Emergency rooms across the United States are filling up with people suffering from major health issues. Unlike during the height of the “pandemic” when hospitals were empty and devoid of any human life.
New York’s COVID-19 Field Hospital Dismantled After Treating ZERO Patients
Woman BANNED From ALL HOSPITALS In The UK For Proving Hospitals Are EMPTY
The scene being painted is in stark contrast to where emergency departments were at the start of the pandemic. Except for initial hot spots like New York City, in spring 2020 many ERs across the country were often eerily empty. And even in New York City, despite KHN‘s claims, the hospitals were empty.
COVID isn’t overwhelming the health system either. Patients are showing up to the ER sicker than before the pandemic, their diseases more advanced and in need of more complicated care. The mainstream media is blaming it on people putting off care during the hoax scamdemic to avoid getting the common cold they relabeled COVID-19.
Could it be something else though? Could it be:
More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?
A report by NRP even stated that the problem isn’t COVID patients. Bloomberg Quint has reported that even though 80% of Coloradoans have been “vaccinated,” the hospitals are still overrun. But the governor claims it’s those pesky “unvaccinated” people filling up the hospitals.
Colorado’s governor Jared Polis said that the only way to relive the hospitals, is of course, for the 20% who continue to refuse the shots to take them. operative, if everybody was vaccinated. “This is particularly tragic now because it’s essentially entirely preventable,” Polis said. The state may soon ask the Federal Emergency Management Agency to augment stretched hospital staffing, he said, in addition to employing the crisis standards that set guidelines for rationing care, he said. Colorado has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country as the governor begins to talk of rationing care.
Is this just a coincidence?
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Sure would like to know how many of those deaths had taken the “vaccines”.
That would seem to be the most elusive question answered because one can’t believe anything anyone says about statistics. But it is interesting that they don’t mention which are in there. They just say the hospitals are filling up.
Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle – is a known side effect of the COVID vaccine, the younger, the more likely heart muscle inflammation occurs.
The main culprit is suspected to be failure to aspirate the needle, that is, making sure to inject into a muscle, and not a blood vessel, by pulling back the syringe a little to see of blood is drawn.
If blood is drawn, the end of the needle is in a blood vessel and a new injection site needs to be found.
The vaccine is already dangerous, but intramuscular injection delays dispersal of the vax to just the injection site and so is somewhat safer.
Otherwise, the entire circulatory system is exposed to the vaccine at once, and blood constantly cycles through the heart. It is believed that the cells lining blood vessels are particulary succeptable to vax clotting.
This is a complete and utter lie. 2.4,million are unvaxed in Commierado. That is more like 45 percent of 6 million people. Polis the puppet lies with every breath he takes!
No, they are not ! lol
At least around here.
I tell you what they are overrun with, People going in for the sniffles that don’t have insurance.