This article has been generously contributed by Neithercorp Press for your reading pleasure.
By Giordano Bruno
Neithercorp Press – 04/01/2010
The “Small Boy†Nuclear test; 1962
Many Americans, through contact with misinformed media and presumptuous opinion, have been led to believe that certain catastrophic circumstances are simply “not survivable.†That preparation for these events is “pointless.†That one should place them out of mind, and think happy thoughts. There are even some in the field of survivalism that sermonize over the absolute futility of defensive planning where such disasters are concerned. These men are not really survivalists at all, but what we now commonly refer to as “doomers.â€
Sadly, there is an element to the human psyche that revels in the idea of the insurmountable scenario. Some people actually get excited over the clearing of the proverbial “human slate,†eager in the fulfillment of Armageddon.
I suspect that such men truly feel limited in their ability to endure, and perhaps fear the exposure of their own shortcomings and weaknesses. Instead of accepting these weaknesses as a personal reality, and then attempting to overcome them, they choose to project their vulnerability on the rest of the world, claiming “If I could not survive this, neither could you…†By labeling the rest of humanity as “incapable,†they can thus avoid internal self-reproach, and the shame of being afraid.
Reality is filled with horrors, some emotionally threatening, and some physically threatening. Every once in a while an event is triggered which combines the two in a devastating crescendo the likes of which is rarely seen in history. And yet, the fundamental hazards of this one extraordinary and terrible moment are essentially the same as those in any other day. We face death, and psychological defeat, every time we walk out our front doors. This is an unavoidable part of life; anything could happen. Usually, we get over it, and set out into the world anyway. The goal is to treat catastrophe as evident. To supplant initial fear with force of will, and move forward regardless of the scope of the obstacle in our wake. To be secure in the possibility of victory despite any odds, instead of submitting to defeat before even making the attempt.
In this new series of articles, we will examine some of the disaster situations commonly given “doom status,†and how, with a little insight and research, we can prepare to overcome such seemingly intractable calamities.
The Bomb: What To Expect
In our first installment of this series will we go over the very real threat of a nuclear related incident on American soil. Though the immediate dangers of the Cold War appear to have subsided, and the Globalists seem to be more interested in keeping most of the world intact for themselves rather than ruling over a radioactive dust heap, I suspect that we will within our lifetimes see a thermonuclear attack (especially a government sponsored false flag attack). The reasons are numerous, but most important, is the subconscious effect that the word “nuke†has on the populace.
Not long ago, the government merely used the suggestion that Iraq had nuclear capability, without any tangible evidence to support the claim, and the American people were easily fooled into supporting a war that has now cost over a million human lives. Imagine the impression of an actual mushroom cloud over just one U.S. city burned into our collective psyche. Imagine the fear, panic, and ignorant reactionary thinking this would cause. There are very few things in this world that are quite as formidable, and the Elites are well aware of the advantages inherent in engineering such an occurrence. That is why survivalists and those in the Liberty Movement should fully expect this ace to be cast to the table at some point in the move towards world government.
There are two types of attack which are probable. Both are small, at least when compared to the strike of an ICBM, but still capable of severe destruction:
Low Yield Nuclear Explosion: If a false flag is being initiated using a nuclear device, its size will probably lay in the range of 1 kt to 25 kt (kiloton yield). To understand what this means, examine the bombing of Hiroshima, whose explosion was around 15 kt. A smaller device is more likely because a larger more complex bomb would be difficult to effectively blame on cave dwelling terrorists, and would arouse suspicion.
The blast radius of the Hiroshima bombing was only about one mile wide. Most of the deaths associated with that attack were not caused by the explosion, but radiation poisoning from the resulting fallout. Mass fires should be anticipated in areas just outside the blast area, where buildings are still relatively undamaged, making perfect kindling for burning wreckage launched into the atmosphere by the detonation. This would cause at least another 4 mile to 5 mile swath of destruction in a densely populated environment.
Fallout from the device would be dependent on the direction and the strength of the wind at time of detonation, but could travel for miles beyond the epicenter. Fallout is created when dust from the center of the explosion is irradiated, then carried along wind and weather patterns. This dust then emits the radiation it was originally exposed to, and too much contact with it can cause illness or death. Fallout is at its worst if a dust cloud combines with precipitation. This rain cleans the dust out of the sky, but also concentrates it and dumps it on the ground.
Dirty Bomb: “Dirty Bomb†is a term used for a device made of conventional explosives that is designed to contaminate an area with radioactive material. It does not produce a thermonuclear blast, but does create some fallout. Though no device of this type has ever been used on a population, U.S. military analysis has designated it as “low riskâ€, and its radiation output to be negligible. Any fallout poisoning in water and food supplies is still a serious threat, and the use of a dirty bomb would, of course, still inspire mass hysteria, if only due to its relation to nuclear weapons.
