by Mac Slavo | May 12, 2021 | Headline News | 1 comment
Rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, Monday, May. 10, 2021. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
The violence raging in Israel and Palestine has reached a boiling point. Violence and attacks between Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli military have escalated significantly, with the United Nations now fearing a “full-scale war.”
More than 1,000 rockets have now been fired by Palestinian militants over 38 hours, Israel said, most at Tel Aviv. Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes, destroying two tower blocks in Gaza on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to a report by the BBC.
The ongoing violence is a huge concern for a global populace on the precipice of a major conflict. Israeli Arabs have staged violent protests in a number of Israeli towns. Lod near Tel Aviv has been put under a state of emergency.
Fady Hanona, a journalist in Gaza City, tweeted a video he said showed explosion after explosion in Gaza on Wednesday morning.
“What is happening is unbelievable,” he said. “What we experienced this morning was more war than what we lived during the last three wars.”
The international community has urged both sides to end the escalation, amid concerns it could spiral out of control. The UN’s Middle East peace envoy, Tor Wennesland, said the sides were “escalating towards a full-scale war.” -BBC
And the rulers in the United States have to chime in with their push toward keeping people locked in the idea of mob rule (democracy.)
Spoke with @Gabi_Ashkenazi today about the ongoing situation in Israel including rocket fire emanating from the Gaza Strip. Israelis and Palestinians need to be able to live in safety and security, as well as enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, prosperity, and democracy.
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) May 11, 2021
Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz said the Israeli strikes were “just the beginning.” “Terror organizations have been hit hard and will continue to be hit because of their decision to hit Israel,” he said. “We’ll return peace and quiet, for the long term.”
Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh said in a televised address: “If [Israel] wants to escalate, we are ready for it, and if it wants to stop, we’re also ready.”
Hopefully, full-scale war does not break out. But unfortunately, it looks like all sides are ready and almost desiring a war. At the moment, the consensus is that both Israel and Hamas are ramping up their rhetoric as well as continuing missile and rocket strikes.
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The Palestinians and the Israelis are genetic cousins, it’s a family squabble. Family fights are often the most vicious, and all the intervention in the world won’t change that. I promise, the causes of their enmity will not be resolved because it’s inherent, and they’ll still be going at it a hundred years from now. Each side involved demands the world supports their to claim for legitimacy for what they do. It’s best to just stay clear of it all and not get caught up in it.