FBI Whistleblower Says DOOMSDAY Is Coming, Warns Americans to Stock Up On 3-4 Months of Food Supplies

by | Oct 1, 2024 | Headline News, Opinion | 0 comments

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    This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News under the title: FBI Whistleblower Says DOOMSDAY is Coming, Warns Americans to Stock Up On 3-4 Months of Food Supplies And PRAY

    A prominent FBI staff operations specialist and whistleblower by the name of Marcus Allen has a sobering message for Americans: have your preps ready and don’t forget to pray.

    In speaking before Congress this week about life under the current administration, Allen warned Americans that they should probably not trust the FBI because he sure doesn’t.

    “I personally have no confidence that the FBI will rein in its own conduct,” Allen told the room. “I have been persecuted … along with countless other whistleblowers. It is my opinion that the Bureau used reprisal and fear to control the workforce. It has been a seemingly effective tactic.”

    At the current time, the FBI and probably lots of other federal agencies are operating without any checks and balances. As such, Washington is engaging in “lawless actions” that are going unpunished.

    “I welcome the work of the IG (Inspector General) but I think any type of lawless action, there’s no legitimate timeframe to rein them back in,” Allen said.

    (Related: Earlier this summer, “doomsday CEO” Bob Nardelli warned that the U.S. economy is “ready to crack.”)

    Only God can save us through Jesus Christ

    Allen insists that the Bureau intentionally “overclassifies” documents for the purpose of stonewalling investigations. Because of this, and because of the incredible power that the FBI has over the country, Allen is encouraging Americans to stockpile guns, ammunition, food, water, and other necessities in anticipation of further turbulence and tribulation in the coming days.

    “As a person of faith, I’d say pray the Rosary, go to the First Friday devotions,” Allen urged Americans, calling on them to vote on Election Day even if they distrust the system.

    “That’s for everybody, all my brothers and sisters of all faiths. I know, I’m Catholic. And, read the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and live it every day.”

    Allen achieved a legal victory earlier this year in a court case against the Bureau, which was forced to repay his lost wages after he was suspended and had his top-level security clearance removed by the agency.

    Before this, Allen was persecuted by the federal government for statements he made about the use of Confidential Human Resources (CHS) during the January 6 demonstration at the U.S. Capitol.

    It took all this time for the federal government, in this case, Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz, to finally admit that it hid a number of informants within the J6 crowd to agitate and achieve a predetermined outcome.

    When asked by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) how many of the federal government’s moles “went into the Capitol” on Jan. 6, 2021, Horowitz responded that he would “have that information” in his report, the insinuation being that there were, in fact, some FBI informants who were sent into the Capitol building that day.

    “It’s clear the American political elites are being exposed at a record level, which makes them a danger to the entire country as they’ll sink to any level in order to remain in power,” warns Kelen McBreen, writing for Infowars.

    “As Mr. Allen warned, it’s time to pray and prepare.”

    How much longer do you think the existing global order will last before a major upheaval arrives on the world’s doorstep to change everything forever? Find out more at Collapse.news.


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