This report was originally published by Sara Tipton at Tess Pennington’s ReadyNutrition.com.
Tess is the author of The Prepper’s Blueprint: How To Survive ANY Disaster.
Traveling can be fun, but going through the Transportation Security Administrations checkpoints can leave you feeling exploited and defenseless. The TSA’s rules are constantly changing, and it can be difficult to know what you are allowed to have on a plane. Because of this, we’ve broken down the best survival and self-defense tools TSA will allow in this handy guide.
All of the tools shown below are 100% TSA approved, meaning they will allow you to carry them in your carry-on bag on a flight without hassle. Unless things change again. (I had half plastic, half metal baby fingernail clippers seized from me once.)
Just in case the TSA gets overzealous, you can prevent your multitool from being stolen from you. One travel hack that works for some is to open up all the tools and place it in the change tray. If that doesn’t do the trick, another quick tip is to pack an envelope with pre-paid postage. That way, if you run into any problems, you can avoid confiscation by mailing it home or to a friend instead.
*All images courtesy of Amazon
Backed by a titanium nitride coating to help prevent corrosion, this shard keychain includes a wire stripper, bottle opener, lanyard hole and more. It also comes with flat and Phillips head screwdrivers. It’s small and easy to carry. The Shard, made with a unique keyhole, can easily attach to a split ring or key ring, which lets you keep the multi-tool handy at all times.
Size: 3.1 x 1.3 x 0.6 inches and weighs .0.32 oz., with lightweight easy to grab-and-go functionality you should imagine from a great keychain multi-tool.
The best news is that this little tool won’t break the bank either. You grab this one for $6.95 on Amazon.
This handy multi-tool includes needle nose pliers, wire cutters, scissors, a zipper hook, small and medium flat screwdrivers, tweezers, a bottle opener and much, much more. Built by Gerber again, it’s definitely one heck of a quality carry-on tool. This tool is bladeless for travel-friendly use, features a butterfly open design, with comfortable ergonomic handles, stainless steel construction, and a convenient keychain ring.
Size: 0.7 x 5.5 x 6 inches
This handy tool will cost you $14.95 on Amazon.
Made in the United States, this multitool is “ready for anything. With the functionality of a Leatherman, all in one stylish package, The Tread’s modular design is fully customizable to fit your needs and your wrist. The Tread is fully adjustable to fit your wrist. Simply add or remove links in quarter-inch and half-inch increments to fit. It also has a variety of box wrenches, hex drives, flat and Phillips screwdrivers, oxygen tank wrench, carbide glass breaker, sim card pick, cutting hook, socket drive adapter, and bottle opener. This one is meant to be worn everywhere, not just on the airplane.
Size: 3.9 x 5.9 x 9.4 inches
This one will set you back a bit coming in at $174.95 on Amazon. However, it comes with a 25-year limited warranty.
The Piranha 2 multi-purpose pocket tool features 7 tools, which include a scraper, bottle opener, 1/4″ hex bit driver, medium screwdriver, open wrench (English), box wrench (Metric), and box opener.
Size: 4.9 x 2 x 1.1 inches
This one is not as pricey as the wearable tool. Amazon has it listed for $14.99.
The Style PS is the ultimate pocket-sized multitool. Put it in your pocket, clip it on your bag, and even take it when you travel right in your carry on bag. It’s lightweight and compact size makes it easy to take with you anywhere. The Style PS features spring-action needlenose and regular pliers, spring-action wire cutters and scissors, flat and Phillips screwdriver, tweezers, nail file, and combination carabiner and bottle opener. Style PS also only requires one hand to open and use all the tools.
Size: 3.1 x 2 x 1.3 inches
The Style PS is selling for $29.95 on Amazon
This keychain multitool is inexpensive and can tighten bolts and screws or open a bottle. It features a box Cutter, a bottle opener, wrench (.25”, .3125”, and .375”), ruler (inches and centimeters), carabiner, and flathead screwdriver.
Size: 2.6” x .7” x .1”
You can snag one of these on Amazon for only $3.98!
