Gerald Celente joins the Lew Rockwell Show to discuss a variety of topics including the new TSA policies, the global economy, trade, currency and global wars, and a host of other issues.
(Video Follows Excerpts and Commentary)
On TSA Pat Downs:
Gerald Celente:
This is part of the process of breaking the people down. They subject you to all levels of humiliation. And it’s only breaking down the little people because the people at the top don’t have to go through this kind of humiliation.
Not the bankers, not the big executives, and certainly not the government officials – they have their private jets and the jumbo jets. It’s also, when you think about it, deranged. I don’t want any guy feeling me up.
Lew Rockwell:
It’s really quite astounding. And of course, isn’t this also besides as you say, the states agenda, breakdown the people, humiliate, control in order to better be able to run society. But aren’t there people making a lot of money out of this? Isn’t Michael Cherthoff, the Cherthoff Group, isn’t that the usual thing in this sort of big government, big corporation partnership that is the U.S. today? There’s always some guy or some group of guys making big money off the latest government outrage.
Gerald and Lew hit the nail on the head. Not only is this about control – it’s also about money. Lot’s of it. President Obama personally authorized the purchase of the backscatter machines and other security equipment in excess of $1 billion. That’s taxpayer dollars – our money – being used to herd and control us like cattle.
On The Economy:
Lew Rockwell:
When we’re talking about groping, they’re groping the economy too, aren’t they? The big banks, big corporations, big government of course – whether it’s quantitative easing 2, or all the rest of the policies, they’re hurting the little guy, destroying our standards of living, building an authoritarian, maybe a totalitarian state. What do you think is happening with the economy, the Euro and also the European economy?
Gerald Celente:
Well, you mentioned QE2. That’s white shoe boy language for printing digital money out of thin air, based on nothing and producing nothing, and not worth the paper it’s not printed on.
What that does is by devaluing the dollar, which they’re doing, you’re seeing commodity prices go up. Everybody feels it when they go to the pump, because most of the commodities are based on dollars.
They’re cheating the people – in the old days people who didn’t want to take risk would put their money in the bank and get a small return on it in interest rate – now you’re not getting anything virtually. So, what they’re doing is they’re forcing people to try to play into the casino called Wall Street. That’s number one.
Number two, is that there’s a meltdown globally, it’s a currency crisis. Brought on primarily by the United States – and I love it – they criticize China for not raising the value of their Yuan while Ben Bernanke devalues our currency in front of us.
Number three is that with this currency war you’re going to see trade wars follow.
…Following a currency war you’re going to start seeing trade wars. Trade wars, Lew, plus currency wars, equal real wars.
…There is no solution…
They’re forcing austerity measures. Austerity measures equal you pay more taxes, you get less benefits, and you also get fired.
So, we’re going to start seeing revolutions breaking out across Europe.
The collapse of global economies is in motion, and as Gerald Celente said, there is no solution. Our benevolent governments will not fix this, though we can anticipate committees and commissions after the fact – to figure out “what went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again.”
We’ve noted in previous articles that austerity will come down on the American people (and Europeans) like a sledge hammer. Congressional panels are already proposing cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and other services that have become essential for millions of Americans, and chances are we are going to see our taxes going up very soon – perhaps as early as 2011 if the Bush tax cuts are left to expire.
We’ll be paying more to our government for fewer services.
But the cuts will not be enough, and even if the U.S. government were to seize all of the private assets in America, it would not be enough to pay off our current and future liabilities. It’s simply not mathematically possible to do so.
We’re seeing protests and riots in Europe. In a recent speech to the European Parliament, UK representative Nigel Farage gives us some insight as to the sentiment of many Europeans. They really are on the brink and many Europeans are realizing that the EU experiment is failing. Soon, those anti-austerity protests will turn to all out revolts and revolution. It will spread like wildfire.
The tinder may have already been sparked in the U.S.A., as well. And like Europe, when the people realize they have been had, and they’re poor, out of work and unable to feed their families, the same thing will happen here.
How to Protect Yourself:
Lew Rockwell:
Here’s the average guy, he knows he doesn’t want to put money in a bank. As you say the stock market is just a casino for the big boys. What do you try to do to protect yourself for the troubles that are inevitably ahead?
Gerald Celente:
Speaking strictly for myself…
We are projecting gold to go to $2000. It can go way higher, but we think that’s going to be the limit because the world governments will do something to push the price down. In the meantime I keep buying gold. I’m 80% invested in gold. For the people who can’t afford gold silver also seems like a very good play.
Anything precious is worth much more than worthless paper.
…the other aspect is I don’t keep any money in the bank that I don’t have to. And I also buy Swiss Francs and Canadian Dollars as a hedge against the dollar being devalued.
We’ve written about it before, and we’ll say it again. Gold and silver are the hedges against government instability. As we’ve pointed out before, gold may not hedge well against inflation in the short-term, but when governments around the globe are losing control that’s when cautious investors look to precious metals to protect them. There has never been a time since World War II that has been plagued with as much uncertainty as we have today – in all aspects – economics, finance, politics and society.
You don’t have to put 80% of your assets into precious metals like Mr. Celente, but if you’re not holding at least some gold assets (if you have the ability to acquire them financially) then in our opinion, you’re playing a very dangerous game with your retirement and savings accounts, and you should plan on being completely wiped out at some point in the near future. Stocks and bonds, in real terms, are going to be very risky going forward.
Listen to Gerald Celente and Lew Rockwell:
Visit Lew Rockwell
Visit Celente’s Trends Research Institute
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Comments…..I started investing in silver over a year ago. The price of silver has out performed my CDs. I have one CD maturing next month, which I plan on taking out and putting it into more silver.
I am also stocking up on foods, medicines, clothing and tools. I have tripled the size of my garden and will be planting more fruit trees in my small orchard.
The past couple of years we have paid off our house, 2 car payments and our credit cards. We are working on our truck payment and hope to have it gone in the next 6 months.
People need to get out of debt, if they hope to have any kind of future other then slavery.
