A global geoengineering experiment, which is being pushed by Bill Gates and funded by a Nazi-linked foundation has been tied to a depopulation and eugenics agenda.
According to Natural News, the globalist propaganda network CNBC has just released a new video (see below) which is a blatant infomercial for chemtrails. In the video, the media is touting the “benefits” of polluting the skies with calcium carbonate and sulfur dioxide, two pollutants that would devastate life on Earth. The mainstream media is now openly pushing for harmful geoengineering practices and chemtrails as a solution for their so-called “global warming” fear-mongering.
The project is called SCoPEx, and it’s being masterminded by the who’s who of eugenicists and depopulation pushers at the highest levels of world government and academia. It’s funded and endorsed by Bill Gates, for example, who openly calls for reducing the human population by billions.
The Free Thought Project stated that chemtrails and geoengineering are no longer a conspiracy. Rather the mainstream media now supports the spaying of chemicals into the sky to “dim the sun.” It sounds like a wonderful way to completely screw up the entire global ecosystem and ensure no food can be properly grown to feed anyone.
The video is nothing short of an infomercial for chemtrails. It is truly bizarre how this subject has moved from the fringes of conspiracy circles and into the mainstream and no one is even batting an eye. Now that Bill Gates has endorsed and funded it, the world is suddenly open to the idea of attempting to modify the planet’s weather by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to block out the sun. -Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
While people were once called crazy for suggesting chemtrails have been destroying the planet for years, now propaganda outlets are all in on using them to fight the nemesis, climate change. Geoengineering has become the subject of congressional debate, peer-reviewed studies, and now a Harvard experiment. Harvard scientists want to use geoengineering in an attempt to replicate the climate-cooling effect of volcanic eruptions (which can simulate a nuclear winter.) The university announced in July of 2019 that it has created an external advisory panel to examine the potential ethical, environmental and geopolitical impacts of this geoengineering project, which has been developed by the university’s researchers.
According to Nature Magazine, Louise Bedsworth, the executive director of the California Strategic Growth Council, a state agency that promotes sustainability and economic prosperity, will lead the Harvard advisory panel, the university said on 29 July. The other seven members include Earth-science researchers and specialists in environmental and climate law and policy.
This SCoPEx project would pollute the skies across the entire planet, dim the sun, impair photosynthesis and lead to a collapse of the global biosphere. This, of course, would lead to mass starvation around the world as food crops fail and famine sets in. This is the goal of the project, by the way, not an unintended side effect, reported Natural News.
The SCoPEx project is being funded in part, by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Sloan himself has long sought to carry out the mass murder of human beings, according to a separate report by Natural News. Industrialist Alfred P. Sloan, as head of General Motors, was a Nazi collaborator, and an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler.
Sloan’s hatred of blacks was almost as intense as his hatred of Jews. He had a close connection with the eugenics movement which eventually became the Human Genome Project. The Sloan Foundation, together with the Rockefeller nexus, held a long-standing interest in population reduction, including their involvement with the introduction of mysterious new vaccines together with the World Health Organization, which has a stated policy of population reduction, as clearly set forth in Agenda 21. –Natural News
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Moo! Baa!
Sulfur dioxide and water vapor creates sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is neutralized by calcium carbonate. The resulting calcium sulfate (gypsum) is used in organic lawncare.
Imagine getting paid(!) to dump (any bulk commodity) out in the open.
“Sloan’s hatred of blacks was almost as intense as his hatred of Jews.”
h ttps://
All it would take is countless science fair volcanoes, self-answering arguments, and self-licking icecreams.
Who was supposed to pay for all of this frivolous makework, once Sloan has killed everybody.
Algo (?) appears to hold post in moderation, for an arbitrary period, when using the J or Z word.
Sulfur dioxide and water vapor creates sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid is neutralized by calcium carbonate. The resulting calcium sulfate (gypsum) is used in organic lawncare.
Imagine getting paid(!) to dump (any bulk commodity) out in the open.
