Former Russian Ruler Suggests Trump Could Be Assassinated Should He Be (S)Elected

by | Nov 4, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has claimed that Donald Trump could be assassinated as John F. Kennedy was, if he is (s)elected to be the next master president of the United States. Medvedev said that if Trump attempts to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine, he could end up facing the same fate as the late JFK.

    Medvedev also further argued that relations between Washington and Moscow will likely remain highly strained regardless of who is chosen to rule the United States in Tuesday’s presidential (s)election. During the course of his campaign, the GOP candidate has repeatedly vowed to put an end to the war in Ukraine in short order.

    This comes as Ukraine continually doubles down and worsens conditions for its slaves in order to keep the war going.

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    Medvedev did not provide any more specifics on his comments on a potential assassination of Trump. However, Trump’s Democratic rival, Kamala Harris, has suggested that Trump would essentially force Kiev to surrender to Russia, ending the war. It’s unclear how Trump would even accomplish such feet, considering Ukraine is intent on continuing the war efforts.

    All evidence points to the fact that Ukraine is outmatched and outgunned by Russia even with the help from its Western backers.

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    In a post on his Telegram channel on Sunday, Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council, wrote that Moscow does not have high expectations regarding the outcome of Tuesday’s U.S. presidential election, according to a report by RT. He argued that “for Russia, the election won’t change anything, as both candidates’ stances completely reflect the bipartisan consensus that our country has to be defeated.”

    The Russian official also dismissed Harris as “stupid, inexperienced [and] controllable.” Medvedev alleged that if elected, she would be a mere figurehead, with other officials and members of former President Barack Obama’s family pulling the strings.

    Meanwhile, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has also expressed skepticism regarding the Republican nominee’s ability to stop the conflict overnight, noting that no “magic wand” exists with which he could do so.



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