Sovereign borrowing and borrowing has been going of for decades and decades. Â Now, the limit is in sight so governmental people have to steal by diluting the currencies which we have to use because it’s “legal tender”. Â I see only one way to partially protect us little people; that is to buy gold and silver with their fiat currency while we can.
Also, we have a political class that dictates our lives from devaluating the currency we use to dictating the size of our toilets. Â When one thinks about it, such is ridiculous. Â The way out is nullification of federal dictates – – and that will certainly come sooner or later.
The more money Helicopter Ben Bernanke prints the richer I get.
80% of your assets better be in food, water, energy, and a bought and paid for shelter. Gold is valued in paper dollars so who cares what it is “worth” according to that standard? How much is a loaf of bread going to be worth? That’s the real question.
Mona is a smart woman! I hope she has a man that appreciates that!
I’ve managed to pick up 350oz of silver. 200oz of it in 10oz bars, the rest in 1oz rounds. I’m considering buying some junk silver too. I like to keep about $3000 on hand, however, when my savings gets to $4000, I bring it down below $3000 by buying guns and silver.
My best savings, though, is in shotguns, single shots, leverguns, bolt actions, semi-autos, automatic pistols, revolvers and ammunition. Not only can you sell and trade them, you can shoot them and use them. Guns are very specials tool for hunting, security and fun.
WTSHTF many things will be usable for trading. Even a box of crackers might be traded for something, whereas now, thats pointless. Guns have traditionally held their value nearly as well as gold or silver. But, much more useful!
I am afraid America will never be able to payoff its debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.
Watch “Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserve”
At the end of the movie, there are other videos at the bottom (part 2, 3, …..)
Folks, Watch and Weep it’s very sad for America!
Part II:
After watching the video “Zeitgeist – The Movie: Federal Reserve†from silverbearcafe dot com
Don’t forget to watch “Federal Reserve Addendum.â€Â
It tells you how the ruling elites run and control American people and other nations. It operates a monopoly. Watch and weep.Â
Thanks Lew and Gerald,
For Standing up and speaking the truth…
your true American heros
WAKE THE HELL UP AMERICA! —Â Â The Revolution has Started.
Read “Common Sense 3.1†at ( revolution2.osixs.org )
We don’t have to live like this anymore. “Spread the News”
Talk is cheap. Nothing is going to change while we talk…
Okay, I’ve really been wondering about this topic – why would you want to barter guns and ammo? I can see stockpiling it so you can outfit your group and others you might accept into your group – but to sell someone something they can use to steal your other supplies – kill you on the spot even, seems, uh, STUPID…
I can see bartering in booze, cigarettes, pot, painkillers, food, candy, water, aspirin, toilet paper, gasoline, gloves, toothbrushes, vitamins, bandaids, or other things of that nature, but guns & ammo?
No way. Sorry to disagree with so many of y’all but I see that as foolishness and not at all conducive to long-term survival. Anybody who has no gun or ammo will probably have no food stored. Anybody with enough guns and ammo to trade with must have plenty of food.Â
N0-brainer in my book.
Comments…..Michelle…I agree with you…why arm others? If you have a gun or more than one…that is a private thing between you, God and your intended target…Why give anybody the means to harm you? Trade em for things that are not dangerous to you…extra shoes and blue jeans, gloves, a hat…all preferrably glow in the dark…with a bullseye pattern…just to make things easier if needed…
+1 michelle. Have had similar thoughts, but thought it must be one of those men are from Mars and women from Venus thing. Have the shot gun, hunting rifle and a couple of hand guns plus lots of ammo for all.  Wish list includes more fire power like AK’s, but depending on SHTF timing, may have to defend with what’s on hand. Being “out gunned” is a concern.
This month’s check I’m focusing on mobile Midland 3 meter ham unit and canned meat – roast beef, chicken, tuna and ham. Prices are inching up as we post.  For example – canned 8 oz roast beef at WalMart now up to $4. 15 at Costco 12 oz is still about $2.75 a can. Striking and storing while the price is still in my range. Â
well, michelle, and you other two, if you’re going to take that attitude, you wouldn’t want to trade any of those other items either, that only lets people know you have stuff worth taking and if there’s enough of “them” they could simply overwhelm you with pitchforks and sharp sticks, set traps for you or ambush you.
If there’s only one they might sneak in at night or at other weak moments.
Either you can trade with other people or you can’t.
Isolationism doesn’t work very well in the long run.
Their best incentive not to use the weapons and ammo you traded to them, is giving up the chance to do repeat business.
Trading with people builds the bonds of trust, it establishes the basis for civilization and future friendship and future trading opportunities.
The ammo you trade tomarrow might result in a trade the next day for meat they got with your ammo (after you suffer an unexpected and total food storage loss tragedy?) they might trade for blue jeans to replace the ones worn out in the hunt?
If thanks to you other people are allowed to defend themselves because you traded them some ammo or a weapon, they might be enternally grateful to you and a prize worth the risk.
Food for thought.
If the $hit Hits the Fan what is GOLD going to do for you?
“They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it, for it has made them stumble into sin.” (Ezekiel 7:19)
Clark, interesting point of view. Some say what makes a society polite are societies with guns. Given a social breakdown, guess I weigh in on the glass is half empty, versus the glass is half full. Cause it seems history has proven when SHTF,  the unprepared don’t act in a civilized manner.
“…Isolationism doesn’t work very well in the long run…”  In the long run, yes. But at the beginning and till an assessment can be made, in a SHTF scenario, my plan is to do just that, isolate me and mine from the mayhem and chaos.  Hunker down, access, wait and see. “…they could simply overwhelm you with pitchforks and sharp sticks, set traps for you or ambush you…”  That’s why the OPSEC hunker down and see. “…If there’s only one they might sneak in at night or at other weak moments…” Two things, for their sake, hope they don’t try to “sneak” in. The guys won’t like it and we have already identified the body dump area and have sacks of lime and secondly, me and mine do “out gun” the pitchfork group.  (Not being cocky here – just factual.)
