Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell at Cipriani Wall Street on March 15, 2005 in New York City. (Photo by Joe Schildhorn/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)
Ghislaine Maxwell doesn’t think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, not does she think she’ll be around to “name names” in the global pedophilia and sex trafficking ring both were a part of. No one will be “allowed” to use the system that was set up to protect the people who set up the system.
Courts, politics, and laws were created to keep the public in line, not to be used against those who set it up to control us. It’s become absurd that anyone still believes lawsuits against the government (using the government to sue the government) will get them anywhere. If anything, we’ve seen Trump’s inability to do just that over the past three and a half years. This is all by design. Maxwell understands this and is fearful of meeting the same fate as her ex-lover.
“Everyone’s view including Ghislaine’s is Epstein was murdered. She received death threats before she was arrested,” an unnamed friend told The Sun. The friend, who is described as “in regular contact with Maxwell at her secret New Hampshire hideaway,” said the death threats spurred the British socialite to hire security guards, and led her to believe she may not live to see her trial.
A federal judge denied Maxwell bail on Tuesday and ordered the 58-year-old to spend the next year awaiting trial at the Brooklyn Detention Center, where she has been held since shortly after her July 2 arrest in New Hampshire. All of this ensures she’ll be in a location that’s known by those who have a vested interest in her not seeing the inside of a courtroom.
Maxwell, like Epstein, is expected to expose celebrities and politicians if she ever stands trial, which is precisely why she understands she will not. People need to wake up and realize this. Putting your hopes and faith in a politician or person who is connected at the highest levels of this disturbing cult is worrisome.
This whole situation is starting to look like another psyop. People want to believe the system will somehow deliver justice to those who are the architects of the system.
Lawyer: The MSM Will Report On Ghislaine Maxwell’s Death In Jail
This is all a part of the agenda, and it could very well be a distraction. There won’t be much that comes out of it as far as using the government to “takedown” these elitists. That should be obvious by now.
Prepare and become more self-sufficient. Things will continue to escalate over the next few months, and having a few extra days worth of food and water wouldn’t hurt. If you haven’t started preparing yet, it is getting close to being too late. Shelves are emptying and food costs are skyrocketing. Don’t hang your hopes on Maxwell talking. Prepare and be ready for anything.
She works for Mossad so there is no way she rots in jail. Only two options: 1) they bust her out and then it is Gulfstream to Israel, or, she gets rubbed out before trial.
I think the first option because she served Israel with honour and saved thousands of lives by making sure chicken sh#t politicians didn’t cave to Muslims.
She also kept the world economy going by feeding the sex needs of the elite.
The dead do not name names.