HAARP’s Aurora Switch Was Turned On Last Week To Create “Artificial Airglows”

by | May 13, 2024 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Coincidence, Headline News

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    This article was originally published by Rhoda Wilson at The Daily Exposé.

    AI search summaries show that on the same day, the aurora borealis was seen across the northern hemisphere, HAARP was running experiments to artificially create aurora-like glows or “airglow” in the ionosphere.

    The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, has been a spectacular sight in the night sky recently. On 10 May 2024, the aurora was visible in many parts of the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.

    According to corporate media, a powerful geomagnetic storm caused by a solar flare triggered the spectacular display of the northern lights. The storm was strong enough to cause disruptions to power grids and communication systems, but it also created a breathtaking sight for those who were able to see it.

    In the United States, the aurora was visible in many parts of the country, including the northern states and even as far south as Alabama and California. In Europe, the aurora was seen in countries such as the UK, Germany, and Norway.

    EarthSky: Solar Superstorm Produced Stunning Auroras, 11 May 2024 (2 mins)

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Centre forecasted on Friday that the aurora could be visible again last weekend, on Saturday and Sunday nights, weather permitting.

    The Space Weather Prediction Centre’s forecast may have not been based on natural events but rather an expectation of the results of an experiment conducted by the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (“HAARP”).

    Related: HAARP is of global concern because of its far-reaching impact

    Dr. Robert Malone used Perplexity, a subscription-based artificial intelligence (“AI”) program, to search for “HAARP aurora May 10” and posted the results of his query, as well as the sources the AI program used,  on his Telegram channel.  Perplexity answered:

    We conducted our own query using Brave’s free-to-use AI summary.  Typing in the same query as Dr. Malone, “HAARP aurora May 10,”  Brave’s AI answered:

    To the same query a few minutes after Brave’s answer, Microsoft’s Copilot, a free-to-use AI summary included with the Microsoft Bing search engine, answered (emphasis theirs):

    Microsoft’s Copilot does not add a note to the effect that its AI-generated answer could be wrong.


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