The average person doesn’t realize how close the American empire is to collapsing under its own weight. Hell, the average person’s mind is thoroughly riddled with propaganda and entertainment, that they don’t even realize that their country is an empire. They think it’s normal to live under an all powerful government that has hundreds of military bases all over the world, and is constantly at war.
But there’s no doubt that this state of affairs cannot continue. In fact, even the high ranking officials in our government know that their empire is on the ropes, and challenged on all fronts by nations that are no longer willing to bow down to Washington.
Recently the US Army War College published a report titled, At Our Own Peril: DoD Risk Assessment in a Post-Primacy World. The report, which was written by high level officials from the Pentagon and multiple think tanks, essentially spells out where the American empire is going. In fact, it tacitly admits that the US government is indeed an empire.
The order and its constituent parts, first emerged from the World War II, were transformed to a unipolar system with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and have by-and-large been dominated by the United States and its major Western and Asian allies since. Status quo forces collectively are comfortable with their dominant role in dictating the terms of international security outcome and resist the emergence of rival centers of power and authority.
The report goes on to admit what almost everyone in the alternative media has been saying for over a decade. This empire is rapidly crumbling. But this report goes a step further, by suggesting that the nation state model of governance is falling apart across the board, and not just in America.
In brief, the status quo that was hatched and nurtured by U.S. strategists after World War II and has for decades been the principal ‘beat’ for DoD is not merely fraying but may, in fact, be collapsing…
…All states and traditional political authority structures are under increasing pressure from endogenous and exogenous forces… The fracturing of the post-Cold War global system is accompanied by the internal fraying in the political, social, and economic fabric of practically all states.
In short, our government knows that its empire is crumbling. It’s collapsing internally, and externally there are a growing number of nations and non-state actors (insurgencies and terrorists) who are challenging America’s global hegemony. However, their solution to this problem is pretty much what you’d expect from an empire. Rather than recognizing the problem, and suggesting that America steers toward a more sustainable course, they’re suggesting more of the same.
Nevertheless, the report involved consultation with key agencies across the DoD and the Armed Forces and encouraged the U.S. government to invest more heavily in surveillance, better propaganda through “strategic manipulation” of public opinion, and a “wider and more flexible” U.S. military. The report states:
“While as a rule, U.S. leaders of both political parties have consistently committed to the maintenance of U.S. military superiority over all potential state rivals, the post-primacy reality demands a wider and more flexible military force that can generate advantage and options across the broadest possible range of military demands. To U.S. political leadership, maintenance of military advantage preserves maximum freedom of action… Finally, it allows U.S. decision-makers the opportunity to dictate or hold significant sway over outcomes in international disputes in the shadow of significant U.S. military capability and the implied promise of unacceptable consequences in the event that capability is unleashed.”
So in other words, we can expect more military adventurism, more propaganda, and more loss of privacy. If this report truly represents the typical opinion of the people who run our government, then we can expect things to get a lot worse before they get better. Our empire, like virtually all empires in the past, is not going to be reformed. It’s going to keep making the same mistakes over and over, until it crashes and burns.
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A plan to implement more psychopathic peepers. How original.
In 1979 someone told me that America is going down like the Roman Empire.
It was not as apparent to me then as it is now.
America has fallen into moral decay. This moral decay helped to take down Rome. However, Rome ascended for 500 years before a period of living off its former glory. Then Rome started a long slow decline.
America is only two Centuries into its existence. America began to decline in the early 1900’s. This means that after a mere Century, the decline began. If not for the Central Bank, America would still be great. If we could somehow throw off the chains of this private business that corrupts everything, I believe America would take a right turn, and go on to greater heights.
I am more concerned for South Africa than for America. Two warring black groups have been murdering whites in the most cruel and tortuous ways.
The 3% white pay 98% of the taxes. The Blacks in power don’t want to lose that tax money. So they won’t allow the whites to leave. Yet, they still promote killing whites. They sing “Kill The Boar”. The boar are white farmers who came to South Africa 400 years ago, when it was uninhabited. They built a flourishing civilization.
If the white farmers leave or are murdered, millions or even billions of black Africans will starve.
Do the elites intend to take America’s wheat and ship it to Africa? What about the produce?
Plant some trees. Grow a garden. TPTB can’t be trusted. We don’t know what is coming. It would be practically impossible to get every Apple grown in someone’s yard.
