Russia Attacks Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure

by | Aug 26, 2024 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Coincidence, War | 0 comments

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    Russia has attacked Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. “All the designated targets have been hit,” a statement by Moscow’s military read.

    The Russian military’s attack consisted of a series of strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities, the Defense Ministry in Moscow has confirmed. Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged that the country has experienced one of the most extensive barrages in recent months, causing widespread power outages.

    According to a report by RT, the statement further read: “A massive high-precision attack” on Ukraine was carried out using long-range air- and sea-based weapons, as well as drones. The barrage targeted facilities supporting the country’s defense industrial complex, officials noted. “All the designated targets have been hit,” the statement read.

    This is coincidental timing considering Ukraine warned its slave class of a difficult winter energy-wise.

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    Later in the day, the ministry provided more details about the strike and released a list of facilities that had been attacked. It said the strikes targeted electrical substations in the Kiev, Vinnitsa, Zhitomir, Khmelnytsky, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Nikolaev, Kirovograd, and Odessa Regions, as well as gas compressor stations in the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Kharkov Regions. –RT

    Russia also struck airfields in both Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk Regions that were storing Western-supplied air munitions, officials said. They described the strike as a success saying that: “Power outages were detected, and the transportation of weapons and ammunition to the front line was disrupted.”

    Zelensky confirmed that the attack had targeted critical infrastructure in most regions, calling it “one of the largest combined strikes, adding that it involved more than a hundred missiles and a hundred drones, reported RT.  Energy Minister German Galushchenko described the situation as “difficult,” adding that emergency blackouts had been activated by the grid operator.

    Prime Minister Denis Shmigal claimed that the attack by Russia affected 15 Ukrainian regions. Local officials have said that the barrage hit two energy facilities in Kiev Region. Videos circulating on social media purport to show damage to the Kiev hydroelectric plant and the reservoir dam.

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    In early August, Ukraine launched a large-scale cross-border incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region.

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