Biden is the NATIONAL SECURITY Threat

by | Feb 26, 2024 | Headline News

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    We’ve Entered a Major Danger Zone

    Movies have been made about the number of former NFL players, NBA players, heavyweight boxing champions, and veterans who, after long and illustrious careers, hang their shoes but are unable to reinvent themselves.

    Once hailed and cheered by millions, the NFL or NBA players find themselves unemployed. After spending their entire lives playing sports, they wake up in the morning, walk their dog, spend time with their kids, and search for a new meaning to life.

    Loaded with tens of millions of dollars that most people can only dream about, they look for adventure, and the temptations are everywhere.

    A family member needs a new kitchen… “It’s just $10k, it will only be a loan.” Another friend from childhood has run into financial trouble: “Don’t leave me hanging, I just need a bridge loan to get me through the rough patch.” Soon, they're feeling great about their role as a messiah for friends and family.

    Next, they want to splurge on their spouse and children. Because their other teammates spent $100k on their little ones, they want to up it a notch and get a custom design that costs $125k. Then a financial genius offers a chance to buy beachfront land in southeast Asia while hailing it as the next French Riviera, but the money goes to money heaven after mismanagement and government corruption. Soon, they realize that without their own plan and vision, bad influences can convince them of anything.

    Having a backbone is important, and a clear vision is even more paramount.

    I love Warren Buffett’s quote in that his greatest task is that of saying NO.

    The problems begin when individuals, businesses, cities, communities, nations, superpowers, and empires lose their focus, vision, and are distracted.

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      That’s how NBA players that made millions in their careers end up broke, and it’s how a sitting president who is too weak and afraid of their own shadow puts off making big decisions until after the elections (in case they win).

      When you postpone, taxpayer dollars go to nonsense, and you fail the very people you’ve sworn an oath to serve and protect.

      Wake up, Antony Blinken… You are running around chasing your tail, and you suck at getting things done. It’s pathetic.

      The United States is the clear leader of the world, and I am in disbelief at how your incompetence shines. Grow a pair and start making big and bold decisions in line with the vision of the future that the people need.

      Do you know why Joe Biden is a threat to national security? Because Xi, Putin, Khamenei, and others are looking at how uninspiring the leadership in Washington is, and they’re allowing themselves to move ahead with plans and arrangements that a strong head of state would never allow.

      Biden is stalling because of the election, and these clear political choices make him dysfunctional and predictable.

      I can smell it on you, Blinken… I can see it in your eyes, and so can any leader that wants to remove American dominance from the equation. What do you care? After this gig, you’re probably going to retreat to some luxury cabin in Montana and take hunting lessons while drinking scotch, but your legacy will be summed up with these words: “He left it in neutral when he should have floored it.”


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