“Sloan’s hatred of blacks was almost as intense as his hatred of 3ews.”
h ttps://
All it would take is countless science fair volcanoes, self-answering arguments, and self-licking icecreams.
Who was supposed to pay for all of this frivolous makework, once Sloan has killed everybody.
Only one part of a single sentence is factual….
Natural News, the _ propaganda network
Someone has penis envy of Bill Gates wallet.
Again, the population of USA and Europe has doubled during my lifetime.
No depopulation shit is occurring, unless you claim the decrease in US births due to white guilt. White women purposely not having white children or delaying until they have autistic etal births. So cuk-a-doodle cuk to you too.
Where I live most white women have children and most of my friends have children. I see children walking the streets all the time so there are still lots of them. I would agree the most obnoxious and badly behaved tend to be bl#ck.
As for population reduction, what’s the problem with that? It seems Christians want to go back 150 years to when women were popping out 10 kids and dying at 30.
The white population is in balance with the planet; the hard work is now to get the other races reduced and in balance and to put a stop to out of control population in Africa.
White people did their bit: they got smart, invented the modern world, reduced family sizes and adopted the most peaceable behaviour on the planet. White people will marry any race, while black men want white women (cotton tail), black women only want black men (who in turn do not want their fat butts and ghetto lifestyles), Asians will marry white but never black and so on.
I think that low class people will keep breeding, no matter what hardships are placed upon them, by a natural elite.
It should be noted, the literal number of bodies, which is required to service a productive farmstead or formal household, as by elbow grease. Or, to supply a business.
Greedy people want for themselves a bulk of materiel or a landmass, to sit in executive control over it, all by themselves, but with noone to work it.
If population had anything to do with wealth, then China would have been richer than the US in the 1940s. Nigeria, Africa’s largest nation by population would be its richest, which it is not (honkytown, South Africa, is: gotta love those white folks!!!).
Population is the issue and it has to be in balance. I feel great hope today for the younger generation with their climate change anger/nonsense. With the right direction they can be directed to help in getting population back in balance. The Nazis were able to kill many millions by telling their youth they needed Germany in balance and hygienically cleaned. We can do the same today. Greta has all the qualities to be leader: anger, focus, autism and lack of empathy, and the loyalty of the youth. If she said 100 million need to go, go they would.
I remain hopeful things will get hardcore very soon.
f said, “Greta has all the qualities to be leader: anger, focus, autism…”
Autistic people don’t register any sense of gravitas, whatsoever, in melodramatic hams.
f said, “If population had anything to do with wealth, then China would have been richer than the US in the 1940s…”
There is a saying, that common sense is uncommon. The population of mostly-imbeciles, mostly driven by “feels”, would have to be made useful by a natural elite, capable of objectivity.
Weedier plants, lower life forms, earthworms, and those brooms from “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”, multiply the more they are broken up, as do the people from “Idiocracy”.
Their cult-like devotion only grows, the more hardship that is placed upon them, and they have more babies, even when working in the paddies — especially, when working in the paddies. Having but one grain of rice left is their mating call. It signals them to make more.
Where do you live I wanna move there. Soon preferably, before I come with typhus and leprosy attached.
Jesus wins
Now I know why Bill Gates likes lab grown meat so much. It tastes like boiled frog.
Any person who wants to dim the sun is following the Evil One.
Dane Wigington, at, will tell you and any other interested people all about the destructiveness (evil) of geoengineering.
By the way, as I’ve stated MANY times here before, the birth rates goes DOWN when you IMPROVE the quality of life in a country.
The earth has the capacity to feed 10 BILLION, we are currently at 7 billion. Depopulation “theorists” are spokespeople for the father of all lies, the Evil One.
Watch your six, and then some.
– the Lone Ranger
“Evil is that which destroys.” – Dr. M. Scott Peck, M.D.
“Truth needs to be repeated as long as there are those who disbelieve it.” – Gandhi
Well war and pandemics aren’t working so far……..
