This article was originally published by Lance D. Johnson at Natural News.
In the global war to inoculate every man, woman, and child with depopulation bioweapons, the enemy forces ultimately overplayed their hand. Not only did their “vaccine” ultimately get exposed as fraudulent, but vaccine mandates and vaccine passports ultimately backfired, leading to historic protests across cities spanning Canada to Europe to Australia. People fought back and won court cases against unlawful vaccine mandates, and the tide continues to turn as more people break free from the programming.
CCDH, a broken cog in the information war
At the core of this war was the battle for the hearts and minds of people – the information war. The enemy forces overplayed their hand in this crucial front, too. The center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) was commissioned to identify the most prominent dissenting voices to the COVID-19 vaccination agenda. The CCDH decided to hone in on 12 dissenting voices. They published a report targeting the so-called “Disinformation Dozen” claiming “two-thirds of anti-vaccine content shared or posted on Facebook and Twitter between February 1 and March 16, 2021 could be attributed to just twelve individuals.” The premise of the report was to censor these individuals and banish them from the internet, quashing their influence through lies and totalitarian measures.
This targeted CCDH report was immediately used by propagandists in the corporate media to defame and assassinate the character of the twelve dissenting voices. One of the dissenting voices was Sayer Ji, founder of the natural health website This valuable resource not only publishes compelling, in-depth analyses on scientific and medical studies on herbal medicine and nutrition, but it also provides tools for individuals to do their own research on important topics related to healing the body and mind. The CCDH report viciously miscategorized Sayer Ji’s work as “dangerous” and “blatant and harmful misinformation.”
McGill University was exposed as a useful tool in the global war to silence dissent
In March of 2021, McGill University’s Office for Science and Society published an article attacking Sayer Ji and the twelve dissenting voices, citing the war-time propaganda CCDH report. The Biden White House even threatened social media platforms, in public and in private, to take down the accounts of the dissenting voices. Governments and media conglomerates were essentially putting a target on the back of these individuals and should be held accountable for violating their rights and putting them in harm’s way.
Social media companies took the CCDH report seriously, and then, under duress from officers of the federal government, went on to censor the dissenting voices in a variety of ways.
However, over time, as people were sickened, diseased, and murdered by the COVID-19 vaccines and hospital protocols, public awareness began to shift. Even Meta (formerly Facebook) revealed that the CCDH and McGill’s hit piece against the “Disinformation Dozen” was illegitimate and contained fatal flaws. In August 2021, Meta’s VP of Content Policy Monika Bickert directly refuted the CCDH’s central claim, stating: “There isn’t any evidence to support this claim. Moreover, focusing on such a small group of people distracts from the complex challenges we all face in addressing misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.”
Bickert revealed that the CCDH report “analyzed only a narrow set of 483 pieces of content over six weeks from only 30 groups,” arguing that this cherry-picked sample was “in no way representative of the hundreds of millions of posts that people have shared about COVID-19 vaccines in the past months on Facebook.” CCDH never defined criteria for “anti-vax” content, either, and had no scientific standards for determining what is “disinformation.” McGill University blindly promoted the CCDH report and failed to critically examine the report’s methodological issues. Instead, the university presented the “Disinformation Dozen” narrative as established fact, calling into question the integrity of their own pursuits. In the end, they were revealed as a useful tool in a global war that sought to silence dissent and submit populations to depopulation bioweapons.
In the end, the fraudulent CCDH report was merely a tool to silence individuals who were asking questions about adverse events from vaccination. Sayer Ji and the other courageous dissenters made valid points about the COVID-19 vaccination agenda and the fraud underpinning its supposed necessity. Interestingly enough, there were many more people and online platforms asking questions and raising alarms about the COVID-19 vaccines. It turns out the “Disinformation Dozen” weren’t the only ones spreading the truth about these critical issues. There were countless others who were aware of this scam — this depopulation bioweapon — this nefarious COVID-19 vaccine agenda.
Thank you for this article exposing the bottomless swamp of grifting looters preying on the taxpayer and our very lives!