Bird Flu Outbreak: Virus Found In 3 Dairy Farms In California

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The bird flu has impacted three dairy farms in California, while the “authorities” claim that the milk supply is still “safe.” The cows that tested positive for avian influenza have been placed under quarantine to prevent further spread of the virus.

    As the leading dairy-producing state in the United States, California is prioritizing containment measures to prevent further spread of the virus, which could very well mean that more tyrannical measures are about to smack the slave class in the face. Despite the positive tests in livestock, no human cases of the bird flu virus have been reported in connection with the latest outbreak of bird flu, according to a report by Quartz.

    The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is working with the CDFA to monitor potential human exposure and said it plans to make sure proper public health measures are in place, which could be an ominous sign of medical tyranny incoming.

    “We have been preparing for this possibility since earlier this year when HPA1 detections were confirmed at dairy farms in other states,” said Karen Ross, the CDFA’s secretary, in a statement. Ross said that the department is leveraging its extensive experience with HPA1, particularly from previous poultry outbreaks, to manage the situation effectively. When any ruling class member wants to “manage” anything, watch out for the control mechanisms being put in place, for the “health” of the slaves, of course.

    “This is a tough time for our dairy farmers given the economic challenges they’re facing in a dynamic market, so I want to assure them that we are approaching this incident with the utmost urgency,” Ross said.

    Although the bird flu virus is “not considered a significant public health threat,” and the risk for humans is low, the department said there are still concerns for dairy workers that come in close contact with the infected cows. In July, four farm workers in Colorado were said to have been infected with the bird flu virus, according to the state’s health department.

    This comes as a federal report says the public should prepare for more human cases of the bird flu, suggesting that infections are going unreported.

    Federal Report On Colorado’s Bird Flu Outbreak Says To Prepare For More Human Cases


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