The following exchange between Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) and the Fed’s attorney Scott Alvarez proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that The Federal Reserve has no gold backing the US dollar. Most in the alternative news sphere suspected it – now...
As the rising price of precious metals outpaces most other investments it’s inevitable that scammers will take advantage of unsuspecting and uninformed investors. We’ve previously highlighted the dangers in purchasing physical gold and silver from auction...
Via Zero Hedge: Over the past hour Zero Hedge has been inundated with reader comments notifying us that Ampex has, validating the earlier post speculating about a possible silver shortage at the metals distributor, launched a “reverse ïnquiry” in which it...
Echoing the views of other well known precious metals analysts like the late Howard Katz, Jason Hommel, and Jerry Western, economist Alasdair Macleod says that while the possibility exists, confiscatory gold policies similar to those enacted by Franklin Roosevelt...
If you’ve been investing in precious metals then you’ve likely made a pretty decent profit on your wealth preservation investment over the last several years. With the popularity of precious metals increasing exponentially as the economic crisis and...
The smart money has been and continues to acquire gold at an ever expanding pace. After the collapse of 2008 most top level analysts shunned it as a relic. One top economist even suggested that $1500 or $1600 per ounce was “nonsense” even though he had...