“Their best incentive not to use the weapons and ammo you traded to them, is giving up the chance to do repeat business.” My half empty glass says they could also use the weapons and ammo to prey on others with less defensive capabilities. By attacking defenseless parties, they acquire more loot that allows them to barter with other “traders” to upgrade their arsenal beyond your trade items and become a threat to all in the area.
“…Trading with people builds the bonds of trust, it establishes the basis for civilization and future friendship and future trading opportunities…” “…Either you can trade with other people or you can’t…”  Trust and friendships are earned and that takes time. I see food, jeans and seed trading on a total different level then guns and ammo.  I don’t see the Boys (including me) trading their prized and valuable arsenal for anything other then possible upgrading or replacing parts. And that I don’t see that happening till much later and the dust settles.
Hopefully, those in the gun and ammo trading will be aware, in a SHTF situation, there are consequences, intended or not, when it comes to arming someone or group. It has to be more then, I got mine, screw the rest of you. The ones you screwed could have been of like minded folks with morals and values that would have made great neighbors, co-defenders and trading partners toward establishing that civilization. If the trade was with marauders, well welcome to more chaos and mayhem. But Clark, like your optimistic outlook.
Sorry if double posts….forgot to sign in.
Clark, interesting point of view. Some say what makes a society polite are societies with guns. Given a social breakdown, guess I weigh in on the glass is half empty, versus the glass is half full. Cause it seems history has proven when SHTF,  the unprepared don’t act in a civilized manner.
“…Isolationism doesn’t work very well in the long run…”  In the long run, yes. But at the beginning and till an assessment can be made, in a SHTF scenario, my plan is to do just that, isolate me and mine from the mayhem and chaos.  Hunker down, access, wait and see. “…they could simply overwhelm you with pitchforks and sharp sticks, set traps for you or ambush you…”  That’s why the OPSEC hunker down and see. “…If there’s only one they might sneak in at night or at other weak moments…” Two things, for their sake, hope they don’t try to “sneak” in. The guys won’t like it and we have already identified the body dump area and have sacks of lime and secondly, me and mine do “out gun” the pitchfork group.  (Not being cocky here – just factual.)
“Their best incentive not to use the weapons and ammo you traded to them, is giving up the chance to do repeat business.” My half empty glass says they could also use the weapons and ammo to prey on others with less defensive capabilities. By attacking defenseless parties, they acquire loot that allows them to barter with other “traders” to upgrade their arsenal and become a threat to all in the area.
“…Trading with people builds the bonds of trust, it establishes the basis for civilization and future friendship and future trading opportunities…” “…Either you can trade with other people or you can’t…”  Trust and friendships are earned and that takes time. I see food, jeans and seed trading on a total different level then guns and ammo.  I don’t see me or the Boys trading their prized and valuable arsenal for anything other then possible upgrading or replacing some pieces. And that I don’t see happening till much later and the dust settles.
Hopefully, those in the gun and ammo trading will be aware, in a SHTF situation, there are consequences, intended or not, when it comes to arming someone or group. It has to be more then, I got mine, screw the rest of you. The ones you screwed could have been of like minded folks with morals and values that would have made great neighbors, co-defenders and trading partners toward establishing that civilization. If the trade was with marauders, welcome to more chaos and mayhem. But Clark, like your optimistic outlook.
@ Tony.
“They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be an unclean thing. Their silver and gold will not be able to save them in the day of the LORD’s wrath. They will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it, for it has made them stumble into sin.â€
That does hold some truth, except gold and silver are not money, not since 1973.   Fiat Paper is money. Therefore it is the Fiat Paper money that has caused men and women to stumble into sin.  People have been falling into Sin for thousands of years over real money(gold silver) and fake money (fiat paper). Remember, Silver and Gold have been money for 5000 Years.Â
I think you may be taking Ezekiel out of context.   Nothing material will save you during the “LORD’S wrath”.   Only serving God and doing his will. Â
Last time I checked, helping others, preparing for the economic collapse and spreading the truth is part of doing God’s will. By opting out of the Fiat Currency and into PM’s I am combating the fraudulent system and enhancing my and others chance for survival.  Of course you also need the other physical necessities, and non physical, God, family, friends, and the truth.
The passage you quote is simply stating that Money, either form, will not save you from the Lord’s wrath, and money has corrupted people into sin.
In conclusion, Gold and Silver do serve a purpose as long as that purpose is to help you survive, fight the destructive fraudulent system, help others, spread the truth and do the right thing.
SHTF – silver & gold will allow me to Barter, trade, pay for food when fiat paper is not accepted, give to someone in need. give to others something valuable when I pass. Â
SHTF is different for everyone, to some it’s revolution, to some its restructuring of our horrible scientific fascist dictatorship, to some it’s the Wrath of God, perhaps even rapture, or end times.  Therefore some people prepare differently than others.
Ultimately you bring up a good point, nothing can ultimately save you except Faith in God, and doing his will.
I like the way you think Clark. Not too many people can store the food that they would need for more than a few years. Gold/silver are very simple but hold the core of what real money is. I believe it always will. Barter is fine but as we go fwd people will see what gold/silver really are: real money. The more you learn about it, the more you realize you don’t know about it. It can buy your land to grow food with water on it, it can buy your home even if it moves on wheels or floats, it can save your life’s work/savings. Don’t think the world is going to end yet, just the way we know it.  Tony, I know who the big man is and he knew me before I was born. He gave it to us to use, not to own.
I would be honored to have Clark as a neighbor along with many others here. Mac, you are wise beyond your years.
Many people have a misplaced distrust of mankind and a basic misunderstanding of people and guns. Their fear of things unknown drives this. I know people well and I know guns well. I fear neither since both are very predictable.
Most people do not understand anything about guns. They fear people with guns. They seem to think guns garner some type of special mystery or power either over their handlers or for their handlers. In the upcoming times this type of fear will debilitate and handicap people. In those times, others will rise above the fear to become leaders and heroes.
Not only will I trade guns, but, I will give them away to people that need them. Not only will I give them away, I will teach them to use those guns. Do you still think they will use them against me?
