This article was originally published by Kevin Hughes at Natural News.
For Dr. William Mount, the wheat shortage is just an illusion created by the “United States Corporation” working in concert with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.
“There is no world shortage of wheat, but there’s a global wheat problem. There’s a distribution problem being caused by the United States Corporation, which is banning the exportation of fuel on countries that need fuel to run the diesel and the trains that distribute the food. So there’s no wheat shortage,” Mount said in his recent podcast, noting that the U.S. has more oil and natural gas than the rest of the world combined.
“It’s the World Economic Forum working with the United Nations. They just signed a document that says the United States will cut oil production and not send the diesel overseas so people can’t run the trains to distribute the wheat. That’s how evil the United Nations is. And the Lucifer Trust runs the United Nations which runs the leaders of the corporations.”
According to Mount, America is stopping the distribution of wheat and that spells trouble for the rest of the world.
Mount said the Russians took $5 billion of farming equipment to farm the Ukraine to provide the world with food, but the U.S. ordered John Deere to shut off the tractors so the Russians can’t harvest the food.
“It’s the United States Corporation, the government of the United States, that turned off the John Deere tractor so the Russians can’t harvest wheat to feed the Ukrainian people. It’s not Russia that’s against the Ukrainian people, it’s the United States government and NATO. Why else would they order John Deere to shut down the tractors that Russia is using to plow the fields to plant? The wheat to feed the Ukrainian people?” explained Mount.
The engineered wheat shortage looks worse because of the extreme weather conditions being experienced by other wheat-producing countries.
India, which is a big wheat producer, is experiencing a scorching 110 to 120 degrees temperature. Mount said the Indian government is already going to the FMGI or Farm to Market Global Initiative to start freeze-drying their food. (Related: Heatwave destroys wheat crops in India, accelerating global food collapse.)
He added that Pakistan is much worse with a 123 degrees temperature, which is drying up its rivers and lakes. The former U.S. Army Captain and TV broadcaster said Pakistan will need to import food from India which is having a hard time growing wheat due to the heatwave.
The Indian government has adjusted downwards the estimate for wheat production.
Addressing a press conference, Food Secretary Sudhanshu Pandey said the country’s Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare has changed the wheat production estimate downwards to 105 million tons MT for the 2021-22 crop year from previous estimate of 111.3 MT.
India’s wheat production settled at 109.59 MT in the 2020-21 crop year (July-June). The reduction of estimates has been ascribed to “early summer.” Still, Pandey said there is no case for regulating exports of wheat.
The government’s wheat purchase is anticipated to drop to 19.5 MT in the 2022-23 marketing year (April-March). It was much lower than the previous year due to various factors, including higher market prices of wheat in some nations compared to the minimum support price; stocks being held by farmers and traders in expectation of additional price hike; and lower production than estimated in some nations.
Follow FoodSupply.news for more related news.
Watch the video below to know more about the global wheat problem.
This video is from the Dr. William Mount channel on Brighteon.com.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The United States is a corporation and it is also slavery. Has anyone ever wondered why the government won’t ban corporations? Because they’d have to ban themselves, and do we honestly believe they would do that? We need to stop allowing them to have power over us.
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But that’s not the true story. That’s the story you get when hilarious old cranks like Bill Mount start spreading it.
The real story is Russian looters stole 27 pieces of John Deere farm equipment worth 5 million (not 5 billion) in Melitopol, Ukraine, and shipped it to Chechnya where it wouldn’t start because John Deere bricked it via the internet. Just like they can do to any farmer who tries to repair his own late model Deere.
I agree about the US corp. trying to starve people, but the people they will starve are the Ukrainian people. Ukraine has already exported more wheat in 2021 than their normal amount. 2022 wheat is not even ready for shipment. What the US is doing is exporting all 20 million tons of wheat that is in Ukraine storage. You see, some countries actually keep reserves like the US used to do, but no longer does. They are shipping it out by train and truck mostly to Poland where it goes up the Danube to Europe .
They are creating a modern holodomor in Ukraine whereby, if 2022 crops are short from the war, they will have no reserves to fall back on.
The US can’t ship all of Ukraine’s wheat; much of it is in Russian-occupied ports.
They take it by way of Odessa to Moldova’s Danube port where it can be shipped west upriver all the way to Germany or out the mouth of the Danube into the Black Sea. As long as Russia doesn’t control all the way to Transnistria, they can (and are) using Moldova ports. They also rail some to the Polish border and use trucks into Poland since the rail changes to a narrow European gauge and Russian built trains do not work without a lot of switching of gear.
Russia does have a blockade on Ukrainian ports, but not on other Black Sea countries.
The US is in the process of strip-mining Ukraine of all the resources it can before Russia takes control. They see that Ukraine will lose the war so they are taking what they can disguised as Lend-Lease repayments for the outdated arms they sent over.
