CDC Says COVID Is Now “Endemic”

by | Aug 19, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that COVID-19 is now “endemic.” Others claim it is not because it’s still relatively unpredictable. So is this anything different from a common cold, other than the lengths the ruling class went to to control the masses?

    The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!

    They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here

    “Everyone has accepted COVID as a common respiratory viral infection — maybe too much,” said Neil Fishman, chief medical officer of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. It sounds like those sociopaths don’t like that the majority has figured out COVID is just a cold and that they played the slave class for years over it.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have indicated they agree, with an official telling NPR recently that the agency considers the virus endemic — in other words, a disease with a constant and predictable presence.

    However, some epidemiologists in Philadelphia and around the country are not convinced. They note the virus is still relatively unpredictable. The unexpectedly high surge in cases this summer is a prime example, they say. But they also want to keep the fear alive and well. “Endemic doesn’t mean benign. It’s still a serious disease,” Fishman said.

    So what happened to all those 40,000 or so flu deaths during the scamdemic? Did those just magically disappear or were they just calling the flu COVID to ratchet up the fear? Considering no one would have even noticed anything out of the ordinary had it not been for the mainstream media shoving it down the throats of the slave class, we’d wager this whole thing was just an elaborate hoax with the common cold to see how far they could push those they want to rule over.

    “It still fluctuates a lot,” said Thersa Sweet, an associate teaching professor of epidemiology at Drexel University. “We wouldn’t have expected it to have an increase like we’re seeing now, but we are…I’d say it’s sort of endemic. It’s here, it’s not going away, but we are still seeing unpredictable surges,” Sweet added according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. 

    If the media and “scientists” didn’t keep bringing it up, would anyone even remember COVID at all? Most people now are back to saying, “Dang, I have a cold,” instead of freaking out and going to the emergency room for a COVID test that picks up literally any shred of any virus. 



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