Also, one should not discount the use of a high grade missile attack, especially an upper atmospheric EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse). A war in Iran could easily be exploited by globalists as a way to trigger hostility between Russian and U.S. interests, and, we should not forget that China also has nuclear capability.
The preparations for a major attack and a smaller attack are similar, so let’s examine them now…
How To Prepare
The first step in preparing for a nuclear attack is to not be there when the bomb goes off. Living in the middle of a major population center should be avoided if possible. Most survivalists are aware of the danger of close proximity to the city, whether during a nuclear attack or an economic collapse, and have already taken precautions. Most steps we advise here will be in response to fallout, instead of the blast, being that this is the most prominent threat to the survivalist.
Home Reinforcement: It takes approximately two weeks for the radiation in fallout to dissipate to levels safe for humans. During this two week period, it will be necessary for everyone to stay indoors at all times. Some shelter is better than none at all, but a basement or cellar would be a distinct advantage. Barrier materials should also be stockpiled for at least the base of the first floor of the house.
22 cm of wood, 8.4 cm of earth, 5cm of brick or concrete, or 2 cm of steel are a minimum requirement to effectively reduce gamma radiation to 50% of levels outside the home. Windows should be covered and sealed with plastic. Home NBC air filtration systems are available, but can be rather expensive.
If you have no basement, and cannot afford to fortify the entire bottom floor, then you will need to create a “safe room,†somewhere in the center of the building, with enough protection to absorb radiation. Radiation is cumulative, meaning your body absorbs and collects it over time. Too much absorption causes radiation sickness.
Detection: Radiation is not visible or detectable with our normal senses. Fallout in rain can sometimes appear as a murky film covering surfaces, but this does not mean radiation is present. The only way to detect radioactivity is with a Geiger Counter. Here is a site which sells new and refurbished Geiger Counters:
Another interesting and portable device is the NukeAlert key chain:
Having a Geiger Counter would be a major advantage in the event of a nuclear attack or other radiological incident.
Food, Water, And Hygiene: It is a given that all survivalists should have a ready supply of food and water, easily accessible in the protected area of their home. Freeze-dried and dehydrated goods are an excellent option because of their 10 year to 15 year shelf life. Cooking indoors without ample ventilation can cause some problems, but the use of a propane stove for short periods should not cause any harm to the air quality of your shelter.
The human body needs at least 2 liters of water per day. Enough should be stored for the two week period during fallout for drinking. Double this amount so that you have enough for sanitation purposes. Also, if you are a reasonable distance from the attack, and have time before the fallout reaches your location, be sure to fill up all containers, bathtubs, and sinks with as much water as possible from the tap. Even if pressure is still available during fallout, the water could be exposed, and undrinkable. After the 2 week danger period, all water taken from open sources should be filtered to remove any possible fallout particles.
Soap and sponges must be stored for washing purposes, and staying clean should be a priority. Bathroom sanitation is difficult in a fallout scenario. Waste water from cooking and washing can be saved and poured into you home toilet for a single flush if water pressure is lost, but a better option would be a survival or “hunters toilet,†with heavy waste liners and digestion and deodorant chemicals. Remember, you won’t be able to walk outside for two weeks. A three foot hole in the woods is not an option. Dumping refuse outside can be done as long as exposure time is kept under 30 minutes, although you will have to rigorously wash off dust and contaminates before coming back inside.
Protecting Health: No plan or shelter is perfect, and radiation exposure is still a possibility, especially without an expensive NBC air filtration unit. Gas masks with extra filters should be made available to everyone in the home.
Symptoms of radiation injury include; nausea, diarrhea, light burns on the skin, or blistering, as well as increased loss of hair. Radiation burns should be washed with clean water only; no soaps or chemicals, and dressed with fresh bandages. Clothing should not be pulled away from severe radiation burns, and blisters should be left alone, not punctured.
One item that helps greatly in preventing the effects of radiation exposure is the ingestion of Potassium Iodate, which fills the thyroid and blocks radioactive iodine expelled into the atmosphere from being absorbed. Up to 99% of all radiation induced thyroid damage can be prevented by taking Potassium Iodate pills. Potassium Iodate is available from numerous online vendors and is very affordable.
Protecting Electronics From EMP: An Electromagnetic Pulse is a natural byproduct of a thermonuclear explosion. It creates a powerful electromagnetic field which induces high voltages in electrical conductors and fries most electronics with transistors or computer chips whether they are plugged in or not. Some weapons called HEMP (High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse) devices are designed specifically to explode in the upper atmosphere and disable an area’s power grid.