Blacks are indeed dumb enough to keep killing Whites in SA. There are exceptions, but overall, blacks destroy everything they touch.
We need Term Limits on all politicians, Campaign Finance Reform, kick all the Gew Zionists out of America including the Fed Reserve, and jail the war mongering Neocons and Commie Socialists or kill them off. All of these camcerous parasites is what killing America.
Any more questions? Or get busy on my list above. Americas Enemies are deeply embedded in much of our society and Government. Amd if you tell the truth here using proper spelling then we get put into the moderators holding tank. We either have free speech or we dont. We’ll see when I hit the sybmot comment button below.
The Elite/bankers/communist traitors/3ews have been very very effective in doing so (but they needed a colony to provide “citizens soldiers” they could manipulate and train and cultivate control and deploy (hence the US Military), but they openly promised they would do so your hundreds of years.
“Let me control the creation of money and I care not WHO runs the government…” Rothschild.
American people are the most brainwashed and gullible people. It took a long time and a lot of bitter pills for me to wake up to that fact. A long wasted lifetime of living a huge lie. It was a major hurdle to overcome all the brainwashing to wake up to that fact.
Central banks have given us everything we own from Harbor Freight tools to foreign owned Budweiser. What’s not to like? Thanks banks!
They even control the banks of Mrs. Sippy!
My friend gave me a copy of this book https://www.amazon.com/Civil-War-II-Breakup-America/dp/144047639X/ref=sr_1_22?ie=UTF8&qid=1500646870&sr=8-22&keywords=civil+war+ii. It discussed how the author thought the U.S. would break up after whatever collapse is coming. His thesis is along racial lines as well.
Agree with the tree planting!
Armor 11, I have a copy of that book and most of the info in it is still relevant.
B from Ca, it’s Boer. And you’re right.
I liked the Story about the Boer called Mal Adrian. He jumped the hedge and poached elephant tusk.
Whites suddenly gave up power in RSA, loosed mandella and elections called. it was time to switch to direct financial control, central bank..put black traitors in control to manage their own exploitation. much cheaper
who is smashing south africa..nthe same old smashers.
same modle everywhere. raise up nationalist traitors over their people back them up with american military
not black hands but the same old white smashers still smashing
Maggots serve a more useful purpose than the shitskins do . I’m hoping that this administration will intervene and help the whites in Africa !
Sent the feminists to the front lines.
That at least would make them useful at something.
the big question, is what will it look like on the other side of the revolution?…..will we demand our constitution be used once again, or will it just devolve into chaos, and it’s over for U.S.? we got a LOT wrong with our country/people, and it will take DECADES to get back to a “good” place….will we be divided up among the worlds super-powers?….never to be a force to reckon with………..
bcOd, all good questions. It all depends on what precipitates the revolution or crisis events. Be it externally derived or internally. Be it some natural event or man-made. Either/or. It took how long post-Civil War to come back to some modicum of normality? Never in some senses, about 10 years in terms of governmental ‘normality’, some national unity. I’d more or less put the wars with the native Americans around 1876 and on as being a rallying point for military unity regardless of what side a man was on during the CW. Typical – find a common enemy and Americans will fight together. So, I do think that if we as a country can do just that – agree on some common enemy, we might make it. Can’t see us laying down for any other world power. I sure hope not. The basic nature of being an American is being desirous of self-destiny on the individual level.
We will continue to be a force to be reckoned with. Where in the world do you see a viable alternative to the US? Europe is more screwed than we are, both culturally and economically. Asia has options, but none that are attractive to me. Africa is…well…it is Africa and will forever be mired in “tribal” conflicts fueled by men who lust for power; it also has the fastest rising population and a landmass that is 1/2 sand. Conflict cannot get us out of our problems. Debt cannot get us out of our problems. More free sh!t for votes cannot get us out of our problems. We may be able to save this country if we act now…but that won’t happen until we experience a severe level of pain, or a revolution of sorts. The world needs us to get through this…can you imagine what a cluster the world would be without the US?
Imagine if the world will not without US,and US with the world .
No one knows. The Republic has been squandered. Folks, DC cannot be fixed. Get over it.
I believe chaos is coming. My instincts are that short-term survival will depend on the ‘tribe’ you choose to be with.
My concern is for innocent children. I urge parents to give your children THREE GIFTS:
1. Jesus Christ
2. Schooling at home
3. A home location based on James Wesley Rawles’ advice and limiting your choices to only areas UPWIND of nuclear targets: https://survivalblog.com/retreatareas/.