This article is naught but a contemporary nod to the Anne Heche movie “Toxic Skies”.
If they really wanted to depopulate the earth it would be in progress and we would see declining rates of living people. There are so many people in the world that when millions are killed in war it doesn’t even make a blip on the population radar because we are just that good now at procreating and keeping people alive as long as humanely possible (regardless of quality of life). So we are increasing our population at an exponential rate and so this is hardly worth concerning yourself with. The only reason human beings are so obsessed with survival is because it is programmed into our DNA. Same is true for ALL animals.
The globalists ought to start with themselves.
It is truly bizarre how this subject has moved from the fringes of conspiracy circles and into the mainstream and no one is even batting an eye. Now that Bill Gates has endorsed and funded it, the world is suddenly open to the idea of attempting to modify the planet’s weather by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to block out the sun. -Matt Agorist
No it’s not.
Look at the timing. It’s right after all the Muller shit failed.
This is what the Dem’s are going to run on. And EvilBill’s Operation Darkstar(tm) is INTENDED to scare the shit out of you. This is supposedly what “the rich bastards” will do “once they can no longer deny reality”.
“You don’t want to die at the hands of rich capitalist bastards do you?”
“Vote COMMIE!”
All of this is misdirection. Hyperbole.
There has been no discussion about this it seems that the whole solar system is heating up. The polar ice caps on Mars are melting. Are 500 scientist wrong? See link
So, what you’re saying is that those chem-trails are chemicals being sprayed out of planes to effect the weather is not a “conspiracy theory”? As of July, 2019 we have received confirmation that the “conspiracy theorists” were right all along?
Hitler, Hitler, Hitler.
People talk about Hitler as if he was the worst of the worst. It just ain’t so.
The “Russians” were a hundred times worse than Hitler.
Even after the war was over, the “Russians” kept murdering the poor German civilians, women, children, and babies.
For example, they torpedoed a ship carrying ten thousand German civilians, women and children fleeing Germany after the war. A disaster many times worse than that of the Titanic. Yet hardly anyone knows about it. The controlled media only presents the Germans as offenders, never as victims.
Germany acted in reaction to Russian Communism, to being controlled by foreigners, to being oppressed.
I am not a facist. I do not condone every stupid thing Hitler did. But, come on. When do we all grow up and put the facts on the table in a fair and balanced way.
The Germans weren’t all that bad. So what if Sloan was a collaborator. We collaborated with the most murderous regime in History, the Communist Russians during the twentieth century.
Now, I am not going along with some plan to depopulation by Cemtrailing us into world famine. That is a stupid plan. But Africa needs to get with the modern world and practice birth control. White people need to have more kids. Whites have already reduced their numbers. Now, it is time for non-white to catch up. Give them an IUD at fifteen. Take it out at 25. After one child, that’s it, sterilized. In one hundred years Africa, China, and the overpopulated regions would be livable and people would be able to enjoy a quality of life. It is not a punishment. It is an opportunity to become better. Waiting until 25 to have children allows one to attend college. It is better for everyone.
Positive Eugenics is not a bad thing. It doesn’t automatically lead to mass murder. That’s fear mongering. And it is ridiculously inaccurate. The Chinese are making designer babies. That is Eugenics too, and we need to catch up. I would love to have a designer baby with features such as higher intelligence and better health.
Beautiful words! White people have done their bit: they got populations in balance with the environment, spent trillions in foreign aid trying to help lower IQ people in the third world – it is now time for white people to focus on white people. More babies, especially blondes (highest IQs), reaching the next level of human development, to spend aid money on white communities, health and infrastructure, make a strategic alliance with China, who also want to go to the next level.
Eugenics is not in itself a bad thing. With science and technology now we can edit out bad people, diseases, psychopaths, ugly people, physically poor quality people (the fat, the lazy etc.), and usher in a beautiful world. Let’s do it!!
I’m too impatient for all of that. Just let the nukes fly and lets get it over with. A few million people will survive and the Earth will be just fine for the next thousand years or so.
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