An employee of Dominion Voting Systems has filed a defamation lawsuit against the Trump campaign and several news outlets. The employee is claiming that he is now the “face” of election fraud accusations that could lead to violence against him.
The defamation suit, filed on Tuesday in district court in Denver County, Colorado, names the Trump campaign, the president’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, lawyer Sidney Powell, conservative pundits Michelle Malkin and Joseph Oltmann, and the conservative media outlets Gateway Pundit, Newsmax, and One America News Network (OANN).
Eric Coomer, the security director at the Colorado-based company, says he started receiving death threats after Trump surrogates and media outlets suggested that he used his position at Dominion, whose voting machines were used in several battleground states, to ensure that Democrat Joe Biden prevailed in the November 3 contest, according to RT.
Donald Trump released a video explaining why this election fight is still not over, even though this lawsuit makes it look that way.
The story blaming Coomer spread across conservative media after Oltmann was interviewed by Malkin and Gateway Pundit, and even caught the eye of the president’s son, Eric, who tweeted about it. OANN reported the alleged conversation and Powell and Giuliani pointed to Coomer’s anti-Trump posts on social media as evidence that Dominion may be politically compromised.
The lawsuit acknowledged that Coomer criticized the president on his private Facebook page, but says the account is no longer active. The episode made Coomer, what he claims as “the face of false claims” regarding Dominion’s alleged role in tipping the scales in the presidential election, his lawyers said. The security director reportedly became the target of death threats after right-wing websites posted his photo, home address, and details about his family.
Dominion machines have been the subject of numerous legal challenges questioning the integrity of the 2020 election results. A recent court-ordered audit of Dominion systems used in Michigan concluded that the machines are “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.” –RT
It certainly does not seem as though this (s)election debacle is over yet. Stay alert and be aware of what’s going on. If this starts to look like it could go the other way, make sure you are prepared for what that could mean, especially if you live in a large city.
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Bad move, their machines and records can now be subpoenaed. They would have done much better to just stay quiet and let is all go away.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, James, it was, indeed, a bad move on Dominion’s part. Now, their machines and records can be subpoenaed. Yes, they would’ve done a lot better to simply stay quiet and let it all go away.
Oh Colorful Colorado, the home of digital voting fraud for at least the past decade. It’s an open secret round these parts. We all know it’s true.
The courts can not contain what is coming.
We’re not taking the god damned shot either. No!
If you expose a counterfeiter the counterfeiter can sue you because you have put him/her at risk?
Nice system if you’re a counterfeiter.
The employee is claiming that he is now the “face” of election fraud accusations that could lead to violence against him.
That’s what happens when you try to pass off Cheap Chinese Knockoffs as the real thing.
He would probably be safer in protective custody.
“Commenting Policy:
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After years and multiple posts my comments still don’t show up. I have complained, and they appear for a day or two and are then gone forever once again. I am giving up on SHTF. My patients are gone!
Sorry pal – you’re history is bullsh-t — where’d you get your talking points? from the ADL? no more lies – no more usury