I’m a Christian and the old testament of the Bible is full of the history of the jewish people — they’re progress upwards, they’re peak, they’re degeneracy and decadence (the USA is at this point right now), ending with a collapse for several generations, bottoming out and a humbling of the population, then it starts all over again. This won’t be a a decade or two before we hit bottom, it will be a couple of generations. The same pattern plays out in every culture and every civilization that has risen and fallen. Different day, same story!
It’s not what is coming it’s what is waiting in the aftermath of what’s to come. The unknown has not been written. it’s up to the strong who survive that will reach the days of rebuilding United States of America & the country will continue the Constitutional Bill of Rights. The Founding Fathers went to revolutionary war to become a young super power in less than 200 years compared to other countries that have been around for far longer, & they are still failing countries yet they are trying to destroy USA from within. Because they have failed to do so from the outside time and time again over the years. only this time we will be tested to a far greater test than ever before. We are the proud Americans that have a will that can not be broken no matter what the enemy of the state does to USA. We will always be the strong fighting Americas that will not ever give up on our country, our faith, our flag, & our freedom. United States of America will always be the strong super power & USA will always have the Constitutional Bill of Rights for the rest of time.
The takeaway from the story:
Modern think-tanks have an uncanny grasp of the obvious.
Its not only us. The entire first world is under globalist assault and the first to perish will be the latest invaders to arrive…anywhere theyve arrived. If I were the (((ruling dynasty))) of Jewish decent and providence, likely I would open the floodgates utilizing weaponized migration of Islamists. This then sprinkled with various other swarthy cannon fodder simply letting diversity do its depopulation magic.
But what, pray tell, will enrage the bell curve whites sufficiently to get them off the couch to play in the bloody decapitation game on cue? Sure, we could ease up on the aerosolized tranquility sprays and worldwide disinformation ‘news’ but alas, wheres the fun in that.
Nah, lets pole-ax the contrived fractional reserve banking system and watch the expressions when currencies become defunct and numbers on financial account screens homogenize in long strings of 0’s.
Oh, and the resultant food scarcity will add the invigoration element for some top-notch elite entertainment.
This is our game roaches. You are here for no other reason than to obey, and obey you will.
America is the only country that has gone from barbarism to decadence without the intervening period of civilisation.
A few of the gifts America has given to the world – perpetual war, ill educated citizenry, greed and morbid obesity.
Do you still believe in the American dream? Wake up! There never was an American dream!
Well when WW3 starts, and 2/3 of the world population is gone we will not have to worry.
So enjoy now folks enjoy while you can because you think we are in survival mode now ?
us citizens, waived their rights long ago, us citizens are nothing more than a subject class of property owned by congress, you trusted in corrupt politicians, lawyers, judges, while they deceived you into waiving all your rights, you have no rights, you only think you do. Even the constitution gives us citizens no protection from the govt. and i’m sure you fing idiots have no clue what i’m talking about, so keep on telling yourself about those rights that you don’t have. You only have privileges that are granted to you by your govt and you pay for every one of them, so now stfu, sit down and wait for the fulfillment of your death wish, its coming for many and maybe even most soon enough, you surrendered your country to politicians, lawyers, judges, bankers, corps. long ago and you are too ignorant to even understand it. Your children are now nothing but enslaved victims of a corrupt govt and so called legal system of codes and statutes which are not law. Some of us have been telling you for years that your vote wasn’t worth the paper that you wipe your ass with, that those that own your dumb ass don’t have adhere to your will, over a hundred years of voting and look at the country, it is on the verge of economic and monetary collapse, and it is already begun, this will be the last comment i ever post here, all i ever read is dumb shit by ignorant people.
Spot on.
I’d look in the mirror Charlie.
i dont need to look in the mirror you idiot, i have rights, and if you ever get a brain or care enough maybe you can get yours back, but i doubt that will ever happen.
charlie is right,everybody else is wrong…go figure.
What else would you expect from a country that followed the leadership of slave owning child molesters and printed their face on our money? No wonder the NRA wants to limit gun ownership to government approved tax slaves only then create gun free zones so criminals are safe to attack.
“No wonder the NRA wants to limit gun ownership to government approved tax slaves only then create gun free zones so criminals are safe to attack.”
The NRA fights Gun Free Zones and recording private purchase registration. Without the nRA the US would be Canada at best the UK as worst.
