Fully vaccinated and boosted Bill Gates has tested positive for COVID-19. Media outlets claim he’s experiencing “mild symptoms.”
The Microsoft co-founder announced his condition on Twitter, saying that he is “experiencing mild symptoms and am following the experts’ advice by isolating until I’m healthy again.”
I've tested positive for COVID. I'm experiencing mild symptoms and am following the experts' advice by isolating until I'm healthy again.
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) May 10, 2022
“I’m fortunate to be vaccinated and boosted and have access to testing and great medical care,” he added in a separate tweet.
I'm fortunate to be vaccinated and boosted and have access to testing and great medical care.
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) May 10, 2022
Bill Gates Helps Create A Vaccine That Will Help Prevent Polio Caused By Vaccines
This announcement comes on the heels of Gates claiming the worst is still yet to come:
Bill Gates Warns: “We’ve Not Seen The Worst Of COVID”
Gates, speaking on CNN, discussed how COVID-19 has led to an explosion of digital services, helping people and companies connect and interact with each other without having to be nearby. He believes that the increased use of digital tools will not subside after the COVID-19 pandemic, and will instead be permanent.
“I think that is a very positive thing,” Gates said during the interview. “And the software involved is going to get a lot better. I wouldn’t underestimate that accelerated digitization including in health and education substantially.” –Yahoo News
So this means the “vaccine” is working, right? Several shots in and Gates still gets COVID with symptoms. A few media outlets have also been sharing discretely that the deaths of the fully “vaccinated” have been climbing. According to a report by WXYZ Detroit an ABC News affiliate, federal data shows that during the height of the delta wave, almost 19% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated. That number jumped to 40% in February, when cases were surging because of omicron.
If this is somehow supposed to convince people to get “vaccinated” with the mRNA cocktail that’s been proven to cause severe side effects and reactions, then only the most gullible could possibly fall for it.
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To be fair they never said the vaccine would stop you from getting Covid or spreading Covid; they only said it would significantly improve your chances of survival if you have a compromised immune system.
You have really two choices: one is to get to a healthy body weight, eat lots of veggies, take Vitamin D, and not get the vaccine (and take your chances with Covid), or, get the vaccine and stay the fat, lazy, junk food eating slob that you are right now.
You’re saying that the Covid is only dangerous to those that deliberately make themselves unhealthy?
That the vaccine just makes it safe to ignore self induced risk and go on living an unhealthy lifestyle?
Yup. Look at the society we live in. For the most part, the medical-pharmaceutical industry would prefer to sell you a pill (and keep you in a holding pattern sick) than actually tell you the truth: the vast majority of illnesses are the consequence of lifestyles, with obesity being a major cause of cancers, diabetes, heart disease etc.
That pedophile cockroach needs to die. F him.
Ha ha ha! His lies just bit him in the butt. Ha ha ha!
Hopefully, he’ll continue
to isolate…..forever.
safe AND effective
Love that photo of Bill
surrounded by fire. I only
wish it wasn’t just a photo.
Funny how all of these
(allegedly) “vaccinated”
elitists are testing positive
for the phantom menace, yet
the rest of us unjabbed folks
are just fine. Perhaps there
is a common denominator
in those who “get covid”.
Gee, I wonder what those
who test positive have
in common???
“then only the most gullible could possibly fall for it”.
Well said. There is a
pandemic in this country
alright but it is a pandemic
of gullibility and stupidity.
He probably got a placebo saline shot.
If I was going to give up on some hopelessly lost reprobate with one, single, end-all-be-all statement, I would say that someone ruling via controlled chaos can only possibly live life as a comedy of errors. The pundits and cynics, forever riding on his coattails, will never be without intellectual material, if without materiel like water, food, transportation, and shelter.
Details Of The Who
Pandemic Treaty And
War On Humanity:
Sorry bill but pushers never get high on there own supply. GTFO I do not believe for second the gates of poison took the real shots.
Nice try farmer gates! SDASTFU we are sick of hearing from your computer coding ass!
Wonderful, even Satan’s friends get covid. Piss of Wild Bill.
Poor baby, My heart bleeds purple piss ( so to speak ) for this clown
Yeah me too Alfie.
I feel absolutely terrible
for the evil bastard.
I’m crying here.
May he be the first case of Covid who’s head falls off in a cactus patch
So Kill Gates tested positive
for phony 19 ? Now if only
there was a way to test him
for humanity and empathy
towards others. I’m sure
this satanic guy would test
NEGATIVE on that one!
Let’s hope Gates dies choking on his own turd.
This guy gives
garbage a bad name.