Bird Flu Continues To Spread To Cats And Zoo Animals

by | Dec 15, 2024 | Headline News, Health | 1 comment

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    The bird flu is continuing to spread to other mammals, including cats and now zoo animals. Cats have been known to contract the virus, due to their exposure to wild birds, however, indoor-only cats have also been said to have been infected with avian influenza.

    This news comes just days after the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) issued a new order that all raw (unpasteurized) milk must be tested for bird flu. Reports have emerged of animals, such as domestic cats, contracting the virus, but now it appears that zoo animals are also getting sick.

    According to a report by Fox News, in Los Angeles County, the public health department is investigating the deaths of two cats that reportedly consumed recalled raw milk. After drinking the milk, the felines displayed symptoms that included lack of appetite, fever, and neurologic issues, according to a press release from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

    This is not the first time the media has reported of domestic cats being sickened with bird flu.  Previously, it was reported that an “indoor only” cat had also gotten the virus somehow, without exposure to it.

    Bird Flu Is Infecting Domestic Cats

    “The infected cats died after severe worsening of their illness, and subsequently tested positive for influenza A, a rare result in cats,” the press release stated.

    “The risk of H5 bird flu remains low in Los Angeles County, but this suspected case of the virus in a pet cat that consumed raw milk is a reminder that consuming raw dairy products can lead to severe illness in cats,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, in the release. “To avoid the spread of disease, including H5 bird flu, we strongly encourage residents and their pets to avoid raw dairy and undercooked meat products, limit contact with sick or dead animals, report sick or dead birds, and keep pets or poultry away from wild animals and birds.”

    Meanwhile, at the Wildlife World Zoo in Maricopa County, Arizona, a few resident animals have reportedly died after becoming infected with bird flu.

    Local reports stated that a cheetah, a mountain lion, a swamphen, an Indian goose and a kookaburra died as a result of bird flu, according to a zoo official.

    A white tiger also was confirmed to be infected but “appeared to be responding to treatment,” per the report. -Fox News

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      1 Comment

      1. They are attempting to pull the same with bird flu as they did with the COVID hoax. They are using this malleable test to twist its outcomes to fit their desired statistics. They will try to create more hospital protocols to off people and pay the hospitals for it then use the manufactured deaths in a media feedback loop to terrorize the public into more obedience.

        None of which will work on me. …and this time, I won’t keep my mouth shut. I will torture all the obedient sheep like they tortured me over not polluting my blood with their clotshot.

        This deep state operation will not go like the first one of did. The fullness of the saying “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

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