Can’t say I disagree…the truth will set you free.
Charlie: YOU are clearly the one with the problem. Now go and take your Prozac and latch back on your momma’s tit’ little boy you.
“all i ever read is dumb shit by ignorant people.”…….hello pot, meet kettle.
I love how folks come here and throw stones at the stays of the US, but from where I stand, I’m just glad we have bigger stones to throw back.
Pretty sure what Charlie described is a version of everywhere else in the civilized world, we here in the US, have been fortunate enough to fight it off for a lot longer than some other countries have.
Down but not out.
charlie….You are truly intelligent. Great post.
Historically, voters have consistently voted in psychopaths and other types of people who are disordered and therefore all for themselves and therefore not for “we the people.” Because if they are going to be all for themselves how can they be “for the people.”
Charlie has a valid point. however lamblasting this site and its posters is uncalled for. If, before undertaking some action, you must obtain the permission of society—you are not free, whether such permission is granted to you or not. Only a slave acts on permission. A permission is not a right.
Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand i liked, old guy, you have no clue wtf you are talking about.
You don’t think we know that the United States is a Corporation and the Constitution is null and void. You aren’t any genius, Charlie. We know. I, for one, don’t accept the legitimacy of this incorporation, and will continue to refer to my rights under the Constitution.
You post or don’t makes no difference. I have noticed people who claimed they would cease posting come back with a different moniker. But I recognize their writing style, vocabulary, and even misspelled words.
There are brilliant people, and there are critical judgmental people with bad attitudes. If you are not a genius, guess in what category I put you.
There are already people here for the purpose of disruption. If someone posts and it is not useful or entertaining, who needs it?
So b from ca are you still a us citizen? if you are you have no rights, make it your business to find out for sure, not what you believe.
i forgot i did say i wouldnt post here anymore, now i will make it so.
Well why dont you shut up about sutting up?
There’s a few clueless folks on this site, but the majority “get it”. Regarding your first few remarks, it reminds me of George Carlin’s quote (I’ll paraphrase), “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let you vote.”
T, that was Mark Twain that said it.
charlie, go find some play dough and a crayon set.
play dough = (((federal reserve notes)))
Government “Think Tank” says “Rome is burning”….Who knew? The communists in it, set it on fire to start with some 40 years ago…You know, those that cannot be publicly named.
It’s not Rome 2.0, it’s predictive human behavior in the right environment.
Back then it was a different people with a different mindset, with few distractions and plenty of time to think about things, meet and then discuss with others.
We are polar opposites today – whom barely even know their neighbors.
Sure we can post and chat, but there’s no real connection, nor support for an actionable outcome.
Even churches, various clubs and organizations are seeing declines in their numbers. Other than the bar or a concert, people are simply not associating with others for the sole benefit of being with others. Even then, they’re gazing at the magic mirrors they hold in their hand.
Mirror, mirror, in the palm of my hand.
Oh how you keep me distracted
while we give up our wealth, Liberties and land.
“We are victims of comfort.” Keb’ Mo.
Folks are desperately seeking truth. I’m not sure what other “truths” matter more than whats happening right now?
Put down the phone and turn off the tube. Get a hobby. Stop eating junk food and sugar. Read the ingredients on food labels. Exercise more. Get a dog to walk. Chop wood. Join a club or group of common interests, (Scouting is a good one).
Then you’ll “wake up”. No. It’s not some magical mystical thing, (you won’t become the “chosen one” of Galactic Spirit Guard). It’s the neurons, (brain chemistry) coming back into play and a feeling of self worth.
There’s no way you can even attempt fix the world unless you fix yourself, first.
“Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.”
― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
Gee do you think we are there yet? Does the think tanks NOT qualify in this quote?
Gold and Silver are on a run up in a Bull Fashion, Some have called for Silver to be trading at $20.25 by years end. I think it will be sooner and higher than that. The US Dollar is tanking, and at a 10 month low and getting crushed. And to reiterate what I have said on here as early as a year ago, which DurangoKiddy denied. Well here again is the facts. The Chinese GOLD BACKED YUAN.
Intro: Golden Yuan Cometh:
We have written many times on the potential for either a Gold backed Yuan, or a de-facto gold backed Yuan. We have written several posts on the how it could happen as well as its likelihood. Trade is now being done between Saudi Arabia, Chain and Russia in Yuan and Gold Bullion. And Blockchain is accelerating that change.