This folding credit card knife is TSA-approved. Made entirely of heat treated stainless steel, it features a replaceable blade, built-in screwdrivers, a pry-bar, and a bottle opener. Since it’s the size of credit card, it also easily slides into your wallet. Zootility WildCard™ knife is TSA compliant, however, if you get in a confiscation situation, you can just surrender the blade, and keep the handle, which features built-in screwdrivers, a pry-bar, and bottle opener, making it the ultimate tool for everyday carry and replace the blade later.
Size: 2.2 x 3.2 x 0.1 inches
This multi-tool is available on Amazon for $35.00
This information has been made available by Sara Tipton via Tess Pennington’s Ready Nutrition
Tess Pennington is the author of The Prepper’s Blueprint, a comprehensive guide that uses real-life scenarios to help you prepare for any disaster. Because a crisis rarely stops with a triggering event the aftermath can spiral, having the capacity to cripple our normal ways of life. The well-rounded, multi-layered approach outlined in the Blueprint helps you make sense of a wide array of preparedness concepts through easily digestible action items and supply lists.
Tess is also the author of the highly rated Prepper’s Cookbook, which helps you to create a plan for stocking, organizing and maintaining a proper emergency food supply and includes over 300 recipes for nutritious, delicious, life-saving meals.
Visit her web site at ReadyNutrition.com for an extensive compilation of free information on preparedness, homesteading, and healthy living.
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Good article.
I knew an English high school teacher named Tipton.
Off Topic:
Day after tomorrow, June 5th, is Primary Election. In California, the fight for the Senate is between Diane Feinstein and a counter CHEW-Supremisism by the name of Patrick Little.
Little claims he’ll stop tax money leaving the US and instead give it as a one time reparations for black slavery.
He has some other big ideas. His website is patricklittlerevolution.us and there are a number of videos and interviews on YouTube.
IMHO, this is something to pay attention to even if you don’t live in California.
I’m no longer in this State so I won’t vote, but I’m looking forward to see who turns out for this one.
I have an official American Airlines BOX CUTTER with the AA Logo on it. Want to know where I got it? It was sitting on the Boarding ticket Counter Kiosk at a Gate before I got on the plane and carried it in my pocket.
I grabbed it because I put Zip ties on my luggage instead of locks, so when I got to my destination hotel I had a tool to cut the zip ties off to get into my luggage. And Yes, I picked it up before 9-11-2001. Just shows you how America has lost its innocence after the Deep State False Flag 9-11 attack.
9-11 Changed everything. And I refuse to fly after about 2010 when I witnessed the TSA Molesting my Mother who had breast cancer, and they just had to feel her tits before she got on the plane. And she is nearly 80 years old. Like WTF??
I have an official American Airlines BOX CUTTER with the AA Logo on it. Want to know where I got it? It was sitting on the Boarding ticket Counter Kiosk at a Gate before I got on the plane and carried it in my pocket.
I grabbed it because I put Zip ties on my luggage instead of locks, so when I got to my destination hotel I had a tool to cut the zip ties off to get into my luggage. And Yes, I picked it up before 9-11-2001. Just shows you how America has lost its innocence after the Deep State False Flag 9-11 attack.
9-11 Changed everything. And I refuse to fly after about 2010 when I witnessed the TSA Molesting my Mother who had breast cancer, and they just had to feel her tits before she got on the plane. And she is nearly 80 years old. Like WTF???
homosexual scout leaders taking you 9 year old boys into the woods.
What could go wrong?
I too have the body of a god, ok I look more like Budda, but I’ll bet I could take you in a Sumo ring! Ha.
I believe one of the prosecution witnesses in
“My Cousin Vinnie” was named Tipton…
Is that like…I once knew a man from Nantucket? 🙂
I always carry a P38 can opener on my key chain.
It is a memento( and the same P38)
from when I survived on C Rations
for months after going through and supporting
recovery efforts from a super typhoon in Guam.
Molokai TSA wanted to confiscate it.
Luckily, My wife, only, not me, was allowed to
go out to the airplane and put it in our luggage.
Hawaii is a weird place sometimes.
TSA is always weird as is any government agency.
Here they don’t hire many minorities as they are white
The p38 is very useful as is the p51 (larger version) sportsman’s guide was selling 100 ct bundles of each a couple years back so I got a couple of each. Practical, easy to use and probably quite tradeable in a shtf scenario.
