This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: FACT CHECK: Covid Was Mild and Barely Killed Anyone – Ventilator-Acquired Pneumonia, On The Other Hand, Killed Millions
New research out of Northwestern University in Illinois has confirmed that most of the pre-“vaccine” deaths that occurred in the early days of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” were caused by ventilators, specifically ventilator-acquired pneumonia, rather than the “virus.”
SARS-CoV-2, it turns out, was relatively mild the entire time, afflicting most people with little more than a cold or sniffles. The establishment’s health system, however, was told and incentivized to make it appear like another black plague, which sent countless millions to an early grave through the “treatment” modalities they were offered.
One of those so-called treatments was ventilators, which caused patients who otherwise would have survived, in most cases, to develop a serious case of ventilator-acquired pneumonia. This, Northwestern researchers found, is why millions died – again, not because of covid itself.
“Covid itself has a ‘relatively low mortality rate’ compared to other respiratory illnesses, the researchers found after examining about 600 patients with severe pneumonia,” reported Alex Berenson on his Substack. “Yet Covid patients remained intubated longer than other patients and developed secondary bacterial infections more often.
“Those extra infections caused many deaths in Covid patients, the researchers wrote. More patients may have died from the bacterial infections than Covid itself.”
(Related: Be sure to also check out our recent coverage about how hospitals across America became death and murder facilities during covid.)
This revelation is really bad news for the corporate media and establishment medicine, both of which aggressively pushed for all admitted covid patients to have a ventilator smashed over their breathing holes. These same entities then tried to blame President Donald Trump for not doing enough to “save lives” by imposing even more medical tyranny.
Early on in the scamdemic when Trump openly stated that he did not believe the medical establishment needed so many ventilators, let alone even more ventilators after their overuse created a shortage, he was blasted by the powers that be for spreading “misinformation.”
“Doctors often preemptively put patients on ventilators,” The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2020, noting that the medical establishment’s excuse for ventilator overuse is that it would help protect hospital staff from “catching covid” from patients breathing out covid “viral particles.”
It was already long established at the time that putting patients on mechanical ventilation, especially for long periods of time, is really dangerous because tracheostomy tubes “are a highway to bacterial lung infections,” to quote Berenson, who warns that ventilator-acquired pneumonia is very difficult to treat, even with powerful antibiotics.
“The importance of VAP [ventilator-acquired pneumonia] as a driver of mortality in patients with COVID-19 has been underestimated,” wrote the researchers behind the new study, which was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
The truth about ventilators eventually came out, resulting in many hospitals simply abandoning them altogether. This resulted in truckloads of brand-new ventilators having to be given away – though nobody wanted them, so most ended up in landfills.
“By then, though,” Berenson notes, “it was too late for Covid patients admitted – and ventilated – in 2020.”
“It is incredible the speed at which the – once revered – medical profession was effortlessly dismantled,” wrote one of Berenson’s readers about what covid did – or perhaps simply brought to light – concerning the deeply embedded corruption within the medical establishment.
“Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s right-hand man, once said: ‘Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome,’” – and, man, was this right as far as what happened during covid, resulting in millions of needless deaths.
The latest news about the covid scamdemic and what it did to the world can be found at Genocide.news.
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