There’s a lot going wrong today, and I mean some very serious problems. It’s all systemic and it seems to all be planned out. It has to be. From food shortages to inflation, ships waiting for weeks to get unloaded, fuel cost increases and soon to be rationing, but the one that really bugs me is the baby formula angle. And an angle is what it is. It takes heartless evil people to starve babies. That one hits home for me. I raised 2 boys on my own and the youngest was 2 when I got custody. I could not imagine those beautiful babies going hungry in this day and age. They’re both grown now and both college educated, for which I am eternally grateful and proud. An accountant and a cyber security officer but when I read about the baby formula situation, I can feel anger deep in my belly. There’s absolutely no reason why we are having these problems, especially in America, unless there’s a nefarious plan in the works and I’m pretty sure we’re all in agreement as to that theory. We have never had problems that we do now, all at once. Sure we’ve had crippling inflation, we’ve had fuel shortages. Even then you didn’t have to go to 2 or 3 stores to get the groceries you needed, if you’re fortunate enough to get everything. It’s all leading to one end folks.
Mothers should have the intelligence to feed their infants which has many substitutes listed online by nutritionists with goats milk, protein powders, and vitamins. Also there are mother’s milk banks if you can breast feed.
To fix this problem, become independent so the government can’t control you leaving you helpless. This is how you fight tyrany.
Sorry I wasn’t clear, I was/am a single father. Other than that, I wholly agree with you
If we could just get rid of America the world would be a wonderful place, wouldn’t it?
If we could rid ourselves of scum politicians and all traitors we’d be just fine. I love my country but hate these assholes that are ruining it
We’re the ones that put those “assholes’ in their positions of power.
You are an idiot.
Representative of the problem.
@anon, a few posts down you called me “one of them”. What exactly does that mean? I am not a member of anything, religious, cults, organizations, etc. Please clarify yourself….
@ anon… Still waiting for an answer…
Many politicians and officials are quislings to the State. The State is comprised of some politicians and some officials, but also select billionaires and trillionaires, some multinational corps., Mil. Ind. Comp., the intel agencies, banking cartel, secret and quasi-secret organizations, nameless and faceless but powerful individuals, some powerful families, even foreign elements, and other entities. The gov’t and its officialdom are subordinate to the non-elected State and are merely tools used to control the people. Don’t be naive and believe we have a gov’t of, by, or for the people. Recent elections prove gov’t does basically nothing to address the will of the people. Look at our selected prezzJB, he is technically Head of State, but in practice it is not so. There’s not a single g*dd*m thing he’s done that benefit the people, and in reality makes everything worse for us. This is because he’s not really in charge, the poor guy is merely a confused senile bumbler managed by people you don’t know about or ever heard of, and used as a rubber stamp to legitimize policies that actually only serve the interests of the “elites”. This is you first civics lesson in Realville.
Nothing good ever came
from the government.
Once again, we see that it is our own government who is doing every single evil thing.
“World events do not occur
by accident. They are made
to happen, whether it is to do
with national issues or with
commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who
hold the purse strings.”
~ Denis Healey
You have taken marks of subservience, upon your lower faces and the back of your left arm.
Does plentiful food come back online, once you have offered your right hands and foreheads?
Weather changes seasonally and with location.
Anything over at brighteon is tainted, try and debate their BS and they will delete your comments as sure and a monkey shits if the forest.
6uild 6ack 6niffer
It is all about control and the best way to keep somebody down is by the short and curlies: food.
Nobody on planet earth eats without the US’ say so. That’s a fact. The US feeds the world in many different ways, from dumping surplus agri-products into Africa, to financing farming, to using their tools – the United Nations – to buy food from other countries and ship it to the third world client states to keep them under control.
The real big story is this: Russia and China are in alliance with most of the turd world. And most of the turd world are not on board with the war against Russia (and then China). So, America is saying: “b#tches, yo’ better get on board with our war against Russia or you starve, feel me bro’!!’.
Starvation is the weapon of choice for commies!
They take it by way of Odessa to Moldova’s Danube port where it can be shipped west upriver all the way to Germany or out the mouth of the Danube into the Black Sea. As long as Russia doesn’t control all the way to Transnistria, they can (and are) using Moldova ports. They also rail some to the Polish border and use trucks into Poland since the rail changes to a narrow European gauge and Russian built trains do not work without a lot of switching of gear.
Russia does have a blockade on Ukrainian ports, but not on other Black Sea countries.
The US is in the process of strip-mining Ukraine of all the resources it can before Russia takes control. They see that Ukraine will lose the war so they are taking what they can disguised as Lend-Lease repayments for the outdated arms they sent over.