Dutch Health Minister Admits That COVID-19 Was A “Military Operation” Involving NATO

by | Nov 15, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News, Health

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    This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natural News. 

    A Dutch government official recently stated that the COVID-19 pandemic was a “military operation” and that the Netherlands followed orders related to the pandemic that were issued by NATO.

    This is according to Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema, who blamed the country’s governmental agency in charge of national security, the Netherlands’ National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) for much of what happened during the pandemic.

    The three-minute video, in which Agema told the Dutch parliament that pandemic preparedness was linked to NATO treaty obligations and the NCTV during a debate, quickly went viral.

    Researcher Cees van den Bos responded to Agema’s admission by saying the pandemic was a “coup d’etat” and the NCTV was simply serving as NATO’s puppet.

    “This country will only be free if the NCTV is completely abolished and these kinds of shadow governments never get a foothold again. This is the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of a democracy,” he stated.

    He added that people who think the pandemic is behind us are in for another “reality check.”

    When the pandemic was in full swing, NATO set COVID-19 response guidelines that were distributed to the foreign ministers of its member states and coordinated related strategic communications. This could help explain why Sweden was the only European nation to implement a fairly relaxed approach during the pandemic as Sweden was not part of NATO at that time.

    Agema’s admission also backs comments made by Dutch activist Willem Engel, who said at his trial for sedition in late 2022 that the government was working to combat those who criticized its COVID-19 policies. He cited the NCTV, along with the Dutch Ministry of defense and Ministry of the Interior as participating in the suppression.

    “They formed a crisis team that worked together with other government agencies, such as the OM, mayors, and the judiciary, as well as with the media. They are using a military method that amounts to mapping, suppressing, and disrupting.”

    Agema’s comments provide much-needed clarity

    Medical ethicist Wendy Mittemeijer said she appreciated the minister’s honesty about the situation, saying: “For the first time in four years, I hear a public admission that the NCTV was in charge during the coronavirus crisis and that it had to be carried out. It was a military operation. This was not allowed to be said for four years. That was a conspiracy theory. I appreciate the honesty of the minister, that this is being admitted and that he was not in charge.”

    This also aligns with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s claims that the production of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. was a military operation that was engineered by the military-industrial complex and the U.S. Department of Defense.

    The news about Agema’s comments provided some clarity to prominent Dutch physician, Dr. Els van Veen, who said that it explained the things that happened to her and her fellow doctors during the pandemic. Writing on X, she said: “It was a military operation, the Minister of Health obeys NATO and NCTV.”

    NATO also features in the latest version of New Zealand’s pandemic plans, which allow law enforcement and NATO to enforce the country’s mandatory vaccination agenda and give government officials the power to override the law during epidemics and emergencies.


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