Here SRSrocco sees a sign we missed, The Aussie Factor. China is long gold. Therefore it only makes sense they will use it to make payment for oil from Russian and the Saudis. This is active de-dollarization of eastern trade. And will be the end of the petrodollar.
Our Previous articles on the topic:
•Watch Williams Connect the Dots: Gold > USD > PetroDollar > GoldenYuan – Some detective work on how the earth is moving under the West’s feet
•When China Confiscates Gold- Get Silver like JPM – this describes the market structure of Gold ownership in China
•Golden Yuan: Oil Up 2.9% as OPEC, Russia Talk Cheaply – describes the trends and counter trends in Petrodollar demise
But now SRSrocco weighs in. And while this is not the first time he’s alluded to it, he is right in recognizing a macro secular trend. And while the title suggests the switch over is something imminent, the work herein is an analysis of an juggernaut trend that the west is largely oblivious to. That trend is the end of the Petrodollar, the demise of Western incumbency for Eastern Innovation and you should be scared. For in the least, when inflation comes, you, the american consumer will be locked in to buying american goods at inflated prices. USD buying power will deteriorate significantly and standard of living “arbitrage” as we call it will be complete.
If deflationary crises take hold, and that is equally possible Gold will again hold its purchasing power. Point is, Deflation will beget inflation or vice versa. We do not know. But we do know the volatility of buying power will shake weak hands out of their savings. And what will have the best, most reliable anchor to purchasing power then? Gold.
In the mean time, we can no longer ignore our friends Gold exports business down under. We also expressly encourage readers to support SRSrocco’s work and click the links below Steve’s reliable consistent analysis is worth it. Otherwise risk a pay-wall going up. That threat is from us, not Steve….We are just risk assessors and have no skin in this missive except that we want to keep showing you his stuff.
– Vince Lanci for Soren K. Group
Link: ht tps://www.marketslant.com/article/golden-yuan-cometh-aussie-exports-say-watch-out-analysis
If you go to this link, there is a chart. **77% of Australian’s Gold exports in this first Quarter went to China and Hong Kong. While the US is playing bully attacking everybody on the planet, other Countries are wisely positioning themselves away from the Petrodollar. Will the Psychopaths running the US Government and US Military, Blow up the world because their Petrodollar will soon to be worthless? Probably yes.
Think I can spell my own handle name today. ha.
Gold and Silver are on a run up in a Bull Fashion, Some have called for Silver to be trading at $20.25 by years end. I think it will be sooner and higher than that. The US Dollar is tanking, and at a 10 month low and getting crushed. And to reiterate what I have said on here as early as a year ago, which DurangoKiddy denied. Well here again is the facts. The Chinese GOLD BACKED YUAN.
Intro: Golden Yuan Cometh:
We have written many times on the potential for either a Gold backed Yuan, or a de-facto gold backed Yuan. We have written several posts on the how it could happen as well as its likelihood. Trade is now being done between Saudi Arabia, Chain and Russia in Yuan and Gold Bullion. And Blockchain is accelerating that change.
Here SRSrocco sees a sign we missed, The Aussie Factor. China is long gold. Therefore it only makes sense they will use it to make payment for oil from Russian and the Saudis. This is active de-dollarization of eastern trade. And will be the end of the petrodollar.
Our Previous articles on the topic:
•Watch Williams Connect the Dots: Gold > USD > PetroDollar > GoldenYuan – Some detective work on how the earth is moving under the West’s feet
•When China Confiscates Gold- Get Silver like JPM – this describes the market structure of Gold ownership in China
•Golden Yuan: Oil Up 2.9% as OPEC, Russia Talk Cheaply – describes the trends and counter trends in Petrodollar demise
But now SRSrocco weighs in. And while this is not the first time he’s alluded to it, he is right in recognizing a macro secular trend. And while the title suggests the switch over is something imminent, the work herein is an analysis of an juggernaut trend that the west is largely oblivious to. That trend is the end of the Petrodollar, the demise of Western incumbency for Eastern Innovation and you should be scared. For in the least, when inflation comes, you, the american consumer will be locked in to buying american goods at inflated prices. USD buying power will deteriorate significantly and standard of living “arbitrage” as we call it will be complete.
If deflationary crises take hold, and that is equally possible Gold will again hold its purchasing power. Point is, Deflation will beget inflation or vice versa. We do not know. But we do know the volatility of buying power will shake weak hands out of their savings. And what will have the best, most reliable anchor to purchasing power then? Gold.
