Gold Needs to Triple To Equal 1980 Peak *Chart*

In January of 1980 gold hit an all time historical high of $850. As the bubble popped, it subsequently fell to nearly $250 by the end of the 1980’s and continued in this price range for the next decade. As the US government took on more debt, printed more...

The Shadow Gold Price: $10,000 An Ounce

We realize that experts the world over say gold is not money, but we can’t help but consider that if central banks are stocking up (ex-US), pension funds are stocking up, big money investors are stocking up, and individuals on the street are moving to diversify...

Flashback: ‘Gold Bugs Are Speaking Nonsense’

In December of 2009 well known economist and NYU professor Nouriel Roubini provided his professional opinion on where the gold price was headed: “I don’t believe in gold,” Roubini told CNBC. “Gold can go up for only two reasons.” “[One is] inflation, and we are in a...