What I fear are people that are afraid to trust. Those kind of people will be the kind that make the bad situation worse. While I have a basic disgust for the way people have been led into their current lifestyles, I do believe most are basically good. They just need some good examples during those times. Most of the dishonest living and mayhem in this world is because basic living is too easy. The basics of life have been forgotten. People aren’t cold and hungry.
If you take a man, cold and hungry, give him a bowl of hot soup, a roof over his head for a time and trade him a gun for a month of labor, you’ve made a friend for life. Not only will he not use that gun against you but if anything threatens you, he will risk his life for you.
Do you think the collapse is all about you? It is not. Think of others. Trust gathers trust and returns to you. Fear, the same. Distrust, the same.
But, in the case of guns, silver, gold or food, do not put too much emphasis on any one thing. Too many guns, too much silver, too much food, and a not enough of anything else means your preparations are unbalanced and will be ineffective WTSHTF.
You need to have a SHTFPlan that is balanced and capable. This cannot be accomplished mixed with fear. While Tony indicated that silver and gold will not be able to save you. It will not, alone. PMs are a tool, like guns, like fuel, like shovels, like food. They will help you survive. But, they alone will not. Just as guns, food, or trust alone will not.
Have a plan. Have a SHTFPlan…
Thanks again, Mac, for maintaining this site and for the other things you do.
Comments….. sanityjones said:
80% of your assets better be in food, water, energy, and a bought and paid for shelter. Gold is valued in paper dollars so who cares what it is “worth†according to that standard? How much is a loaf of bread going to be worth? That’s the real question.
So you have some gold and silver, how will anyone break a $20.00 gold piece that’s worth several hundred dollars down to buy a loaf of bread or a dozen eggs? That’s where the barter system comes in. Exchange a can of beans for __________. As stated above, I wouldn’t barter ammo or guns either. The most meaningful thing WTSHTF is food, water and shelter. I wouldn’t even be thinking about gold and silver.
My only advice for you guys is to do whatever you plan, as fast as possible. Things are changing rapidly.
You see what’s happening to us here in Europe. From what it seems Portugal will go down too, along with Ireland, and then what?
People are fed up with their governments and the banksters. Soon enough riots will start from angry-hungry people.
For the last year i’m making an inventory of useful things. I know that as a city boy i don’t have the means to survive in the country. Anyway i tried to invest some money to my home-village but it’s far away from where i live now; almost three hours drive.
So my plans include survival in the town with all its pros and cons. The good thing is that my parents are close and my wife’s parents live in the same building.
Retreat in the country will be processed carefully and surely way before provisions start to decrease. Thank God that me and my father, are good shooters with membership in a local club.
This will come in handy both for defending our property and for driving back to the village.
I will keep you informed of what is happening here.
may God help us,
Comments….. This guy gets onto them, but he’sjust a spoke in the wheel.
Nigel Farage stands up to the EU European Union
Spain is next and then what – “We’re out of money!” We’re next people, there’s no getting out of this one!
For some posters this may be redundant, but when I need a dose of reality of what actually can happen in a “real” SHTF economic collapse situation, I go here:  http://ferfal.blogspot.com/2008/10/thoughts-on-urban-survival-2005.html Some excerpts.
“…Someone once asked me how did those that live in the country fare. If they were better off than city dwellers. As always there are no simple answers. Wish I could say country good, city bad, but I can’t, because if I have to be completely honest, and I intend to be so, there are some issues that have to be analyzed, especially security. Of course those that live in the country and have some land and animals were better prepared food-wise…”
“…Those that live in cities, well they have to manage as they can. Since food prices went up about 200%-300%. People would cut expenses wherever they could so they could buy food. Some ate whatever they could; they hunted birds or ate street dogs and cats, others starved. When it comes to food, cities suck in a crisis. It is usually the lack of food or the impossibility to acquire it that starts the rioting and looting when TSHTF…”
“…When it comes to security things get even more complicated. Forget about shooting those that mean you harm from 300 yards away with your MBR [main battle rifle]. Leave that notion to armchair commandos and 12 year old kids that pretend to be grown ups on the internet…”
“…Some facts:
1) Those that want to harm you/steal from you don’t come with a pirate flag waving over their heads.
2) Neither do they start shooting at you 200 yards away.
3) They won’t come riding loud bikes or dressed with their orange, convict just escaped from prison jump suits, so that you can identify them the better. Nor do they all wear chains around their necks and leather jackets. If I had a dollar for each time a person that got robbed told me “They looked like NORMAL people, dressed better than we areâ€, honestly, I would have enough money for a nice gun. There are exceptions, but don’t expect them to dress like in the movies.
4) A man with a wife and two or three kids can’t set up a watch. I don’t care if you are SEAL, SWAT or John Freaking Rambo, no 6th sense is going to tell you that there is a guy pointing a gun at your back when you are trying to fix the water pump that just broke, or carrying a big heavy bag of dried beans you bought that morning.
“…Criminals know that they are isolated and their feeling of invulnerability is boosted. When they assault a country home or farm, they will usually stay there for hours or days torturing the owners. I heard it all: women and children getting raped, people tied to the beds and tortured with electricity, beatings, burned with acetylene torches. Big cities aren’t much safer for the survivalist that decides to stay in the city. He will have to face express kidnappings, robberies, and pretty much risking getting shot for what’s in his pockets or even his clothes…”
Hope folks will take the time and read it. This just may be our future.
Over $15 for a 3lb box of Wright Brand Bacon today. Taste like meat candy! I won’t be having to break any gold or silver unless we are talking about Kilo bars.  Some people expect others to think small.Â
“If the $hit Hits the Fan what is GOLD going to do for you?” ~ I’ll tell you the same thing I told my Obamessiah loving boyfriend: The gold is for AFTER the shtf. Life will be horrible when the shtf. However, things will improve, with law and order reasserting. For those who’ve heard of that little thing known as ‘history’ and fiat currencies, implosion is nothing new. Did the world stay imploded? Of course not. Average folks picked up the pieces and rebuilt, in many cases using gold and silver as a store of wealth and money. If they can do it, so can we. For those who can’t think that far ahead, well, you probably won’t be around to rebuild. Hold on to your beloved bits of paper and wait for Obama to save you.
