 22, 2009. When asked if he feels more sure about this than anything he has ever forcast, he responds: As sure as our most assured forecast. Absolutely. Watch Gerald Celente’s forecast:
Trends Research Journal forecaster Gerald Celente has been talking about the Tea Party trend for several months, predicting that Tea Parties would begin in March of 2009. News reports from around the country are confirming his predictions.
Gerald Celente on the Jeff Rense show March 12, 2009. The Trends Research Journal editor discusses short and long term trends including the stock market, the European collapse, civil unrest, government intervention, collapse of commercial real estate, and a host of...
March 9, 2009 – Gerald Celente discusses current and future trends, including strategies for survival for the coming Greatest Depression. (Radio interview follows excerpts and comments) The game is over. And anyone that doesn’t see it is living in...