In the mean time, we can no longer ignore our friends Gold exports business down under. We also expressly encourage readers to support SRSrocco’s work and click the links below Steve’s reliable consistent analysis is worth it. Otherwise risk a pay-wall going up. That threat is from us, not Steve….We are just risk assessors and have no skin in this missive except that we want to keep showing you his stuff.
– Vince Lanci for Soren K. Group
Link: ht tps://www.marketslant.com/article/golden-yuan-cometh-aussie-exports-say-watch-out-analysis
If you go to this link, there is a chart. **77% of Australian’s Gold exports in this first Quarter went to China and Hong Kong. While the US is playing bully attacking everybody on the planet, other Countries are wisely positioning themselves away from the Petrodollar. Will the Psychopaths running the US Government and US Military, Blow up the world because their Petrodollar will soon to be worthless? Probably yes.
BTW/ All that “Government Think Tanks are,” are Special Interest Lobbyists pushing their corporate motives based on profits, to create Government policy that benefits them. You think that any of these think tanks are looking out for the interests of the American people? NOT!!!
CSS- BTW/ All that “Government Think Tanks are,” are Special Interest Lobbyists pushing their corporate motives based on profits, to create Government policy that benefits them. You think that any of these think tanks are looking out for the interests of the American people? NOT!!!
The decline of Rome lasted a long time because their food supply was just outside their windows. They over spent and slowly devalued their currency through diluting it.
Our system is far more complex and precarious. 1500 miles for your food is crazy. The money supply for most is electronic. When truckers cannot buy fuel. The food delivery stops. And then you have the end of society as you knew it.
SHTF does not happen until after antichristbworld govt. Satan is using the fears of nuclear war, terror, economic collapse, racial tensions and climate change/ earth worship to prepare the hysteria needed for the sheeple to embrace a charismatic world leader. He will take charge for a short time forcing his world religion and economy. Things will go on the same for awhile but in order to pay your taxes and be a part of society you will have to take his mark which will be an act of worship. THEN the kings of the east Russia/China will march against him beause they will see they have been had. You can blame bankers, socialists, illuminati, hollywood or whatever but the one behind it all using them all as pawns is Satan. God just wants you to trust in Him regardless of what happens in the world. Trust in Christ, read your bible and make sure you are just as full of the Holy Spirit as your magazines and pantries are full.
Absolutely 100% true!
Did you notice that they called this an Empire? And no one here challenged it. Because it’s true. The NWO is the Globalist Hegemonic Empire. And they have taken over our government and our country and destroyed it. The same way they are destroying Europe. It’s too late to save us. It’s unlikely that our people have the stomach for what it will take. Full blown bloody purge. A rampage never seen before.
The way things are headed with a slow decline is aggravating. Im not getting any younger. That’s why I really wish HICK’s NIBIRU is the real thing. Ive yet to see any real proof. I suppose its plausible. I would at least like to experience a big Quake on the New Madrid before I take the dirt nap. Mother nature can and does defeat armies. Remember the storm that sunk the Spanish armada?
Personally, if I pass through this life w/o seeing TSHTF or HICK’s NIBIRU I will be a happy camper.
I’m prepped if it does, but thank God when it doesn’t.
I like to stop and smell the roses as I go through life.
Not wishin’ for something I’d rather not go thru.
Well all I wanted was to spend the remainder of my life drawing a social security Ponzi check and playing hobby farm. however it appears that’s not gonna happen. The problem as I see it is too many takers too few makers. That isn’t sustainable. So eventually a great culling will happen. So I would prefer a natural clatyclismic disaster to riots,chaios,martial law, civil war, race war, ethnic cleansing, government & economic collapse ect. The parasite takers would still try and blame Trump for NIBIRU or earthquakes. The holy rollers will still conyinue to blame the sinners LOL.
I agree, but we all know “it’s” coming. I’d rather fight the battle and endure the struggle than my daughter and grandchildren. Let me carry the burden, so my family can enjoy their lives.
Actually, Charlie is right, even if he missed his prozac dose, which wouldn’t amount to much attenuation of the truth if he got this far in reasoning, still nobody wants to let go of sucking their thumb while holding old glory with the dreams and promises of the pursuit of happiness. Whatever the framers were going by with that….