For some posters this may be redundant, but when I need a dose of reality of what actually can happen in a “real” SHTF economic collapse situation, I go here:Â
Hope folks will take the time and read it. This just may be our future.
Having survived several genuine survival scenarios, I see both sides of the picture.
Initially it will be a hunker and keep a low profile scenario. Avoidance is the preferable action. If things get bad, the good and the bad will die in what might be widespread chaos. The gov’t will do all it can to contain the chaos, but total elimination is improbable.
Several days to weeks will pass before the scenario becomes one of long-term slog. At this time, it would be wise to observe and begin initial trading with those percieved as civilized. Humans are creatures of habit. Unless cornered, each person’s nature will out itself.
Going back to my survived experiences, there are two things that MUST be always factored in; time and optimism. Optimism is self-explanatory. Time needs some elaboration.
In EVERY survival scenario, there is only so many hours in the day. Time must be managed for maximum return for calories burned. It IS all about labor. Practiced skills reduce the labor component, but NEVER eliminate it.
This is where barter has its best implementation. We’re talking goods ( a meal) for labor. The best mechanism I have found for evaluating the moral values of a person is to work with them. It only takes a few hard days to determine a person’s work ethic. If you chose the laborer wisely, the probability is that arming them will not be disadvantageous. If they aren’t a good worker, you need to eliminate them from the outside chow line and re-evaluate your observational skills. Until you are absolutely sure of them, never let them see inside your home, see your stock or eat well. This means they stay outside and the chow runs heavy to thin soups and hard thin biscuits. This provides the scenario of just how hardscrabble you are and gives the impression that you haven’t doodley-squat. Gotta get rid of the slacker? Thin the soup out more and cut the biscuits from the menu. Help them consider the idea of greener pastures elsewhere or … .
Let your conscience be your guide. Just remember, conscience is influenced by your conditioning since early childhood. In REAL life, trust and respect are earned. In chaos, let your god sort them out. My choice is avoidance.
Considering that religion has been brought up, I’ll leave you with these paraphrased quips:
If you shall not work, neither shall you eat.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, render unto god what is god’s.
Don’t forget about selling your cloak to buy a sword.
State of Grace or State of Law, take your pick or mix and match to suit your conditioning. It is about your conscience and your decision making process. How can we reconcile our choices in what may become a drastically changed socio-economic environment? Better think about it now. If things go badly, you won’t have the luxury of time to think it out. Survival demands immediate action.
If we can learn anything from history, it is that either god ain’t a gonna get involved until you die or … . And before any fanatics jump down my throat, I am ordained in the clergy with a strong background in comparative religion. Well except for Hinduism that still has me baffled.
“Judge not lest yea be judged” defies survival logic. You and your family’s long-term survival demands timely and accurate judgement calls. Death is inevitable. Life demands sound judgement. Living well requires sound judgement calls and optimism. Do as you will, believe as you will, but always choose wisely. The sun will come out tomorrow. Opportunity awaits. If we prepare for the worst, we have the chance to be pleasantly surprised. Never underestimate the PTB. They will do what absolutely must be done. In the end, we are part of the solution or part of the problem. Choose wisely.
When the SHTF they ain’t gonna be making or selling weapons to consumers anymore. Get some now. Keep them. Do not trade weapons or ammo. You will need all that you can get your hands on. Michelle plus one more.
Jane: We won’t be paying back the Federal Reserve System. We will repudiate that debt and the officers, directors, and managers of that cabal of private bankster gangsters will be very happy if they are not swinging at the end of a very short rope.
Hang ’em high!
It just amazes me the people who post on here. I mean that in a good way. Of course there are people I disagree with, however, they probably do me more good by forcing introspection. Certainly Mac does an excellent job in bringing in the meat but you guys sure do fry it up fine!
Yes! Please keep us informed. My prayers are with you and yours. I am so glad you have access to some type of firearms. I pray you won’t need them.
The feces just keeps getting closer and closer to the blades. The fan is on high. It appears that there is not much left for me to do.
…except, I’m starting to get into some supplemental solar power.
Godspeed to all of you and thank you for your input. I am humbled by both your intellect and your spiritual strength.Â
@ overtheedge – sound advice
The more guns around the better.  People tend to be very polite with each other, when both are packing fire power.   With guns present,  there is a better chance of  discussion and debate, than assault and killing…….just imho.
You need some adult supervision on gold and silver.
When I need a dose of reality of what actually can happen in a “real” SHTF economic collapse situation, my go to is ferfal blog spot.  It’s about the economic collapse of Argentina with food inflated 200 – 300%. He describes the interaction of events and people.  For example, he talks about the gold issue. He says grey and black markets were established and the currency was gold. Not coins, but junk gold as small time traders and dealers found it impossible to determine the true mineral percentage of gold. Since gold coins were valued the same as junk gold, he says in hindsight he would of had a bag of small gold rings, less expensive than gold coins.
He talks about security and what it was like, especially after dark with no power. The need for handguns to go about the earning and daily living thing and examples of what had to be navigated to survive. Also included is his regrets on not requiring the items that would have been most helpful under the circumstances. It’s long, but a good read. Search Surviving in Argentina by Fernando Aquirre
If the shtf & I realllllllly need some fiat toilet paper. I will go to the coin shop or gold broker & exchange some real money for some drastic decreasing value (more) of TP. What’s so difficult about that? Now that is barter. Will be spot plus for paper. I don’t think I will have to stand in line because I will be selling, not buying. My coin dealer is always happy to see me & buzzes me in the inner door. I know that is difficult for some people that have never traded real money and don’t understand. The same people, don’t understand that there is cycles & bubbles. SIMPLE
Comments…..let’s see….i have hoarded away a small grocery store, i got guns and bullets, i have paid down my debts considerably, and the only precious metals i own are grandma’s silver tea service and a few baubles i don’t wear but can’t bear to pawn…can someone please advise those of us who only can dream of buying gold and silver.. gold and silver is like so far out of reach for those who make under $40,000. a year.. and i will be damned if i spend (what i don’t have) a gold coin for essentials like toilet paper, bread or coffee much less for healthcare- but then, maybe what i have is far more precious than that gold and silver…hard work, a very frugal lifestyle, and a strong suspicion of anyone with government or state behind their name .
