Bill Gates Wants to Spray Millions of Tons of CHALK Into Stratosphere Because Climate Change

by | Mar 24, 2021 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 13 comments

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    Infamous eugenicist Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tons of chalk into the stratosphere to stop “global warming” or climate change.  This project, which is meant to “dim the sun” could start as early as June.

    Harvard University experts will test the system by sending a large balloon 12 miles above the Swedish town of Kiruna and have it drop 2kg of chalk dust into the stratosphere.

    BOMBSHELL: Geoengineering Experiment Funded By Bill Gates Is Tied To Depopulation

    The project is called SCoPEx, and it’s being masterminded by the who’s who of eugenicists and depopulation pushers at the highest levels of world government and academia. It’s funded and endorsed by Bill Gates, for example, who openly calls for reducing the human population by billions.-SHTFPlan

    The Free Thought Project stated that chemtrails and geoengineering are no longer a conspiracy. Rather the mainstream media now supports the spaying of chemicals into the sky to “dim the sun.”  It sounds like a wonderful way to completely screw up the entire global ecosystem and ensure no food can be properly grown to feed anyone.

    The video is nothing short of an infomercial for chemtrails. It is truly bizarre how this subject has moved from the fringes of conspiracy circles and into the mainstream and no one is even batting an eye. Now that Bill Gates has endorsed and funded it, the world is suddenly open to the idea of attempting to modify the planet’s weather by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to block out the sun. -Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project

    Those who oppose the project and some experts have warned that the unusual technique could be disastrous for weather systems in ways nobody can predict.

    The test balloon will lift 600kg of scientific equipment 12 miles above the surface of the Arctic town and if it all goes well, about 2kg of dust will be released.

    This will then create a dust plume several kilometers in length – not large enough to have any effect on the intensity of the sun’s rays hitting the Earth.

    During that first test, the team would gather information on how particles of dust react with the air.  –Daily Mail UK

    Bill Gates’ Latest Depopulation Scheme? Pollute Skies, Collapse Ecosystem, & Starve Everybody to Death

    It seems like a really bad idea to try to alter the Earth in such a dramatic way. We really need to stand up to this kind of destruction, or humanity is in for some real hardships.


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      1. I’ve heard rumors things of this nature have been going on for years even though they are publicly denied.
        Check out this website:

      2. I think anyone who’s taken a good look at the sky lately
        knows this is something that is already being done.?

      3. He’s buying all the farm land and making it difficult for you to grow your own if you are healthy enough to even farm.

        “About 13 years ago I started storing up food. I started in fairly small amounts. An extra bag rice here and an extra bag of beans there and I also piled up on canned foods as I went. This all has worked out pretty well. Typically, I will consume, replace and add even more as I go.

        Somewhere back in time many years ago I was introduced to packaged survival food. I cashed in on a special whereby I received 24 hours worth of survival food. I wasn’t especially impressed and preferred my canned goods, rice and beans strategy mentioned above.

        Lately though I’ve decided to revisit the packaged survival food idea….”

        My underground newsletter is sent by email twice a week at the subscriber cost of only one dollar per month. In it I cover survival, preparedness, product reviews, current events and much more. It’s entirely interactive in that I try to answer all my emails. To sign up send an email to to get instructions on how to subscribe.

        Prepare and stay well,

      4. Without a doubt, Bill Gates is losing his marbles!

      5. This is to get into peoples lungs and kill them faster by clogging them up. Wake up everyone see it for what it is! Yes you will have to wear masks now when this starts!

      6. He can breathe his own poison in to.

      7. We have laughed in the face of CO2 castrastophists, saying how much was released by volcanoes, but are now playing the role of dust catastrophists.

        “drop 2kg of chalk”
        “about 2kg of dust will be released”

        For the time being, he admits to 2kg.

      8. If only we could launch Bill Gates into the stratosphere
        ……. without a rocketship
        ……. or a parachute

      9. It is important to know the background of those giving the public health orders. For example, the head of the WHO is an Ethiopian former Marxist guerilla. So, what is happening in Ethiopia right now when it comes to transmission of viruses? Here is an update:

        ‘We’re here to make you HIV positive’: Hundreds of women rush to Tigray hospitals as soldiers use rape as weapon of war
        Doctors say victims of conflict-related sexual violence are seeking emergency contraception and HIV prevention drugs in northern Ethiopia

        I don’t think it is racist to question public health advice when it comes from a culture that still thinks like that. In fact, NOBODY should be in charge of a major international institution if their country still propagates backward belief systems like that. That really should be the first point on the job description. “Does your country of origin lead in the field of expertise you claim to be an expert in?” For example, putting Indians in charge of public hygiene, clean water provision, or anti-corruption measures seems crazy.

      10. Who the f**k elected Gates to anything? He isnt a doctor and can’t even keep viruses from his operating system-his bread and butter. He isnt a scientist, just a nerd that got lucky. We dont have to listen to this asshat and he cant just pump shit into the atmosphere because he is rich and therefore thinks its a good idea because he thought of it. Fuck him. (I think biden and harris ought to be in prison for fraud, but that doesnt mean its going to happen). Ole bill can just keep dreaming and pound sand.

        • He’s a friggen nobody with alot of cash, and too much time on his hands to destroy other people’s lives. ?

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