P-38 Can openers suck. Too small and they are made out of steel that rusts. I go with the larger P-51 that seems to be more stainless. Or plated with chrome and does not rust. At least the ones I have. I have dozens of those and used them before when My other regular can opener stopped working.
P-38 Can openers suck. Too small and they are made out of steel that rusts. I go with the larger P-51 that seems to be more stainless. Or plated with chrome and does not rust. At least the ones I have. I have dozens of those and used them before when My other regular can opener stopped working..
You are right about size.
I keep the original on a key chain.
If you have eaten as many C Rats
as I have it works just fine,
but I would not to be opening #10
cans with it every day.
I never intend to board another flight as I would probably assault the scum tsa goons for touching my body.
Hilo TSA is really bad, but they never touched me. They used the back of their hands, more like a show for the other passengers. Perhaps they sensed I would attack them if they touched me. Perhaps it is because I said I will not give you permission to search me. This was a mandatory flight for health reasons, but I would have gladly beat that man senseless had he touched me, as that is assault
and TSA are not sworn officers in this state.
They let me through.
I’m glad you didn’t have a problem. The last flight I took was before the tsa was created.
For all,
I have another Anecdote.
Big island Kona airport security has a low spot and if it has rained recently, there may be a puddle in the middle of the security line. TSA makes you take off your shoes and you have to walk through the water in your socks.
I typically refuse to do this so I get a “closer screening”, but at least my feet are dry.
TSA are jobs for idiots that vote Democrat and that is all they are good for.
Commercial Airline Planes are disease petri dishes ripe with germs and nasties.. Ever go sit in a seat and the seat is still wet and damp from the last person’s Ass sweat that sat there?.. Oh yeah wrap your self in an airline blanket too which is ripe with diseases and bacteria.. Small Pox comes to mind. I refuse to fly again, unless absolutely necessary. That last year I flew I think was in 2010, I flew in 28 airplanes that year. I would rather now jump on the road in my own vehicle armed and safe and go see the country.
Boycott all commercial airlines until the TSA is fully banned from all airports. Remember all the hijackers on 9-11 went through airports run by the same Israehelli security company. Like WTF is a foreign security company doing running American Airport Security under the guise of the TSA? Just goes to show you they will let in the Trojan horse to take America Down. And seems to be well on their way. Boycott Flying!!
Commercial Airline Planes are disease petri dishes ripe with germs and nasties.. Ever go sit in a seat and the seat is still wet and damp from the last person’s Ass sweat that sat there?.. Oh yeah wrap your self in an airline blanket too which is ripe with diseases and bacteria.. Small Pox comes to mind. I refuse to fly again, unless absolutely necessary. That last year I flew I think was in 2010, I flew in 28 airplanes that year. I would rather now jump on the road in my own vehicle armed and safe and go see the country.
Boycott all commercial airlines until the TSA is fully banned from all airports. Remember all the hijackers on 9-11 went through airports run by the same Israehelli security company. Like WTF is a foreign security company doing running American Airport Security under the guise of the TSA? Just goes to show you they will let in the Trojan horse to take America Down. And seems to be well on their way. Boycott Flying!!!
Calm down.
I spent over twenty years in the Aerospace business.
You are in more danger in a food court.
I would agree with you when it comes to Air India.
A lot of Asian Indians don’t wipe their butts dry after defecating.
Everywhere else you have the same problems when you
go to a public place.
Take it from me, an airplane is safer than your car.
Why do you think airplanes cost several hundreds of millions
of dollars?
My assigned design criteria was 10^-12 probability of failure.
Than is like one chance in a Trillion.
I had to document that to the FAA. Been there done that.
The problem with flying is Politicians, not the machinery.
Forgive my bias!
I concur
Im a Pilot and have had zero accidents while flying,, but as far as cars go..Ive been hit by some of the dumbest drivers out there
I was not referring to Flight safety, but the tin can where the public rides in, is a shithole and filthy, full of bacteria and body fluid remains. Exactly how AIDS Spread to the USA. Fagggot flight attendees spread their love juices globally.