I would buy a couple of 5 gal buckets of wheat or a bakers dozen of chickens.Â
Lady Hawk said,”…Not coins, but junk gold as small time traders and dealers found it impossible to determine the true mineral percentage of gold. Since gold coins were valued the same as junk gold,…”
I think that’s totally incorrect, you might want to go back and re-read some things.
This dunce had predicted civil war in summer 2010, a total financial collapse this year and many other things THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. The stuff he got “right” were conditions that were already in progress and obvious to anyone closely observing the scene.
Clark, I was thinking about that very thing. Don’t most gold and silver coins have the content and weight stamped on them?
Its not the the gold and silver coins at issue here, it is the jewelry which can be 14 to 24 Karat and is not always microscopically marked, like platinum diamond ear rings for example. Dealers are very sophisticated and test before they buy.
Unless you have many years of experience and are capable of assaying “junk gold”, forget about it. The base of the rings beneath the gold coating is plastic anyway.
Only a fool or a very sophisticated jeweler would mess with gold rings.
And if someone is trying to trade them to you, you will likely lose in the barter. Stick with coins and bullion from a registered mint/dealer.
Right you are CLARK, Gold bullion coins are easy to determine their purity of the gold content and the weight of the coin (gram), and it’s stamped on the coin.Â
Coins are circulated all over the world and dealers are very good at it; they can’t afford to make mistakes. Dealers can help you, and you don’t need to buy anything from them.Â
Coins have different denominations. Some are sold at melt value with a small premium ($5 –$25…) and are helpful when SHTF.Â
Internet is a very good source to help you; we, girls like to save the pictures but can’t afford to buy them.
Explanation. My original post about ferfal’s blog (the long one) for some reason didn’t post right a way. So after an hour or so of it not appearing, thought I must of did something wrong and amended it to describe some of the content.  Sorry for the subsequent posts. After reading Manos poignant post I again thought of the ferfal’s blog. As someone actually having experienced going through his country’s economic collapse and the five year aftermath. So, Clark I’m not understanding your post, do you think I misinterpreted what he said about gold or something else?
Like Goldenfoxx and carynverell, gold and silver are not my priority - given my budget and preparedness needs. Big ticket items of solar, wind, guns and ammo, garden and all it takes to support it, that “small grocery store” and bartering goods have consumed my financial resources. So I have no experience with PM’s. But I thought it would be helpful to someone like Manos, on what appears to be the verge of such an event for him, to read another person’s perspective and experience. I hope Manos will be able to keep us updated for that same reason, his perspective and experience.
I realize it won’t be the same conditions and events for all, but my belief is any information gleaned from actual events is preferable to arm chair quarterbacking and made up scenarios. So, if the information on bartering and gold use in the Argentina collapse is not applicable here, so be it. However, I would of thought it would of at least been of interest and something to consider and think about.
For all of you people who can’t afford to prepare for the coming SHTF event just write down the addresses of your local politicians and bankers.  They’ll have plenty of money, food, and supplies for the taking.   Â
Comments…..”Germany cannot keep paying for bail-outs without going bankrupt itself,” said Professor Wilhelm Hankel, of Frankfurt University. “This is frightening people. You cannot find a bank safe deposit box in Germany because every single one has already been taken and stuffed with gold and silver. It is like an underground Switzerland within our borders. People have terrible memories of 1948 and 1923 when they lost their savings.”
Who is to say that the German government would not confiscate those safety deposit boxes? The bank is the last place I would place any gold or silver. This problem we have going on is globabl – no one will escape what’s headed our way.
Yes, you misinterpreted what he said about gold.
Here are three quotes from him that should clear things up a bit for you:
“This does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT mean that you should put serious % of your savings in junk gold, I never said that… For protecting your savings stick to well recognized forms of gold and silver such as American Eagles, Krugerands and Canadian Maple leafs. Do your homework… I’ve recommended a small amount of junk precious metals so as to have as change or to use during the first stages of a crisis, before you end up breaking down your stash of coins or when buying locally for smaller amounts. “
Great points, all. For me, I have taken a pre-emptive, precautionary approach within my community. Though I have a vehicle, I have chosen to park it for awhile (save some gas, even), and walk around town more. I’ve let my beard grow out, and to be quite honest, I’m reveling in my schlubbish look. My thought being, start acclimating the ton folk to who I am, as someone who likely has little to nothing in belongings. A bit of a homeless air to me, if you will. Will that work? Not sure. Can’t hurt. If I were of the roving, reckless type, my time would be much better spent on anyone else but someone who may have but a bit of pocket change.
In terms of gold and silver, no one should avoid ownership of it. You can always cash it in on the rise up, quickly turn it into property with the gains, or hold out until a ne currency reconciles itself.
For those that say it’s not worth anything in chaotic world, 5000 years of history will refute that. Gold has been used to buy oneself safe border passage during times of war, and possibly the survival of one’s family if the end were near, and all other options failed.
How about the wild west? Bits of panned gold bought you all the whiskey, lodging, hardware, and discreet womanly company one would need, when making such arrangements with local merchants.
I would buy silver RIGHT NOW, skip the gold, let the gold:silver ration tighten way up, and swap into gold at an appropriate peak. You are already losing out on vasts gains buy buying gold as opposed to silver right now, and that will not change, no matter how high gold goes. Silver will follow, and then some!
Good luck, and double plus good, brothers and sisters on the advice!
