Farmers Blame The Feds: The “Government Stole Our Water!”

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Headline News | 16 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    Farmers in the United States have reached a breaking point. They now say that what the government has done has been so disastrous that they are willing to stand off with the Feds.

    Farmers in Oregon are protesting because they own the water in the Upper Klamath Lake, farmer Dan Nielsen told RT’s Ruptly video agency. He stood outside an American flag-colored tent that was set up next to the canal headgates, which control the flow of irrigation water from the lake. “It’s ours and the federal government actually just stole it. No due process of law, no compensation,” Nielsen said, adding that federal officials had violated the locals’ property rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.

    Are people really just now figuring out that the government, doesn’t care about the Constitution?

    “But whether the Constitution really be one thing or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

    The rulers do not care. They do not care about the rules they use force and violence to make the rest of us obey. Government is slavery it always has been and it always will be.

    The US Bureau of Reclamation closed the canal last month, saying that due to the extreme drought there was not enough water left for it to operate properly. The bureau also said that releasing the water will threaten the endangered species of salmon that inhabit the lake. The fish have agricultural and spiritual significance to the Native American tribes who live upstream, according to a report by RT

    According to local media, thousands of farmers on the Oregon-California border were left without a steady water supply after the closure of the canal. Klamath Irrigation District president Ty Kliewer said that “the impacts to our family farms and these rural communities will be off the scale.”

    The farmers are now in such a dire situation and with a food supply already on a razor’s edge of disaster, they say they will release the water themselves.

    They spoke about releasing the water themselves if the government does not back down. “If [the Feds] don’t budge… I think we’re just going to end up taking it,” Nielsen said. “It’s the only way the government gets it.” In order to avoid confrontation, officials must let farmers use the water for their crops or purchase the land from the farmers, he said.

    They showed JPR a text conversation with Bundy and said the militiamen will get a heads-up when the farmers make their move. “I’m planning on getting DC’s attention,”  another outraged farmer, Grant Knoll told Jefferson Publis Radio this month. “We’re going to turn on the water and have a standoff.”

    “Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.”― Friedrich Nietzsche


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      1. All by design. Geoengineering ring a bell? They declared war on the people years ago, now it is time for the payoff they want. Depopulation from manufactured crisis. Hang on to yer hats!

        • Maybe we’ll get lucky and one of fedgov’s many foreign victims with depopulate Washington and New York.

          It’s clear that the US empire is on the downward slope of the bathtub curve. The only thing that remains to be seen is how the graph line hits the baseline.

      2. Done for the greater good.

      3. My best wishes to those farmers. They’ll need all the luck they can get. A standoff with the feds will be a really tall order.

      4. Another Waco in the making. The Feds aren’t concerned about killing civilians and the farmers need help, lots of it, to stand off the Feds. The farmers need to get the information out that the food shortage is the result of gov. action, and hopefully, enough pissed off, hungry people will see the light and join the fight. I has to go nation wide to be successful.

      5. Seems the Feds own everything that was not homesteaded or claimed by the several states early in the history of the US.

        But I may even be mistaken there. There are no more allodial titles anymore and, as far as I know, every deed has been converted to fee simple…and it says right there in my deed that I am a tenant. Tenant means you are beholden to a landlord. The state? The state can claim your land under a judgement, forfeiture, a lien, eminent domain, or non payment of taxes. So maybe we really don’t own anything.
        OT…I saw something just the other day that surprised me. Ammon Bundy has publicly announced his support for Black Lives Matter.

      6. When those other Mehican farms went dry (in that other Mehico, south of the border) there were slightly richer farmers with slightly better clothes, and with slightly more acres, who had invested in cisterns.

        Those disaffected by extraordinary drought (ordinary desert conditions) were accused of stealing from their neighbors, somehow, who had demanded compensation, for some reason. (Communism.)

        “… The fish have agricultural and spiritual significance to the Native American tribes who live upstream…”

        By one estimate, less than 1,000 literal fish. No effort of which we are aware, was made to preserve the priceless spirit animals.

        Should we map how many casinos are near Klamath?

        How might these same exact building materials have been used to preserve your culture?

      7. When those other Mehican farms went dry (in that other Mehico, south of the border) there were slightly richer farmers with slightly better clothes, and with slightly more acres, who had invested in cisterns.

        Those disaffected by extraordinary drought (ordinary desert conditions) were accused of stealing from their neighbors, somehow, who had demanded compensation, for some reason. (Communism.)

        “… The fish have agricultural and spiritual significance to the Native American tribes who live upstream…”

        By one estimate, less than 1,000 literal fish. No effort of which we are aware, was made to preserve the priceless spirit animals.

        Should we map how many casinos are near Klamath?

        How might these same exact building materials have been used to preserve your culture?

      8. I am an Oregonian and a resident of the Klamath Basin. This story and this reporting is not accurate. There is no government plot to disenfranchise local farmers. What there is, is a serious drought. Have people already forgotten what happened back in I think it was 2002 — which was also a drought year. Local farmers organized the so called bucket brigade – demanding immediate relief from that drought year — and caught the ear of then VP Dick Cheney.

        Cheney used his power to over rule the scientists who had sharply limited the water allotment for farmers in order to maintain stream flow of the Klamath River to protect salmon and other riverine species. Cheney ordered the US Fish & Wildlife Service to forget about salmon and to release water to the farmers. The result was that reduced stream flow in the Klamath River caused a serious rise in water temperature and a massive die off of precious salmon followed. It was an environmental disaster — and all because a politician over-ruled the scientists whose job it was to manage the river.

        Water is precious in the American West — and there is not always enough to go around. That’s the reality. SHTF and its readers need to dial down the rhetoric and try to understand what is really happening. Farmers are in trouble — but so are we all. Oregon’s forests are tinder dry – we are facing a very serious fire season. And the unnecessary Lockdown over Covid has seriously damaged our economy. We need to pull together to get through this.

      9. Maybe I’m missing something, but salmon migrate. If there was no outlet to the lake, how did the salmon get in?
        Aside from that, I haven’t seen any action from the Feds on the Garrison Diversion in North Dakota, which transfers (contrary to a Treaty with Canada) “excess” water (along with bacteria, plants, and fish) from the Missouri basin into the Hudson Bay basin. Doesn’t that “steal water” from farmers in North Dakota and aren’t those fish”sacred” to the indigenous population?

      10. Las Vegas stole the water with the three tunnels, greedy pricks

      11. Was a time red blooded Americans would get on their knees and pray for rain realizing their neighbors were in the same circumstance. Now they are just itching for a fight and blaming big brother for a drought that everyone in the west is suffering under. These whiny ranchers need to grow up instead of being rural Antifa. No civil rights are threatened and the property rights are in dispute.

      12. Food production in my region has been treated as a national security concern and excuse for micromanagement.

        These are gov run franchises, funded by one lending pool after another, as it fails to usurious restrictions.

        There are innovations for all of these problems, not that they will be used, even unto the very last.

        Protect your intellectual property with no survivor’s remorse.

      13. During emergency situations grow food only. Stop growing for the fuel industries. No food no ethanol!

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