The Most Frustrating Thing In America… *Video*

What is it that frustrates you the most? There are plenty of things you can think of, we’re sure. For us, it’s the fact that all around us there is turmoil – social, political, economic, financial – and when a true statesman stands up against...

Ben Bernanke Says Gold is NOT Money

Though they have been used for millenia as a means of exchange, from Sumeria where silver was used to conduct transactions over 6000 years ago to the United States of America which, up until the 1970’s, linked the value of the US dollar to an ounce of gold, some...

Ron Paul: The Whole Thing is Insane

Ron Paul joins CNBC to discuss the economy, US Debt, the constitutionality of war, and foreign policy. (Video follows excerpt and commentary) The whole thing is insane what we do. I mean it’s wasteful, it hurts us, it hurts our national defense. And literally...