Dr. Antony Fauci is at it again with his scare tactics and fear-mongering. According to the tyrant, the United States is reporting an “extremely high and unacceptable” number of COVID-19 cases.
Fauci says that this winter season when people will be spending more time indoors, the virus will spread, reported CNBC. Strange how back in March the tyrants forced everyone inside on house arrest and that was supposed to “flatten the curve.” White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci is looking for an excuse to exact tyranny on everyone.
Fauci seems to be unable to refrain from talking about how bad this winter is going to get. Remember, back in May, we wrote about the ousted vaccine chief warned that we would have the “darkest winter.” The people noticing this connection are few and far between:
More Fauci Warnings: Expect “A Whole Lot Of Pain” This Winter
Fauci’s Warning: “Hunker Down” Over Winter, Second Lockdown Coming
Joe Biden also warned us of a “dark winter”:
Joe Biden Warns: A “Dark Winter” Is Ahead
These cannot all be accidents. Especially considering there was a secret ruling class and elitist model done dubbed the “darkest winter”:
Secret Models of “The Darkest Winter”
As we have said before, the political parasites in the ruling class do not now nor have they ever cared about any of us. This entire scamdemic was perpetrated to expand their power and control over all of us. If they can pull off a second lockdown, they will do it. People have to be absolutely destitute to willingly accept their own enslavement, and people are just not quite there yet. Another lockdown would seal the fate of many remaining small businesses.
“We’re in a precarious position over the next several weeks to months,” Fauci said. New Jersey governor Phil Murphy already said that a second lockdown is not off the table when it comes to “controlling” the virus. Which is really about controlling people. We had better wake up and come together soon to oppose any law enforcement officer or military personnel who will force these political edicts on us.
It’s beyond time we start acting like the free sovereign human beings we were born as and stop bowing to political rulers thinking they will somehow save us. If history has taught us anything, it’s that politicians should never be trusted.
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The number of cases reported as new is extremely misleading, and the “experts” stating it know it. They call anyone tested that shows positive as a new case. It is not a new case it is a discovered case. If twice as many were tested and were positive that would mean twice as many newly discovered cases. If only half as many people were tested and found to be positive that would be only half as many new cases. However, it is strongly suspect the number of “new cases” aren’t even accurate as the test itself is flawed. Furthermore, more than 99.4 % of new cases are either asymptomatic, or if one does become ill they recover. Many have passed away from this disease, and that is very unfortunate. However, the number said to have passed away where the cause is attributed to solely to covid is also misleading. The vast majority of those that sadly passed had associated complications such as old age, obesity, respiratory problems, etc. It has been reported several deaths attributed to covid were actually caused by other factors such as vehicle accidents, or a disease not connected to covid.
I am not saying covid is not serious, it is serious, but it is being way way overblown to the point where one sees there must be other elements to this “epidemic” that have nothing to do with public health.
It was this ass-hat whose lab created it.
This little liberal puke comes out 2 days before the election.
What a coward and disgrace to the medical profession
Just looking at him disgust me.
The president will fire this dope on11/4
Spot on, he is a shit eating little coward. WHO will go into lock down trying to hide so he doesn’t get tarred and feathered. Fucci is part of the pig committee, shit eaters. After the elections they will all (shit eaters) go into lock down, because they are cowards. AMEN may they rest in hell. (R.I.H). Elbulleheal
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written a letter to Trump, and in this letter has used language that I have not heard until today, “The Deep Church” and in this letter condemns Pope Francis, referred to as “The One Who Occupies The Chair of Peter” for supporting the Great Reset globalist agenda of destroying liberty entirely along with the implications of enslavement of the world population and total tyranny. This is really stunning! I have not seen evidence of Pope Francis supporting the Great Reset, but that does not mean that he does not. Pope Francis has come under criticism for wanting to allow divorced people, re-married people, and gays be recognized by the church as well as being able to receive communion, and has criticized what Pope Francis refers to as the failures of capitalism that he believes are responsible for poverty, and has requested that vaccines be made available to the world population. There is no need for a global vaccine for covid-19. It is wasteful spending. Think of how many healthy individuals could be fed with money allocated towards distributing a global vaccine. People are starving. Spending money on forced vaccinations that endanger people’s health in order to serve the pharmaceutical industry and medical mafia is a human rights abuse, and it is also extremely wasteful spending. It serves no higher purpose or moral ground at all. Who does this help? The many Catholic Hospitals that would receive government funding at the expense of the healthy and the poor? Although as far as I know the Catholic Church does not own hospitals, The Daughters of Charity, and The Sisters of Charity are the organizations that dominate ownership of Catholic Hospitals. They have had a lengthy history of corruption, and while they claim(ed) to be opposed to abortion, they would not provide charitable services that would in fact allow more women to give birth, since it is extremely expensive, yet they refused to waive the $10-20’s thousands of worth of hospital fees required to have a child. So, that is why many women chose to have abortions, because they do not want to bring a child into the world when they are too financially burdened to be able to provide for the child, and of course, the fees could be five times that. Life is nearly impossible for those who can afford the essentials, and when combined with not being able to afford essentials, in addition to all of societies other problems, it is just not something many women feel comfortable taking the risk on when someone so vulnerable and helpless would be the victim of a woman having a child without financial means based on the idea that God will provide, while seeing so many in poverty, in the righest nation on earth.
