People who understand what is going on know the value of liberty. And yet, the government’s message is loud and clear: they do not want you to be free. They demand and desire only your enslavement.
In an incredible video on High Impact Flix, creator Brian details the ways the government has removed the illusion of choice and freedom lately. “If you don’t have freedom, you don’t have anything,” Brian says.
If you haven’t figured out that the United States government has taken more of your rights and freedom than any other entity ever because you believed they have the authority/power to do so, this is going to be a rough year for you. The tyrannical veil has been lifted and it’s time we all wake up.
“It’s freedom over everything, guys!” Brian adds. Human beings were not meant to be controlled, brainwashed, and manipulated into being slaves to any ruling class whether it’s called a democracy, a republic, fascism, communism, or otherwise. We are sovereign and our birthright is freedom.
The ruling class doesn’t actually care if you are on the right or on the left so long as you accept the system of tyrannical enslavement put upon you by those who think they can own everyone alive.
We all need to face the reality of the situation we are in. Humanity has for far too long accepted masters and rulers as an alternative to freedom and liberty thinking we are being kept safe. That illusion and the illusion of choice are all falling away right now. We are going to have to face the destruction of the system, and yet make sure we don’t succumb to even worse enslavement as the rulers attempt to keep their grip on power.
2021 is shaping up to be tough. But it could also be great if we can stand together and simply say “no. We will not comply.”
It’s up to us. The longer we hold a belief that some system can make some people the rightful masters and the others the rightful slaves, we will be divided and fight each other while the masters keep and expand their power. The time to wake up was a year ago but now is good too. The sooner the better.
Here is a video by Jame Corbett and it details the solutions and how we can take our power back from the ruling class and elitists and be free as is our birthright.
Government is slavery. No system can make a rightful master or a rightful slave, not even “democracy” which is little more than mob rule.
Stay prepared, stay alert, stay out of the violent frays being set up to control us, and be ready for anything but make preparations to work toward freedom by leaving the oppressive system.
100% on board.
What is needed is a “Grass Roots” type leader to organize a Movement of patriots. We need to bring down social media and MSM. We need to oppose everything Biden wants to do. We need to do what the Socialist and Democratic party did to Trump – starting now.
In Short fight like hell as if our future as a free country depends on it because it does
Wake up America. Our Country has been taken over by the CORPORATION overseeing the SLAVERY of Americans since 1871. When they rewrote the Original constitution and created the Corporation of the United States and controlled by foreigners and the Crown. Go here and read the truth.
Trump is trying to overthrow this illegal government and fake current constitution and restore our nation back to the Sovereign Status of The Republic and original Constitution, free and clear of all foreign entities. This Corporation tyranny status is how the deep state controls us in so many ways. Did they teach you this real history in the Public school brain washing history classes?
Wake up America. Our Country has been taken over by the CORPORATION overseeing the SLAVERY of Americans since 1871. When they rewrote the Original constitution and created the Corporation of the United States and controlled by foreigners and the Crown. Go here and read the truth. ht tps://
Trump is trying to overthrow this illegal government and fake current constitution and restore our nation back to the Sovereign Status of The Republic and original Constitution, free and clear of all foreign entities. This Corporation tyranny status is how the deep state controls us in so many ways. Did they teach you this real history in the Public school brain washing history classes?
No they didn’t. I had to learn about it on my own. I really see no way we can get rid of the corp. WAYYYY to many people are brainwashed beyond repair. People are too stupid to be free, they never have been and never will be. Hang in there and get ready for WAR…
Genius: agree, I’m way into retirement and know majority adults lack left brain functioning, critical thinking skills. Civil war is next ain’t no way around it. Less than 3% really know what is happening. I remain socially isolated for sometime, so sick of stupid ppl. Many are brainwashed in the 501c3 churches now turned into social clubs, where nothing is learned and taught of value.
As you mentioned,the time to wake up was a year ago.There are still so many asleep to this tyrannical b.s. I cannot believe we are almost at a year of this bullshit! I have seen reports in places such as Poland and Italy of businesses planning to reopen in defiance of the lockdowns because they have been brought to total desperation.Same thing in Mexico,where some of the people said they had no choice but to resist.The only choice they said they had was either reopen or starve to death.It is good that there is a rebellion going on against these rules.Most of these rules are preposterous and are changes as needed by the evil fucks to fit their wicked agenda.
Let’s hope people keep fighting back!!!?
That photo above of the guy breaking the chains is what most people need to do.Most people are in chains and don’t even know it.We are not bound by physical chains(not yet anyway) but,all of this covid bullshit is the pretext for our total enslavement.We know that the masks are a muzzle to keep us under control.The distancing is to keep us from uniting and rising up against these assholes! All anyone needs to do is see how we are living to know that something is very wrong here.Needing the government’s permission to go where you want,to see who you want,to open your business?Are you fucking kidding me!? This tyrannical nonsense needs to stop! It is somewhat reassuring that more and more people are pushing back against these evil scum.I long for the day when the tables are turned.Let’s just see what happens when the oppressors become the oppressed!!
