Gerald Celente joins Eric King on King World News on January 9, 2010 to discuss a variety of topics, including Goldman Sachs and other financial institutions who have engaged in the largest pillaging of a countries resources in the history of the world....
Trend forecaster Gerald Celente joins Yahoo Tech Ticker on January 11, 2010. Topics of discussion include the Greatest Depression, China, Immigration, sustainable living and the ‘survival mode.’ Gerald Celente: The Anti China Backlash (Part 1 of 3) Gerald...
In a recent interview, Trend Forecaster Gerald Celente suggested that the next decade may see the advent of zero-point energy technologies that would make oil, solar and wind power obsolete. Ireland’s Steorn Ltd. may very well prove Mr. Celente’s forecast...
Gerald Celente on Coast to Coast AM January 2, 2010 discusses the economy, commercial real estate, residential real estate, sustainability, and terrorism (audio interview follows excerpts and commentary): “We’re predicting that in 2010 we’re going to...
Gerald Celente on KFNN 1510 with Ken Morgan on December 29, 2009. (Interview follows excerpts and commentary) “Actually, it’s going to be global. Not made in China is going to be something on a lot of peoples’ minds. It’s the golden rule...
For a couple of months now, we have been alerting our readers to forecasts from Gerald Celente regarding 2010 and terrorism. In the year 2000, Celente predicted that in the following year, Americans would not be safe at home or abroad. This year, he is forecasting...