Warn the TSA -“Look but dont touch. You touch me I’ll have you arrested for Battery.”
And always refuse the Body scan machine as it puts harmful Radiation in your body and kills your Sperm and Egg development.
Go tell the TSA to go stand in a microwave oven for 15 seconds and see what happens to them. See what happens to a stick of butter for 15 seconds in a microwave oven.
Planes already have a plethora of weapons on board. Most people never notice them.
Next time you fly, look more closely at everything on the plane, and think like your life depended on it, be situationally aware. The same goes for every gun free zone you walk into.
Plan, spot on. I’m a trucker and work in a big terminal. I look around the place in case of an active shooter event. If you know what a dock hook looks like, one well placed whack at any point on the body should easily neutralize the shooter, if you can get that close. We’re not allowed firearms for obvious reasons, but I carry oc spray, which is within our company policy and the law. That, along with various other “objects” CAN help protect if you don’t lose yourself in fear.
Stay quiet Be smart
How about those “pens” that not only write but has a sharp point to be used as a punch or knife. Can put out an eye too.
Jim: Zebra pens are metal and plastic, but the all metal F-701 ballpoint one runs around $8. at office max and O. depot. Check their website. I also have several in gel.
This article is total BS !
None of these will be allowed on any commercial airliner !
Go ahead and try it !
There is a great big trash can next to the x-ray machine full of crap like that. Last time I flew I had to throw away my bottle of deodorant. It wasn’t concerned about the cost, I was more concerned about how to replace it once I got where I was going.
I have an ordinary walking cane made of oak. It will pass through any metal detector. I have never been questioned as to whether I needed it to walk. I use it whenever I have to enter a building where firearms and edged weapons are prohibited. As a matter of principle, I refuse to fly on a commercial aircraft as long as I must submit to TSA scrutiny.
Some high-speed, mag-lev trains along the east coast would take a lot of cars off the road and passengers off a lot of airplanes. I hate air travel and going through airports!
All slaves and zombies please shop at Amazon, the new and improved WalMart.
Jeez, you all talk about being ‘off the grid’ and yet every motherfucking thing you need, ‘can be bought for pennies at Amazon’.
Seriously, what the fuck? Jeff Bezos treats his employees like garbage, steals patents (what’re you gonna do about it little guy?) and destroys what’s left of main street, but hey, you can save a couple of bucks on your Chinese made garbage.
If you shop at Amazon, you deserve everything that’s coming.
C’mon Man!!!!!
Yep Boycott Amazon too.. add that deep state company to the list.
Right on down with Amazon. Don’t use fleabay either Amazon has sellers contracted that sell on eBay then use Amazon to fill the order. Amazon is a fuckin scumbag middleman screwing everyone. Best not to buy anything from any websites. I don’t even look online at products becus they track your product searches and target you through your IP address. Dont believe me look at a product and adds will show up on this site. All you gotta do is click on it once. predictive marketing. If you look that means your in the market and are a target of retailers. you have to stay 3 steps ahead of your enemies.
I shop a lot at Amazon.
Because of my location they
offer things I can’t readily
get locally at a reasonable price.
One time I thought they screwed
me over I called them direct.
That is the hard part you can’t
do it over the WEB.
They took care of the problem.
As far as how the employees are treated
I know of one who was the son of my ex supervisor.
The son got fairly well off from stock options
and Amazon paid for his degree.
That may have very well changed,
but I doubt it.
You had to work hard.
In my job I worked 20 to 50% overtime for years
while earning my degree. Va initially and my
employer covered rest of my tuition. You have to bust
your butt.
Most all companies will pay for your education.
It is a tax write-off for them and they get a
better employee.
Wow. Check out Wikipedia’s definition of “alt-right”. It just keeps getting more bizarre and communist by the day.
You can go browse Amazon, them find what comoany is supplying the product. Then go direct to that companied website and order it from them and get them to match the Amazon price. Never buy direcly through the Amazon website.
Hope the airlines don’t read this. A loosened guitar string is a deadly weapon – think garotte. I always travel with my guitar. A banjo, violin string or any other fine instrument string will do. You could even leave the instrument home ?.
A nylon guitar string could be threaded through a waistband or hem.