Saw an interesting sign in the Italy protests to reopen which really sums up in a nutshell the substituting of the flu stats with covid: The sign read:”Make Influenza Great Again”!!!!????
Spot on analysis. Nobody has the right to rule over anyone else, to impose or force themselves upon another. It can only happen if each person being ruled has consented to it, giving their full permission, and if that consent/permission can be withdrawn at any time.
This is the lesson humanity has not yet learned yet, but must if we’re ever to overcome nightmare governments headed by psychopath criminal thieves and murderers who manage to fool people who think their authority is legitimate, and that they have benevolent motives, represent them, and have their consent.
If enough people disbelieve the psychopaths and withhold consent to be governed by them, they lose their power including what they can accomplish with the enforcers of their evil will (police and military primarily).
Once people won’t serve in such positions, enforcing tyranny (which is ANYTHING anyone doesn’t consent to or give their permission to, any amount of force whatsoever), the problem that has plagued humanity for thousands of years will at last be solved.
A future enlightened day will come. They’ll look back at this sad time of slavery and brainwashing with horror.
I dont hate on anybody for having Normalcy bias ….especially chicks.
They’re just scared and thinking about their kids and stuff.
Todays suggested reading selection for my “Small Circle Of Friends”( SCOF)
FM 34-60
* If the military has a blacklist , whitelist and a graylist…you know damn well the alphabets do.
Being the gray man/grey man might actually put you at a dis advantage.
Just give it some thought.
I think information to this website is being surprised/disrupted. When I got to the URL I can only see and access articles up to 1/1/2021. Yet when I expand my search for the website using google, I can see that articles have been posted after 1/1/2021. Something fishy is going on.
We as a society can’t even give them the finger over masks. Look at all the sheep. Big bearded tough guys walking around with a mask on. We have not resisted the stupid crap all 2019. Think we will now? They are ramping up to make it s submit to their policies, rules, and fly by night laws. . Sorry, too late. Now we will just hide and say, we are on the dem side to avoid the crap. Watch and see.
The only way to be truly free is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if you lived in an utopian world where everyone was physically free,intellectually free,you would still be a slave to sin,a slave to the lusts of your flesh,a slave to Satan. Only Jesus Christ can truly set someone free. And wash away all the guilt and sin in His precious blood and give you life eternal. In these perilous times we live in human life is cheap. When aborted babies are an industry,where their parts and tissue are used in commercial products. When a hit squad could come and snuff out your life because of your political beliefs. Christ gives you love,forgiveness and life eternal. That no one can steal from you. Come quickly Lord Jesus!
Expect more and more of our freedoms and rights to be removed as the comunavirus keeps spreading.It appears there is no cure for communism.?
Great, if you can get people interested. Many groups have formed then shortly died out like tea party groups for yrs. Majority adults incl retirees are glued to cell phones, trash daytime TV, video games and social media 24/7. Hubby and I have few friends and remain socially isolated, fed up w/ shallow people. We go online and read. We are not involved in trivial community activities either. People want to stay uninformed and stupid, why do you think this country is trashing out into a dictatorship and agenda 2030?
I totally get what you are saying. I’m in the same boat. People are shallow and do not want to work with each other toward any common goal. For several years I lived in a high crime neighborhood where folks got their cars broken into, along with other problems. I tried unsuccessfully tried to organize a crime watch group, explaining that if we all banned together we could very quickly make things uncomfortable for the riff raff and they’d soon move away. I went so far as to offer to supply at MY OWN EXPENSE some cctv cameras, 2-way radios, etc. to make this work. Well, I got NO takers. When push came to crunch NOBODY wanted to help make our neighborhood any better. Eventually I was able to make my escape and have never looked back. Until Americans get a clue, kick in their idiot boxes, turn off Facebook, … we will continue to be plundered by any perp in the area, whether it be a common gang member or a bought and paid for politician.
..funny that its actually a “LowImpactFail” video being posted about loss of freedom. Brain has posted several vids both recently and in the past, some of which he then was forced to remove due to backlash, where he professed his hatred of America and pointed out all the ways in which America has not only failed, but how wrong we are about most everything.
I guess it takes a hypocrite hippie reject that doesnt really know half as much as he thinks he does, to tell it to us straight now days. “/ sad isnt it.
Speaking of freedoms,as if wearing one mask wasn’t horrible enough – The New Joke Times has recently printed an article that had the nerve to suggest that people should wear two masks simultaneously! Well,the sheep may die of suffocation,but,at least they won’t get the phony 19?
Some people can see the light only after they can feel the heat.
I call it natural selection. Or shall we say, national?
The rich are using Carte Blanche. Yet, there’s still no proof that a divine power gave them permission to rule over us.