Thanks for the clarification Chuck. Correct, he does say how important it is to have gold coins. However, my take was from the section where he says. “…But where I live, in my local are small time dealer will only pay you the value of junk gold, no matter
what kind of gold you have. So, I’d have to say that if TSHTF bad, gold jewelry is a better trade item than gold coins. Forgive me for not talking about this before, but I didn’t realize this until today, when I visited my local market warehouse and saw a “Buy Gold” sign…”  Figure those will be my bartering partners. LOL.
Thanks Mac for the forum and the interesting and diverse topics you bring to the table on SHTF happenings. I like this forum and the posters are eclectic in that they bring a range of knowledge, skills and expertise to the threads. These are not sheeple here. Which makes for interesting reads and discussions. On the most part, those here have made substantial sacrifices, commitments and investments and it isn’t just about the money. It’s the time, developing and honing skills, acquiring systems, equipment, tools and strategizing for the best outcome. All this and dealing with sheeple denial and government obstruction. It’s a dance for sure.
Reading other posters and getting other view points has had me tweak some areas of my preparedness. Then there are those posts that have me scratching my head, cause I’m clueless. Like what the h— is meat candy? Is that good or bad? Well back to planning.  How do you make God laugh? Tell Him you have a plan.Â
If income is limited, buy US junk silver coin rather than gold.
You can get $10 rolls off the big online auction site for melt plus a reasonable premium.
Silver has an additional advantage. Many folks have seen and held silver coin, not so with gold. Actual example: local businessman will buy placer gold at spot, but won’t buy a $20 double eagle. The placer gold is only about 850 fine or 85% gold while the double eagle is 9999 fine or 99.99%. Effectively he buys $85 worth of gold for $100. Go figure. He will buy silver coin.
Now the caveat. Your money is better spent on stocking the pantry. Gold and silver for after things settle down and commerce improves substantially. Until then and even a bit afterward, aluminum pistons and engine blocks have greater value as scrap metal. Basic woodworking skills with a metal foundry turn aluminum scrap into repair parts. Toss in a metal lathe and you have a viable and valued business.
See “Lindsay Publications”Â
Short-term plans can work in the short-term, but what’cha gonna do afterwards. The pantry is gonna get real thin awful quick. Commerce reduces conflicts over scarce resources. Whenever possible, trade for the sake of trade. The items add diversity to your stock of trade goods and demonstrates your value to the community.
Adversity equals opportunity. In every depression, wealth moved from the city to the country. The question is then, “How can I insure that some of the wealth moves into my basket of assets?”
We know change is in the air. Exactly what is a matter of speculation. Hopefully we prepare for the worst and wind up pleasantly surprised. One thing we can count on is the balance-of-payment issue and national debt will get ugly and “Made in America” will be mandatory for domestic availability of goods.
Gee Lady Hawk, you need to go to wrightbrandbacon.com to learn about meat candy.    🙂
Folks…this is the age of theives. Forget interest, forget dividends…you’ll need to keep your basement well stocked with longterm foods…and your money in silver, and/or gold. I was born in the mid 60s. I’m behind a huge wave of selfish boomers. Further, the silent generation…their parents are selfish people.  At least I’ll buy a nice retirement home in the country from the estate of some dead boomer one day. I always knew I’d be screwed by the population age wave..yet at some point….I should profit in some way..at the very minimum…use the “herd” to medically experiment on…so when I need a heart machine inserted into my chest…the practice will be done on the boomer scum. ps. It’s Merry Christmas…NOT…happy holidays.Â
The higher ups are manipulating the price of gold and silver. Have for longer then all of us have been born. They will manipulate it afterwards also. New currency will devalue it along with “so many days” to turn in trash dollars some day. They hold the cards and know which way to bet on the shorts and the longs. Those that think it will be worth more after the dust settles, don’t bet on it. It will be worth the most when blood is in the streets. Has anybody heard the saying? That is when the price is climbing beyond all expections of the many. Used houses will keep going down, most land will keep going down, energy will go up, food will go up, fuel will go up, used RV’s will go down, used boats will go down, everything new will go up including tires, shoes & underwear! Labor? Only the top of the heap. Real health care, airline trips, taxes, freedom? Use common sense and expand your mind. The answer is easy. People that compare dollars to gold/silver are not seeing the big picture. Compare it to a barrel of oil, the DOW or land with a house/well. I miss Wooba.
@ Bill
Thanks for pointing me in the direction. Checked out the site anticipating something they would be doing to make meat candy like jerky or something. Was impressed with the 75 ft semi truck pulled grill, but meat candy appears to be a regional marketing stick.  Â
Not dissing you man, but I’m focused on getting the best buy for my buck. Big Boy bacon costs me $2.00 a pound if I buy a case of 24. The slice lengths are same as Wright’s (put it up to screen) and thickness is regular (not thick or too thin). Can get pepper, hardwood or apple smoked.Â
I say this because prepping for me is now about compromises.  I have done the material luxury and quality thing. The gazillion thread sheets, the hundred dollar skin care products and the high end organic, no antibiotics, grass fed, beef, pork, chicken – you get the picture. The status lifestyle the sheeple are still buying into instead of investing in preps for what is to come. In other words, if you got the wealth, shine on, cause Wright Bacon is for you.Â
Regardless of what I think about the marketing, thanks very much for cluing me in. As a bacon lover, this is a great site.
Is this your collection of gold rings, Lady Hawk? If so, very nice pile:
The key part of one quote above was, “when I visited my local market warehouse”
I don’t know about where you are, but around me there are Gold into Cash places and coin shops that give great prices, much better than the jewelry stores and pawn shops will give you for junk jewelry. I don’t think the Gold into Cash types of stores, or the people who run them, are going away any time soon. I’d bet this is the case nationwide.
There are many stories of people accepting gold for services or goods without the need to sell your gold to a third party. Networking helps.
One story that always causes me to think of having gold in a SHTF condition are those locals who, when the U.S. military left Saigon, immediately traded their paper fiat currency for small paper thin sheets of gold. The new government took the hard to hide assets of many, but those who had the sheets of gold were able to hide it or flee.
Wealth preservation.
I think a French style Revolution will go down. Shelter in place will be key for 6 to 9 months…or at least until local govt. gets organized…by local govt….I mean the good guys with the shotguns. Notice to gang bangers…at that point…I think you’ll just be shot on site for sport as you’ve messed up the cities.
As for Big Sis and Hillary Clinton…they will try and do the martial law thing and take the guns…folks will just not comply.
I’m hoping for a military solution….arrest all congress…except for Ron Paul….wipe all debts…restart currency with metal backing. Ex. A penny will equal one dollar.Â
I begged my folks to cash out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and get into silver…back when it was $12…now near $28. Still…the old folks cling to the paper lie.
I do think the organized gangs…they will be surprized when the local militia forms and we hunt these guys for sport and the scum they are. WROL…it’s open season on these guys. Good time to put the FEMA camps to good use…anyone with more than a parking ticket..toss them in. Clean up society.
Also. good time to purge the country of foreigners..legal or not.Â
Our new export!
Elite….you’ve really pissed off the American people…I would be scared if I was you… They know who you are…but you don’t know who all the Americans are. Know what I mean.
Me….live peaceful and shelter in place until called up.
Get the super pails…best value.
Better hurry, Big Sis told her best friend to stock the house…she was a member of Lindsey Williams group….more confirmation of stocking the house to weather a currency collpase.
Better be ready…
To pay for…cancel TV…cancel Cell phones.
Stock up.
You need to stay flexible and mobile. Those who advise people to buy a place now and stay put are making a big mistake. What do you do if the neighbourhood rapidly goes down the toilet? Or you lose your job? Or the whole regional economy goes to crap, like in Detroit?
You need to be mobile and flexible so you can follow the money and the opportunity. There is always somewhere doing better. There are always societies that have more social harmony and social discipline and dignity that make riding out bad times easier. Think about it: do you want to ride out the Greatest Depression in a neighbourhood heavily fractured by race and ethnicity, with lots of poor and dumb people with no dignity, or do you want to be in a place where people may be poor, but are well educated and skilled and have dignity? I know what I would choose.
Yea, but bacon taste goooooood. Just ask John Travolta. Just think about it…… what is the most expensive meat in the world. Bacon! After it’s cooked. Shine on.
The president is going to put a freeze on fed paychecks. How about a pay reduction! Does that include congress?
Geeze, annon @10:50, you’ve got a terrible outlook on things.
Once the so-called good guys with shotguns “go after” gangbangers, they’d become no different than those who lord over us now. A far better response would be to end welfare and end the War Against Some Drugs which takes the profit out of the drug trade resulting in a more peaceful society. The gangbangers would go the way of the bootleggers and the street gangs of Al Capone without a shot being fired.
“Clean up society”… “Purge the country of foreigners.. legal or not.”?
WTF? And how would you determine what is bad and what is good? Subject everyone to a brain scan and put a star on those who pass? How far back would you go to determine who is a foreigner and who is not? The Native American Indians would say the problem started with Christopher Columbus and his boatload of gangs, where would you start?
Start with the notion of, “live peacefully” and work from there.
– One last thing to know about gold, backwardization. When the SHTF and things were crashing in Greece recently, they were paying more for gold than the spot price was for the rest of the world.
Clark: You are right about gold (and other precious metals) because the NWO will be using that for a new economic order to take US farther down the path of One World Government. That process is already in the works:
(can’t believe I called you Chuck) My bad. Wish those rings were mine. Smart move though.Â
looked up junk silver on line and found mercury (sp?) dimes – 2 rolls with face value of $10 bucks. Those the ones you are talking about? They are $245.Â
I can only speak for myself, but the harangue over the must buy or have gold or silver coins is – ???. We are not one of the people you have to convince to prep. You are posting with folks on the same page with you, we are not the sheeple. We get it. Gold and silver is important. I’m delighted for those who have acquired coins, especially before it started going up. Good for you!
However, some of us are not financially able to acquire gold and silver, but we are prepping! Doesn’t that count for something?
James Rawles over on survival.com at least has an understanding of the predicament of folks like me. His take is to buy rolls of nickels. He says “…the base metal value of a nickel is likely to exceed two times (“2X”) its face value. (10 cents each.)…” I had started doing that, but kind of petered out. But, because of the PM discussions here I am going to tweak my budget and commit to 12 rolls a month.  Thank you “coin” people for the push. That’s doable for me.
It was overtheedge that said “…Short-term plans can work in the short-term, but what’cha gonna do afterwards…”  For ten years, I managed the largest specialty on-site and parts shipping junk yard in the country. I know from experience, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure. So, I’ve been collecting hand tools, grain mills, cast iron and enamel cook ware and garden supplies.
Also, I’ve set up a work station and purchased supplies (ka-ching) to recondition dead batteries for vehicles and solar systems. Final purchase is a commercial grade battery desulfater. So my choice is 2 rolls of $245 dimes or the $200 battery desulfater. Which I’m hoping will be my commerce ticket before and after SHTF.  The old adage has some truth in it – Ya gotta spend money, to make money.
Welcome to the club Lady Hawk. Nickels are good too! Put them in a military ammo can. You will know later. Good for u. Real money but you might have to wait untill next year before they realy go up in value. Next year is not far ahead. Nickel for your thoughts.
@ bill
About meat candy – there truly is a “recipe”!!!!! This is from a feature article on southern cooking. Search Eatocracy Surprise Surprise Surprise
Candied Bacon
8 smoked bacon slices (we slice these very thin from a slab with a slicer)
4 tbsp light brown sugar
1 pinch cayenne pepper
Preheat oven to 325°F
Drag bacon through brown sugar till lightly coated arrange on silpat* on sheet pan
Sprinkle remaining brown sugar and cayenne evenly over slices
Place another silpat on top and place in oven
Bake for 15 min, raise oven temp to 375°F and bake for 5 min, check and see if crisp.
Check every min until ready. Be careful because it can burn easily.
Starting low keeps the bacon flat during cooking; otherwise it would ripple.
A silpat is a silicone baking sheet. If you don’t have any on hand, you can use parchment paper.