Only a single-digit percentage of adults in the United States, 9 percent to be exact, said they have a “great deal of confidence” in President Donald Trump’s ability to confirm the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine. Sixty-nine percent of Americans in the poll released Sunday said they don’t have ANY confidence in Trump’s endorsement of the vaccine.
Trump announced Friday that a vaccine will be ready “sometime in October,” but the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said it would likely not be widely available until mid-2021. Regardless, the vaccine is not popular with anyone.
Both parties are apprehensive about this vaccine and the epic rushing of it. Not to mention and the mainstream media’s propagandized demands to take it. According to Newsweek, Americans’ trust they could receive a “safe and effective coronavirus vaccine” has actually decreased since May, along with the number of people who say they would volunteer to receive an inoculation.
MORE Concern People Won’t Take The Vaccine. Why?
Republican respondents in the ABC News/Ipsos poll were one group where there was a sharp drop in people willing to receive a vaccination. In May, 75 percent of GOP voters said they were likely to get a vaccine if and when it became available, but that has now fallen a full one-quarter to 50 percent in this week’s poll. Conversely, 50 percent of Republican voters say they are unlikely to get the COVID-19 vaccine. –Newsweek
The Government Has Released Their Initial Plans To Force a Vaccine on EVERYONE
There are plans o force a vaccine on everyone. If you believe it “won’t be mandatory” because a liar in a suit said so, you haven’t figured it out yet. It probably will not be mandated by law, but that doesn’t mean it will be “voluntary.” You will be coerced to get this vaccine. If you don’t get it, you won’t be able to buy groceries or pay your mortgage. In order to “participate” in society you will have to be vaccinated. If you choose to not take the vaccine, which Trump has already promised to use the military to roll out in a “powerful way“, your life is going to change dramatically. You won’t be able to work or o to school. You won’t be able to buy anything or even be in public. I don’t think there’s anything voluntary about that. That’s a roundabout way to use force and coercion and you can sugar coat it all you want, but it won’t change the facts.
It’s beyond time to stop being naive. Wake up. The gravity of this situation is continuing to worsen and all people can focus on is the disingenuous words of politicians (liars in suits.)
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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This has obviously been a Deep-State civil war of opposing forces in a power struggle, attempting to drag the rest of the population into it to fight their battles for them, the reward and ultimate prize for joining in on the battle is a Dunce Cap, because they have all promised nothing other than to continue violating our constitutional rights,
What’s in it for me you might ask?
Well, nothing is in it for you, but you will get to see some group in the power circle be in charge of violating your constitutional rights while the other group loses.
They have made total asses out of themselves in their orchestrated Great Manic Depression. They are all total frauds guilty of mulltiple frauds and organized, pre-meditated, cold-blooded, epic conspiracies and they all look like shit!
They are all guilty as hell! Send them all to prison!
All that you need to know about every damned one of them is what they are doing to Assange!
WWG1WGA (where we go one we go all.)
Anyone propagandizing for Trump, Biden/Harris, NWO, global government, China take over, that has knowledge of what is being done to Assange is inarguably and without question an evil fraudulent scum bag!
Andrea Iravani
This has obviously been a Deep-State civil war of opposing forces in a power struggle, attempting to drag the rest of the population into it to fight their battles for them, the reward and ultimate prize for joining in on the battle is a Dunce Cap, because they have all promised nothing other than to continue violating our constitutional rights,
What’s in it for me you might ask?
Well, nothing is in it for you, but you will get to see some group in the power circle be in charge of violating your constitutional rights while the other group loses.
They have made total asses out of themselves in their orchestrated Great Manic Depression. They are all total frauds guilty of mulltiple frauds and organized, pre-meditated, cold-blooded, epic conspiracies and they all look like shit!
They are all guilty as hell! Send them all to prison!
All that you need to know about every damned one of them is what they are doing to Assange!
WWG1WGA (where we go one we go all.)
Anyone propagandizing for Trump, Biden/Harris, NWO global government, military coup and martial law,or a coup by China, that has knowledge of what is being done to Assange is inarguably and without question an evil fraudulent scum bag!
It is time for a zero tolerance policy of psychopathy! So sick of the psychopaths! No point in cooperating with evil psychopaths and no point in tolerating them! Take them completely out of the
How in the hell can anyone support these monsters?! You are willing to overlook this?! What the fuck is the matter with you?!!!!
Are you:
A.) Retarded
B.) A Psychopath
C.) Senile
D.) A combination of three above
Andrea Iravani
I do not believe that they will force people or coerce people into getting vaccinated. I refuse to accept a vaccine, regardless of what the threats are.
The fact that only 9% are confident in the vaccine is proof that they have lost the battle and the war.
They have more to lose by attempting to force it on people than those refusing it do.
Andrea Iravani
This has obviously been a Deep-State civil war of opposing forces in a power struggle, attempting to drag the rest of the population into it to fight their battles for them, the reward and ultimate prize for joining in on the battle is a Dunce Cap, because they have all promised nothing other than to continue violating our constitutional rights,
What’s in it for me you might ask?
Well, nothing is in it for you, but you will get to see some group in the power circle be in charge of violating your constitutional rights while the other group loses.
They have made total asses out of themselves in their orchestrated Great Manic Depression. They are all total frauds guilty of mulltiple frauds and organized, pre-meditated, cold-blooded, epic conspiracies and they all look like shit!
They are all guilty as hell! Send them all to prison!
All that you need to know about every damned one of them is what they are doing to Assange!
WWG1WGA (where we go one we go all.)
Anyone propagandizing for Trump, Biden/Harris, NWO global government, military coup and martial law,or a coup by China, that has knowledge of what is being done to Assange is inarguably and without question an evil fraudulent scum bag!
It is time for a zero tolerance policy of psychopathy! So sick of the psychopaths! No point in cooperating with evil psychopaths and no point in tolerating them! Take them completely out of the
How in the hell can anyone support these monsters?! You are willing to overlook this?! What the fuck is the matter with you?!!!!
Are you:
A.) Retarded
B.) A Psychopath
C.) Senile
D.) A combination of three above
Don’t care if you are offended! Your propaganda is a crime against humanity!
Andrea Iravani
I will have full confidence in these rushed , hurried vaccines when the pharmaceutical companies take full responsibility for any and all damages they do. Right now those pharmaceutical companies are exempt from ANY DAMAGES. That does not inspire confidence.
Heck, I just want a shot that’ll have a 10Kw transmitter, bank card reader, 3D location tracker, make me glow in the dark and run on nuclear fission (and slowing down the flu would be nice too). Just as long as it doesn’t update too often and reboot me into the blue screen of death, I’m a-okay with it.
Cassandra Fairbanks – Gateway Pundit journalst testified that Trump ordered Richard Grenell to have Assange removed from Equadorian Embassy revealed to her by wealthy RNC donor Arthur Schwartz.
Andrea Iravani
Thanks for the link. Kinda proves Trump is the swamp after all. Draining it was just another of his numerous lies.
I am old enough to not believe in the tooth fairy, nor the Easter bunny, nor the worthless medical system we have in the US. I will not take anything that has aborted fetus cells in it. Nor a new RNA vaccine that has never been attempted before ! I live a natural life style, one that involves nutrition, exercise, meditation and religion. If you bring the fight to my door (as well as many others!) it would be advised to bring a body bag with you. I am sure that they still sell them in surplus supply stores.
I was born in the age where wisdom was taught, we learned from a book, not a screen. We were tested on memory and ethics. None of that exists today. Ignorance is the new norm but when matched with strength and fortitude ignorance always fails! People be warned, the age of upheaval is at hand. This the start of a new renaissance, where stupidity and prejudice will not be accepted.
I have posted twice on vaccines. Yet neither have appeared. I can see no reason they would not have, they were not inflammatory, insulting or a lie, just how I feel about vaccines. Why have a comment section if comments are not going to appear. I have a known IP address and e-mail address. I have had other comments posted.