Andrea Iravani
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has written a letter to Trump, and in this letter has used language that I have not heard until today, “The Deep Church” and in this letter condemns Pope Francis, referred to as “The One Who Occupies The Chair of Peter” for supporting the Great Reset globalist agenda of destroying liberty entirely along with the implications of enslavement of the world population and total tyranny. This is really stunning! I have not seen evidence of Pope Francis supporting the Great Reset, but that does not mean that he does not. Pope Francis has come under criticism for wanting to allow divorced people, re-married people, and gays be recognized by the church as well as being able to receive communion, and has criticized what Pope Francis refers to as the failures of capitalism that he believes are responsible for poverty, and has requested that vaccines be made available to the world population. There is no need for a global vaccine for covid-19. It is wasteful spending. Think of how many healthy individuals could be fed with money allocated towards distributing a global vaccine. People are starving. Spending money on forced vaccinations that endanger people’s health in order to serve the pharmaceutical industry and medical mafia is a human rights abuse, and it is also extremely wasteful spending. It serves no higher purpose or moral ground at all. Who does this help? The many Catholic Hospitals that would receive government funding at the expense of the healthy and the poor? Although as far as I know the Catholic Church does not own hospitals, The Daughters of Charity, and The Sisters of Charity are the organizations that dominate ownership of Catholic Hospitals. They have had a lengthy history of corruption, and while they claim(ed) to be opposed to abortion, they would not provide charitable services that would in fact allow more women to give birth, since it is extremely expensive, yet they refused to waive the $10-20’s thousands of worth of hospital fees required to have a child. So, that is why many women chose to have abortions, because they do not want to bring a child into the world when they are too financially burdened to be able to provide for the child, and of course, the fees could be five times that. Life is nearly impossible for those who can afford the essentials, and when combined with not being able to afford essentials, in addition to all of societies other problems, it is just not something many women feel comfortable taking the risk on when someone so vulnerable and helpless would be the victim of a woman having a child without financial means based on the idea that God will provide, while seeing so many in poverty, in the richest nation on earth.
Andrea Iravani
The only thing about this that is unacceptable is that the little shit is still above ground
“…for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
“What goes around, comes around.”
“karma’s a bitch.”
Take your choice or all three!
These evil bastards continue on with their evil ways.We all know a dystopian society is what they ultimately want.As you mentioned,first they said being locked indoors would flatten the curve,but,now being at home more during winter will spread the so called killer virus even more.So,which is it? Doesn’t this “Dr”Fauxi guy ever get tired of giving us his opinions,which we never asked for in the first place.Like you said,this is just more fear mongering on the part of the tyrants .Any sane and rational human being knows this is no longer about any “virus”(not that it ever was in the first place). This is/always has been about CONTROL of the masses.Dehumanizing people as much as possible with the mask wearing and all of the preposterous rules.We were born into this world with basic human rights which these tyrants have been taking from us in the seediest ways possible.You are so very right when mentioning that these tyrants don’t give a damn about any of us.This covid lie now appears to have taken on a life of its own.Some people have been so brainwashed by the msm/liars,that they will not even entertain the idea/possibility that all of this covid crap is just that-a big stinking pile of crap/lies! We truly are living in the theater of the absurd with this supposed “killer” virus nonsense! Recently, I read that the reason that the so called “experts” refuse to even discuss/acknowledge the success Sweden had sans lockdowns is because it completely obliterates the “official” narrative which has been built on lies upon lies.TPTB absolutely hate it when someone isn’t on board with their totalitarian agenda.I thank you for this article because it shows that at least someone is on our side and prints the truth.I know most who visit this site are wide awake and that is inspiring beyond words.I will leave everyone with one question-where the hell are all these supposed dead phony b.s. casualties/bodies-WHERE ARE THEY??
As you can see his last minute attempts to derail Trump are failing so he knows his Soros payroll will be lost. Way overdue for him to go. He is such a fraud, liar and imposter.
Fauci is personally responsible for panic and false information in America regarding Corona Virus. He changes his statements regularly, and appears to be working to make our government look stupid. We need Fauci like we need Gates…NOT! It would be nice to get them out of our faces! Stop using media for scare tactics, we are sick of the bull crap. The entire thing has been an interference with our rights, and an insult on our intelligence. Wealth does not make anyone a scholar on any subject! Results on the other hand at least show whether there is scam or cage rattling. This is America, where our bodies are our own!
There are numerous emails from Fauci praising China. That is all you need to know.
Judicial Watch:
“These Fauci emails show how praising China was the odd priority for of WHO in the face of a novel and dangerous coronavirus” added Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “That the NIH tried to slow-rolled the release of these records emails and is still sitting on thousands more is a scandal.”
This guy will be fired as soon as Trump is declared the winner.
Stop the testing, stop the spread. When the numbers get low enough to open the country, suddenly another “surge”. The surge requires another lock down. Another lock down will collapse the economy and THEN: It will be Trump’s fault…So when they (Fauchi) need another surge, they do MORE testing with Live Virus testing swabs and WALA…More cases. And that’s why there are so many false positives, The swabs contained a live virus right out of the package,
Love your comment Marilyn! I would just add to you saying that Fauci seems to working to make our government look stupid.Actually, I think every single time Fauci opens his mouth-it seems like he’s trying to make himself look stupid and he appears to be doing a great job of it.?
This man first, MUST be IGNORED second, he needs to be arrested third, he must be tried for his criminal intent to defraud this countries citizens and instill fear and distrust of this administration and fourth , after being found guilty of above crimes EXECUTED on live tv ( where he likes to do his evil talks) so that this nations and the worlds citizens can see what the real remedy is to the Plandemic. Profound Justice to evil doers imo