Why don’t we all just think really seriously about all this… 1913 started the ball rolling where we are today, the good folks at the Federal Reserve are clearly responsible for the drama ever since. How were they able to do it? Well, how did Edward Bernays convince women to smoke? Or add an egg to the cake mix?
At least the country wasn’t totally asleep with allowing Kissmyassinger to head the 9/11 commission, even though that was all a shame in the end anyway. If they had the internets back in 64, I doubt Allen Dulles would of been smoking his pipe playing pocket pool while pencil whipping Oswald as the shooter.
Only the aliens can save us now, probably millions of reasons why people stayed behind for Project Serpo back in the 60s…. They’re probably still alive today.
A large population that does a given action at the same time can have a tremendous impact. The problem is how to get them to act together at the same time. Gandhi proved that and it is still true. Any ideas?
You may hate the Government and its regulating your daily life, but if Government and society collapse, we will be a bad way. You own what you own because the Government supports your ownership. When the system fails, you own only what you can defend against the starving masses by force. Those are long odds.
We need to focus more on the survival skills for living through SHTF. It just too much fun to sound off on national issues and the people who aggravate the hell out of us like the Democruds.
May I suggest that our point of no return came with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. When that Empire fell there was not justification for the continue existence of NATO. What should have happened was the disbanding of NATO as a formal organization. Our military bases in Europe save for a hand full should have been closed, and turned over to the respective host nations.
Sadly, that action would have meant a massive financial loss for those whose paychecks and jobs depended on NATO. Can’t allow the lobbyist to become unemployed. Being strong on defense still buys votes. Jobs, ya know.
The American sheeple could enjoy their emotional masturbating about being now a “Superpower”. Fueling our hubris and sense of entitlement to more of what ever we wanted to have.
The gods of the copy book headings, WILL have the final say. Karma meet Bitch
– Could You elaborate? After all, You yourself have made so much effort to defeat the Soviet Union?
– Yes, put, but for Victory, not our Defeat. The Soviet Union had a very important Role for America. He had had no military capacity to defeat our country, but could harm us – is unacceptable. We were afraid of him, afraid of the wild wolf or bear. We train ourselves to follow the bars in our house, we watched his form. However… Now that the Union did not, we – Americans – began to forget about the danger. Our people grow fat and getting fat and this is the sign of our Defeat. After the existence of the Union was beneficial to us all, and the current situation – multiplies political risks uncertainties and in my opinion – a direct path to disaster Bush Sr.
The biggest mistake the framers of the constitution made was failing to put term limits on congress and supreme court justices. Once these people are in power they do whatever they want and there is virtually NOTHING we can do about it. I would rather take chances with a rotating group of congress critters and supreme court justices than being stuck with the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein, and Ginsberg for decades.
I’m your huckleberry,
True, but let’s not forget John McStain, Lindsey “lizard” Graham, and all the other RINO’s in office.
america was over the day that government was allowed into education
the anti-federalists told us what was about to transpire- the constitution- a blank check on power, with enough loopholes to drive a mac computer through
The Samson Scenario
Who (or which group) will be Samson?….
“And Samson said, Let me die with the Philistines. And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life.” Judges 16:30
It can be argued that suicide bombers (aka terrorists) are exercising the Samson option.
That there is a US Army War College in the first place just about sums it all up. Him nails it, there is no will in the people to exhibit their Constitutional rights. This is because the country was genetically modified in 1913 and the oligarchs grip has only tightened ever since. One hundred and four years in the making, our generation is not the only generation that has bowed to the Empire. Yet we may indeed be the last. Freedom has passed its terminal phase, its death throes ensue. Expect a declaration of dependence soon. “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…” it seems is a two way street. “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation”. Only shows their covert intent, their lack of respect. If we the people do not again exercise the first quote we must then realize that with the loss of respect, there can be no expectation of mercy. The Constitution, use it or lose it. That there is no will to keep it is because we have never experienced a Constitutional Republic as was intended. “If you can keep it” was directed at the peoples will to defend it from the attacks of the oligarchs. They will always be there and yet we will away our only defense. I sometimes imagine what it would take to make the people rise up and demand redress. The engineered division of the people prevents any coalescence around the Constitution. It is time for collective strategic thinking and at that point my thoughts vanish into the realm of impossibility.
Well this stories indicate the backlash for the POTUS rejecting the War Plans.
No more WARS!!!!
Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants and debt is the money of slaves.