Fourth Human Case of EEE Virus Found In Massachusetts

by | Sep 10, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    A fourth person this year, a man from Massachusetts, has been confirmed to have contracted the eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV).  He was exposed to the mosquito-borne disease in a high-risk part of Middlesex County, state health officials said Monday.

    The man’s name and city have not been disclosed, however he is said to be in his 50s.

    Last week, the third confirmed human case of EEE was detected in central Middlesex County. In August, a man in his 80s who was exposed in Worcester County, and a woman in her 30s from Plymouth County contracted the disease.

    Also last month, a 41-year-old New Hampshire man became that state’s first fatal case of EEE in a decade. Boston Globe

    More Mosquitoes In Connecticut Test Positive For EEEV

    “This year’s EEE season has been particularly active and is generating a lot of concern in communities across Massachusetts,” Dr. Robbie Goldstein, the state’s public health commissioner, said in the statement. “While EEE remains a rare disease, the risk level is elevated in multiple communities.”

    Parts of Middlesex, Worcester, and Plymouth counties remain at high or critical risk for the infection, according to a statement from the Department of Public Health.

    Massachusetts Communities At “Critical EEE” As New Hampshire Man “Fights For His Life”

    Public health officials claim to have found 91 EEE virus-positive mosquito samples across the state of Massachusetts this year in Bristol, Essex, and Middlesex counties, along with Plymouth and Worchester counties, where the most activity has been focused, officials said.

    The “authorities” are warning to stay inside during peak mosquito hours (from dusk until dawn) and to avoid getting bitten by covering up, and using bug sparys.

    Another Plandemic? Deadly Mosquito Virus Detected In Massachusetts

    Any one of the currently circulating viruses being fear mongered by the mainstream media could end up being the one that becomes the next plandemic. Whether it’s bird flu, monkeypox, sloth fever, or EEE virus, be ready to face at least some form of medical tyranny in the future.



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