Almost everyone in Australia is fully vaccinated with the COVID mRNA shots, and the country is still experiencing a spike in COVID-19 deaths. This wave of deaths began after the ruling class began forcing the “vaccines” on everyone.
Over 84% of Australians are considered fully vaccinated. On May 25, the Australian government reported that deaths throughout the country were 21 percent above normal in early 2022. Excluding even the deaths that were blamed on “COVID,” the death rate in Australia was still 10 percent above normal.
What’s particularly alarming is that before the country started mandating everyone be injected, they suffered almost no excess deaths. Additionally, during that same timeframe in 2020 and 2021, the country had very little COVID. Thus the usual alternative explanations cannot hold. The spike cannot be the result of delayed medical care or “long Covid” (whatever long Covid is). Australia’s weather and geography are also very different than the European countries now reporting excess deaths.
Reports in scientific journals and in the federal VAERS database have highlighted cases of severe diabetic dysregulation following the mRNA shots. Anecdotal stories of elderly people suffering rapid mental deterioration, especially after a second or booster shot, are also common. -Alex Berenson, Substack
Because Australia had so little COVID before vaccinations began, it offers perhaps the clearest picture anywhere of the overall benefits and risks of widespread mRNA shots. Australians are being exposed to Covid largely after being vaccinated. Or is that just the “immunity waning?”
U.S. Ruling Class Data: Fully “Vaccinated” Are Developing AIDS
It isn’t just happening in Australia either. Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age and have been for about six months. This chart may seem unbelievable but it’s correct, based on weekly data from the British government:
The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people.
The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range.
Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.
New UK Government Report Confirms COVID Vaccination Significantly Increases Risk of Death
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Some congressional lawmakers are pressing regulators to revoke federal approval for mRNA-based...
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog under the...
This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. What do...
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This is genocide:
They allowed themselves to be disarmed. Predictable result.
I too am still trying to
figure out what the hell
is “long covid” ?!?!
There have also been recent
numbers from Medicare
which most definitely paints
a grim picture of excess
deaths since these “not
vaccines” were rolled out.
Diezer or Murderna ?
Choose your poison
The article doesn’t give enough data to support itself.
George Christensen warned people 2 years ago and what was his reward? Voted out and replaced by another globalist, border-hating, CCP-sucking loser. Resist everything.
Down under
China needs more land and females, so Australia, being close and all, and not having any guns, looks ripe for picking. Good luck Aussies. It was great knowing you.
good observation they probably want taiwan too for those that don’t want to have interracial relationships.
We have guns in Australia. I don’t understand why the world thinks we have no guns. If your 18 with no criminal conviction for violence, then you can get a guns via a licence.
And Australia is 70% desert. So not a lot of room for China. Australia cannot sustain more than 30 million people.
We have guns in Australia. I don’t understand why the world thinks we have no guns. If your 18 with no criminal conviction for violence, then you can get a guns via a licence.
And Australia is 70% desert. So not a lot of room for China. Australia cannot sustain more than 30 million people.
Australia since 2020 has had many cases of covid since 2020 till now. But less than 10,000 deaths in total.
I don’t see what is shocking about that. Quiet a small number of deaths for such a pandemic.