U.S. Expands Bird Flu Testing For Beef

by | Aug 14, 2024 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Coincidence, Health | 0 comments

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    The United States ruling class is going to be expanding bird flu testing for beef. As part of its totalitarian response to the ongoing avian influenza outbreak among dairy cattle, the United States Department of Agriculture has announced the testing of beef entering the food supply.

    When mass testing is conducted, much like during the COVID-19 scamdemic, more cases were found and diagnosed whether humans were sick or not.

    Bird Flu Could Be About To Enter The “Mass Testing” Phase

    According to a report by the Jerusalem Post, USDA officials, in a call with reporters along with staff from other U.S. ruling class “health” agencies, said the testing will begin in mid-September and urged livestock workers to remain vigilant.

    The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

    Considering the ruling class continues to blame meat, meat eaters, and the cattle’s methane farts for climate change, it isn’t really a surprise that the bird flu is magically in cows. This is shaping up to be a war on the food supply, and the proper human food at that.

    Climate Crisis Activists Seek To Put Meat On Their List Of Banned “Fossil Fuel” Adverts

    The USDA in May tested 109 beef samples from dairy cows sent to slaughter and found bird flu virus particles in one cow’s tissue sample. Older dairy cattle are often slaughtered for meat.

    Eric Deeble, an undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, told reporters that the USDA is confident with the current level of testing conducted by the nation’s dairy farmers.

    “I do feel that the response is adequate,” he said. –Jerusalem Post

    How much longer until the ruling class suggests we stop drinking milk and eating beef? And then how much time do we have until it’s outright banned? Perhaps this won’t happen, but we are going down the slippery slope right now the we already were on back in 2020. This time, the best source of nutrition for human beings is on the line.


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    Gold has been the right asset with which to save your funds in this millennium that began 23 years ago.

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