Some electronics, including solar power generators and other gear, would be very valuable in a survival scenario, and losing said equipment could be detrimental. Protecting it from an EMP blast is a high priority. Even if your gear is stored inside your home, it can be fried by an EMP (though a basement can help). So, what is the survivalist to do? Build a Faraday cage, of course:
A Faraday cage is a box constructed out of conductive materials (like copper mesh) which absorb and then ground the EMP, keeping it away from your sensitive electronic goods. A Faraday cage can be any size and is inexpensive to make. In a pinch, an old microwave can actually serve as a Faraday cage, but it is better to build one. Below is an excellent video on how to make your own Faraday cage:
After The Storm Has Passed…
When two weeks have passed, any radiation should have dissipated to tolerable levels. Eventually rain will clear away remaining fallout dust which, though no longer a major threat, can still have long term health effects. Some precautions may be necessary when returning to your outdoor survival routine:Fresh Crops: When gardening, scraping off the top two inches of surface soil removes approximately 90% of all fallout from your garden. This soil should be stored in steel drums far away from your food producing area. Some pre-existing crops exposed to the fallout can still be saved depending on their type and stage of growth. Here is a guide from the Canadian Department Of Agriculture on farming after the effects of fallout:
Hunting: Game exposed to some radioactivity can still be consumed as long as they are prepared properly. All fur should be washed before skinning. Because radiation collects in bone marrow, all meat near the bones should be avoided and bone marrow should not be consumed. All organs should be avoided as well. If an animal looks terribly sick, it is best not to eat it.
Burying The Dead: Bodies exposed to radiation should be dealt with carefully by wrapping in plastic, and buried well away from crop producing land.
Supporting Immunity: Exposure to radiation can do considerable damage to the human immune system and decrease white blood-cell count. It is also likely you will not have access to “conventional†medical supplies, such as antibiotics, to deal with this problem. Some herbal supplements can help stimulate immune system health, and protect you from adverse reactions. Eastern herbs include; Astragalus, Ligustrum, Codonopsis, Reishi, and Shiitake. Another, called “Caterpillar Fungusâ€, has been shown to protect the bone marrow and digestive functions in mice from radiation. Western herbs include; Cat’s Claw, Echinacea, and Elderberry. These herbs can be taken in pill form, but if you find them in an organic tea, this would be preferable. The body absorbs only a small fraction of herbs through digestion, but teas have the added bonus of being “breathable,†meaning the vapors can enter the lungs absorbing 80% of their contents into the blood stream.
Treating The Sick: After an attack, for perhaps a month, you may run across people who survived the blast and the fallout, but are extremely ill from exposure. Under normal conditions, radiation poisoning would require hospital care, blood transfusions, antibiotics, and bone marrow transplants. This will probably not be an option. There is little that can be done under such limits except holistic treatments for nausea and diarrhea, so that the patient might retain some liquids, the cleanly dressing of wounds, and the consumption of the immunity boosting herbs mentioned earlier. Be prepared from some people to die despite your best efforts. Those who did not plan ahead as you did will be subject to the “toss of the dice,†and luck is a fickle ally.
We’ve all seen movies and read books of nuclear holocaust, and the utter despair it could conceivably initiate. Of course, nuclear attack should not be underestimated, far from it. However, rarely in these films or fictional accounts do you see characters who prepared before hand, who had readied themselves physically and psychologically for the aftermath. This is a symptom of the common assumption that one “cannot survive†nuclear attack, and even if he did, he would be “better off deadâ€. I tend to disagree, and so does the U.S. Army and the Russian military, which have undergone extensive planning and written detailed manuals for soldiers on nuclear survival.
With the correct mindset, and the right knowledge, any catastrophe is survivable, including “the bomb.†Futility only arises when a man decides for himself that he is not capable. Circumstances do not decide for him. This fact is at the heart of all survival.
This article has been generously contributed by Neithercorp Press for your reading pleasure.
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Timely article for me Mac. I’ve been thinking about the solar flares predicted by the Bible Codes for 2012 and wondering how to best protect things from the EMPs. Needless to say, I have saved the links.
Many thanks.
Hi Ken,
Trust me that is a great improvement. It is better than waffling on about the heresy that is the rapture. Any prepping is good prepping. Though I don’t know where they get the whole literal solar flare from, I think it is a presupposition more than anything else.
2012 predicted by the bible…? Any discussion of any real relevance is constantly lain to waste by biblical hysteria. No wonder the US government gets away with so much, the ignorance of the religious in this country is disturbing.
Ken..stop blaming the Bible or Christians for your ignorance . Just admit it, you are a hater of the Word of God and His people (children) in the earth
If you go on to several different web sites you can purchase surplus Civil Defence radiation monitor equipment at bargin prices . I have a meter and doseimitiers with the charger, got it all for less than   $25 dollars .
Well Mac, I know it wasn’t a nuclear attack, but I was sitting here at my computer in Phoenix when the 6.9 hit Baja and everything started swaying like a willow tree in the breeze.
Since I have been expecting the BIG ONE for LA this year, I thought, “Oh, Lord! LAÂ just came tumbling down!” Well, it wasn’t the BIG ONE, but its time for everyone to vacant SoCal. It can, and it will happen, and it will be ugly when it does.
Can you say “Haiti times five?”
Ken, you’re absolutely right. Â Incidentally, did you know that Vanilla Ice’s works were deciphered on the cusp of the new millennium, revealing a hidden code that can be used to predict events far into the future? Â Brother, this code actually prophesied the September 11 attacks! Â If only more people had taken heed of his prescient warning, we could’ve prevented the loss of 3,000+ innocent lives.
Gentlemen:   I would recommend your investigating the Bible Codes personally before scoffing at them. There is a site on the web that is free for all to use. This code predicts the BIG ONE for LA this year, Solar Flares in 2012, and the Pole Shift for 2015. I do not ask you to believe them, because I don’t care what you believe. But IF the BIG ONE does hit LA this year:
Buckle up it will be a wild ride in 2015. 🙂
I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and I believe in Jesus as Lord. While I haven’t looked into the Bible codes much personally, I’m very skeptical.Â
I think we’re better off to spend time focusing on the words of Jesus in the areas of life that he made clear. i.e. repentance, belief in the gospel, being born again, etc.
Scepticism is a healthy thing. I am merely pointing out what the Codes predict for those interested in the information. Hopefully some people in California will see the handwriting on the wall and make their exit. It doesn’t matter if you are a true believer or not. The Codes are either accurate or they are not.
I may be wrong, but I thought this site was all about preparation; about being aware of the events and the times in which we live, sharing that knowledge, and adapting our behavior to position ourselves and our families for the CHANGES that are anticipated, to mitigate their impact upon us.
IF the Big One hits LA this year as predicted by the Codes, THEN the Code is validated, and we have fair warning as to WHEN other major, even more devastating events may occur in the following years, and have an opportunity to prepare for them. This is not about faith OR Vanilla Ice. Its about information.
The proof of the pudding is always in the eating of it.
Comments…..First I would like to thank SHTF for this well written article. For the last 9 months or so this has been on my mind and I’ve been slowly making preparations for such in event. The two parts that I found most useful was the soil removal and the faraday cage. Needless to say I’ll be constructing my cage shortly and will be sharing that info with family and friends. Even though I don’t believe not one will act upon the information. (They all think I’m crazy)(sad).
Now about the “Big One”. Now I don’t know much about the bible or any codes, but I do know and keep track of activity from the USGS on a daily basses. Mainly Yosemite. And what I can tell you for a fact is that there has been a major increase, not just here, but all over the globe in earthquake activity. I’ll post a link for Yosemite so that you can study it for yourself and make up your own mind. I think all you’ll need is just some commonsense.
See you all on the other side.
RC: Right on that score. Just a little common sense goes a long way. I check USGS regularly and have a Google app that keeps me posted.
This 7.2 quake in Baja may have loaded the faults under LA.  We’ll see.
In How To Survive The End Of The World As We Know It, it is recommended to purchase US military ammo boxes for EMP-proofing stuff. They are watertight and apparently make good Faraday cages (they cost around $25-$30 online). What to put IN THERE is another matter, as even if you manage to EMP-proof a phone I doubt you’ll be able to make a call as the phone companies switchboard electronics will be fried. Their back-up deep cycle batteries will be toast too. I would recommend a set of walk-talkies (if you have a family) and a small radio, in the off-chance someone is still able to broadcast. Other than that I can’t think of much else that would be of any use.
To test to see if something would make a good Faraday cage I’ve read that you put in a radio that’s turned on and see if it gets reception once you close the box. Not sure how accurate this assessment is.
There seems little doubt now there is increasing geologic instability all over the planet, with major earthquakes in each of the past 3 months. Add to that the recent mine collapses in China and West Virginia which are polar opposites and I think it’s becoming clear that things are starting to heat up.
Comments…..The antidose to radioactive iodine is Elemental iodine the only thing to protect your tharoid glands from cancer and death.
I heard about EMP’s a few weeks ago and right away I began to look more into them and what the damage can be to us/our electronics. I did come across a few good blogs, but I must say the most informative one that I found is actually a Radio Blog. They have shows every Wednesday, it’s on the internet. Wednesday the 22nd, Randy Tolman is going to be on it talking about the Faraday Cages- I really think you guys should check it out, you all seem to be concernd about this topic: