This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.
Last weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton (following the devastation in Gilroy the weekend before) prompted the usual evidence-free avalanche of political point-scoring, blaming “the other side” for all the world’s woes.
Babylon Bee’s satirical take summed things up perfectly:
An exhaustive new study from the CDC reveals that the leading cause of gun violence in America is your political opponents. Researchers looked at a number of potential causes of gun violence such as mental health, family situation, cultural shifts, gun laws, rap music, videogames, sugar consumption, and the actual gunman, but by and large, the most prominent cause of gun violence was what most already suspected. The fault lies with those who you disagree with politically.
But, as Jillian Peters and James Densley write in an LA Times op-ed, instead of apportioning blame based on the narrative being pushed, analyzing and understanding data about who commits such massacres can help prevent more lives being lost.
For two years, we’ve been studying the life histories of mass shooters in the United States for a project funded by the National Institute of Justice, the research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. We’ve built a database dating back to 1966 of every mass shooter who shot and killed four or more people in a public place, and every shooting incident at schools, workplaces, and places of worship since 1999. We’ve interviewed incarcerated perpetrators and their families, shooting survivors and first responders. We’ve read media and social media, manifestos, suicide notes, trial transcripts, and medical records.
Our goal has been to find new, data-driven pathways for preventing such shootings. Although we haven’t found that mass shooters are all alike, our data do reveal four commonalities among the perpetrators of nearly all the mass shootings we studied.
First, the vast majority of mass shooters in our study experienced early childhood trauma and exposure to violence at a young age. The nature of their exposure included parental suicide, physical or sexual abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and/or severe bullying. The trauma was often a precursor to mental health concerns, including depression, anxiety, thought disorders or suicidality.
Second, practically every mass shooter we studied had reached an identifiable crisis point in the weeks or months leading up to the shooting. They often had become angry and despondent because of a specific grievance. For workplace shooters, a change in job status was frequently the trigger. For shooters in other contexts, relationship rejection or loss often played a role. Such crises were, in many cases, communicated to others through a marked change in behavior, an expression of suicidal thoughts or plans, or specific threats of violence.
Third, most of the shooters had studied the actions of other shooters and sought validation for their motives. People in crisis have always existed. But in the age of 24-hour rolling news and social media, there are scripts to follow that promise notoriety in death. Societal fear and fascination with mass shootings partly drives the motivation to commit them. Hence, as we have seen in the last week, mass shootings tend to come in clusters. They are socially contagious. Perpetrators study other perpetrators and model their acts after previous shootings. Many are radicalized online in their search for validation from others that their will to murder is justified.
Fourth, the shooters all had the means to carry out their plans. Once someone decides life is no longer worth living and that murdering others would be a proper revenge, only means and opportunity stand in the way of another mass shooting. Is an appropriate shooting site accessible? Can the would-be shooter obtain firearms? In 80% of school shootings, perpetrators got their weapons from family members, according to our data. Workplace shooters tended to use handguns they legally owned. Other public shooters were more likely to acquire them illegally.
So what do these commonalities tell us about how to prevent future shootings?
One step needs to be depriving potential shooters of the means to carry out their plans. Potential shooting sites can be made less accessible with visible security measures such as metal detectors and police officers. And weapons need to be better controlled, through age restrictions, permit-to-purchase licensing, universal background checks, safe storage campaigns and red-flag laws — measures that help control firearm access for vulnerable individuals or people in crisis.
Another step is to try to make it more difficult for potential perpetrators to find validation for their planned actions. Media campaigns like #nonotoriety are helping starve perpetrators of the oxygen of publicity, and technology companies are increasingly being held accountable for facilitating mass violence. But we all can slow the spread of mass shootings by changing how we consume, produce, and distribute violent content on media and social media. Don’t like or share violent content. Don’t read or share killers’ manifestos and other hate screeds posted on the internet. We also need to study our current approaches. For example, do lockdown and active shooter drills help children prepare for the worst or hand potential shooters the script for mass violence by normalizing or rehearsing it?
We also need to, as a society, be more proactive. Most mass public shooters are suicidal, and their crises are often well known to others before the shooting occurs. The vast majority of mass shooters leak their plans ahead of time. People who see or sense something is wrong, however, may not always say something to someone owing to the absence of clear reporting protocols or fear of overreaction and unduly labeling a person as a potential threat. Proactive violence prevention starts with schools, colleges, churches and employers initiating conversations about mental health and establishing systems for identifying individuals in crisis, reporting concerns and reaching out — not with punitive measures but with resources and long-term intervention. Everyone should be trained to recognize the signs of a crisis.
Proactivity needs to extend also to the traumas in early life that are common to so many mass shooters. Those early exposures to violence need addressing when they happen with ready access to social services and high-quality, affordable mental health treatment in the community. School counselors and social workers, employee wellness programs, projects that teach resilience and social-emotional learning, and policies and practices that decrease the stigma around mental illness will not just help prevent mass shootings, but will also help promote the social and emotional success of all Americans.
Our data show that mass shooters have much in common. Instead of simply rehearsing for the inevitable, we need to use that data to drive effective prevention strategies.
* * *
Perhaps wannabe-politicians like Beto O’Rourke should wind their ‘Trump is Hitler and therefore to blame’ soundbites in and focus on the real issues facing Americans.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. Via Rabobank, “And he shall...
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The fault lies with those who you *agree with, politically, for not picking one way, one methodology, one philosophy, and sticking with their own constituency, loyally.
Instead, some kingmaker has made the suspect king for a day.
In a time of scarcity, food had to be taken out of your mouth. Opportunity had to be taken out from under your feet. Freedom of movement, living expenses, and the power over life and death would have been given to a mass shooter, or a crisis actor, portraying such — while boringly normative people are no longer considered credible.
“Proactive violence prevention starts with schools, colleges, churches and employers initiating conversations about mental health and establishing systems for identifying individuals in crisis, reporting concerns and reaching out — not with punitive measures but with *resources and long-term intervention.”
Why don’t you give resources to the stable and independently-productive.
“their crises are often well known to others before the shooting occurs. The vast majority of mass shooters leak their plans ahead of time. People who see or sense something is wrong, however, may not always say something to someone owing to the absence of clear reporting protocols or fear of overreaction and unduly labeling a person as a potential threat.”
If the vast majority of cases were so obvious, you have a problem with objectivity, sympathy for the devil, and apathy for the saint.
You have advocated tolerance for all kinds of vices — which are generally damaging to oneself — but, in this case, are begging tolerance for a murderer. He is getting love and, so far as I can tell, welfare, of the same variety, which we have afforded to other human wreckage.
In your ‘enlightenment’ (sic) you would give these same people specious, social promotions, like in a Clockwork Orange. Once they are ‘reformed’, through so much charity and favoritism, they will need your jobs and your property — another wave of the Great Replacement.
They never had this problem with rabid dogs.
From the Alice’s Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement:
(He pretends to be crazy so he won’t be drafted.)
“And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me,
sent me down the hall, said, “You’re our boy.”
Just another distraction false flag.
Here is some REAL NEWS – Gold and Silver ate climbing fast.
Gold today at $1507 and Silver rising to $17.17. Folks this is the PM rally we been waiting for now, for more than 4 years. The Silver to Gold ratio is still like 89 to 1 right now. If this was back to the normal 70 to 1 P/O Silver would be pushing $21.53 or more. So look for a fast $5 gain on silver right now. About a 25% return is on the way.
Good stuff. If it keeps going up, maybe I can afford the deep sea salvage charges to recover all that expensive precious I bought in 2011, and actually break even. Needs to go up a few dollars more/ounce for that, though.
Until then, I’ll just keep cashing in all those pennies and nickels I saved back when Rawles said we should be hoarding them for melt value. If my kids have to haul all them out of the house to get rid of, they will be cussing me out. Now they just shake their heads and say “Yea, you know the old man…that’s just how he is” (eye roll), about my hoarding…err…prepping.
Fewer comments. Why?
CENSORSHIP TOOLS used by this web site.
– Censorship is a weapon.
– Political Correct Thought control is a weapon.
— Mass Media brainwash psy-op is a weapon.
– Immigration Flood is a weapon.
— Birth rates and Demographics are a weapon.
– Foriegn control of All USA media is a weapon.
– Undermining Christian values with pro gay propaganda is a weapon.
– Undermining family values by public education system is a weapon.
– Illegals flooding into Republicrat states are used as a weapon.
– Immigration of the so called “liberals” into Republicrat states is used as a weapon.
– Floods of immigrants is being used to undermine Christianity and culture in Europe, is a weapon.
– Low birth rates of native/caucasion populations is a weapon.
– Vaccinations to dumb down population is a weapon.
-Public Education system spreading so called “liberal”values is a weapon.
– 5g is a MILITARY grade weapon of Control and Death
Soon they will come after your weapons.
Politicians DEMAND that you are unarmed.
You will be helpless. Then the Genocide begins on massive scale. Genocide has already begun.
Remember. Your were told your near future. You had ample warning. You have a Choice as to who you serve. The Beast System or Jesus.
Your black rifles/ammo piles, will NOT save you from the Beast.
The Beast System has declared war upon humanity.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jesus is your Only Hope.
– – – – – –
Go Read article on, ZeroHedge, about fliers posted calling for:
“Death Camps For Trump Supporters” Fliers Posted In New York.
When unknowns/anyone, say they want to Murder my family, children, friends. Then, I take the words at Face value. People often telegraph their INTENT and thoughts of future ACTION. Communist have always used Genocide, Famine, Fear, as weapons of war against unarmed civilians.
“BE READY for war. Pray for Peace.”
Where is your critical thinking? Critical thinking not allowed.
– – comments like this are verbotten – –
Well stated. And so very TRUE!!!
Not once did it blame the gun. it blamed the shooter. So why are they after the guns????? I need not to ask the question from you folks you know, but the morons in the world still don’t know.
In every shooting they go to where there are no guns allowed. When was there a mass shooting where people could carry guns on them.
Let us start hanging them in the city square, and stop playing games with them.
There is always an excuse. Like in the first reasoning for shootings. B.S. just because this happened doesn’t mean you have to kill some one. It is a choice they make, and we give into the B.S. to try and find a reason. the reason is simple they are BAD, and acting out.
They don’t have to round us up and put us in camps. The NSA has an algorithm with your name on it. That’s according to the former head of the NSA, Ret. Gen. Micheal Hayden. We already live in the electronic gulag. Act accordingly.
A few places on the net say there were multiple shooters at the Walmart in El Paso. The store has cameras, where is the footage?
you will NEVER see the actual video footage…..NEVER..just exactly like the Vegas shooting……
I have a real problem with “red flag” laws.
If the accuser doesn’t face some sort of
retribution for false reporting, then anybody
can cause you grief.
Where I used to work, I hid the fact I’m
a life NRA member. Many of my fellow workers
would have gone to HR and stated they were afraid
to work with me had they known of my membership.
In a Democrats deranged mind I was a
mass killer, because I hunt and have hunted
wild animals in accordance with state laws.
I can’t legally buy a gun in Hawaii.
They won’t give me permission, in Hawaii you have to get a permit to purchase from the Democrat police chief.
When I enrolled in the VA medical system, they had me talk to a psychiatrist. Which is a standard procedure. The standard
” Do you want to hurt someone or yourself?” questions.
The fact that I even talked to a “shrink” that will not sign a letter saying I’m safe and sane, is reason to deny a permit.
VA will not certify people as ill or healthy due to privacy rules.
Red flag laws are BAD!
Can we stop mass shootings? No. The best bet is do the same as they do with airplane crashes, don’t tell anybody anything.
The most dangerous thing in the airplane world is a Moslem pilot. Did you know that? You didn’t know that because they don’t publicize it.
That is the way to keep these crimes down. Silence.
This article conclusion is nothing but POLICE STATE CONTROL.
Everyone should defend themselves and leave the shooter to wonder who has a gun that is going to shoot me dead if I try anything….
This article conclusion is nothing but POLICE STATE CONTROL.
Everyone should defend themselves and let the shooter wonder who has a gun here that will shoot me dead if I try anything.
“And weapons need to be better controlled, through age restrictions, permit-to-purchase licensing, universal background checks, safe storage campaigns and red-flag laws — measures that help control firearm access for vulnerable individuals or people in crisis.”
There is zero evidence that any of these proposed measures would prevent mass shootings – or even reduce them.
Most of the proposed measures already exist nation-wide.
In particular, so-called “universal background checks” – most mass shooters stroll right through those because, as the article notes, most people get their guns 1) from family members, 2) legally, or 3) illegally. Unless you have some way of forcing a family member to not give or sell a gun to another family member without a background check, that isn’t going to work.
The other 2 methods are 1) legally, and 2) illegally. What part of “illegally” don’t people understand? By definition, a weapon obtained illegally can not be prohibited from acquisition by law. And a weapon purchased legally is obviously…legal.
“Permit-to-purchase licensing” – what the hell does that mean? One has to go to the local police and submit to a background check to get a permit to buy a gun? This is called “may issue” vs “shall issue.” “May issue” is generally considered by the courts to be in violation of the 2nd Amendment. So advocating “may issue” basically means…repeal the 2nd Amendment.
That ain’t gonna happen. Not with eighty million Americans owning 400 million firearms.
Which, by the way, is why *any* form of “gun control” is a physical impossibility. Even if, as Ross Perot once suggested, you use the US Army to go door-to-door to confiscate firearms, you’re still going to miss at least 10-20% of them because people will just refuse to acknowledge they ever owned them. You could miss perhaps 30%. That would leave between 40 and 120 million firearms still on the street.
Decades ago, they wanted to register fully automatic firearms. There was a one year grace period in which persons possessing unregistered full auto weapons could register them with no consequences. At that time, there were about 100,000 registered full auto weapons. Over the one year grace period, *another* 100,000 weapons were registered – indicating that over half of the existing weapons had originally been illegal to begin with. And I guarantee you that at least another 100,000 were never registered and never will be.
There is no such thing as “gun control” in a country this size, with this population, with 80-100 million people involved and 400 million guns involved. Comparing this situation to Britain or Australian is just laughable.
The Democrats condone abortion…. So why are they upset over people getting killed?
It is control they want….period
Have you noticed the number of American citizens dying?
Supposed heart attacks. Supposed suicides. People just disappearing. No word they are leaving. You go by their home and they are just gone, house up for sale. No prior word. What is happening?
I don’t believe it natural causes.
Will address the question to Sgt. Dale. “At a certain point in life do people just start dropping dead?”
Seems everyone I used to know is gone. They are healthy one day. Seem ok. Then I hear they are dead. Does not make sense to me.
I believe Americans are being Murdered in a quite war.
Disappeared like what happened in Argentina.
I see China foriegn nationals/China Inrtel, all over North Texas now. They are always seem to be on a large cell phone, and scanning magazines and books in book stores. What are they doing?
Are USA authorities paying attention? Are the activities USA gov. sanctioned?
I have asked these questions here before and comments censored.
Quote: In 80% of school shootings, perpetrators got their weapons from family members, according to our data. Workplace shooters tended to use handguns they legally owned. Other public shooters were more likely to acquire them illegally.
Quote: And weapons need to be better controlled, through age restrictions, permit-to-purchase licensing, universal background checks, safe storage campaigns and red-flag laws — measures that help control firearm access for vulnerable individuals or people in crisis.
Other than workplace shootings, how would these laws help, and weapons are gotten from family members or illegally? Even workplace shootings, it seems the shooter has had the weapon for years, not went and bought it right before the shooting, how would these laws stop that person? Your data and conclusions seem diametrically opposed.
WaPo (no, I’m not a regular reader) has an interesting article.
ht tps://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/national/mass-shootings-in-america/?noredirect=on
The most interesting is the stuff at the end of the article. Second to last is a timeline from 1966 to present showing the frequency of such events. It begins with that date because in the 50 years prior only 25 of such events occurred. Our society has changed a great deal since 1966 and it appears it is to our detriment especially as concerns family life.
The last is a a series of US maps indicating the types of places where the event occur. There are 42 states plus the District of Columbia that have had this violence and unaffected states are shown shaded. Most of the map categories are what is known as a soft target. There is one called other places but no further description of it.
“…practically every mass shooter we studied had reached an identifiable crisis point in the weeks or months leading up to the shooting.”
To use a couple of ridiculous analogies:
— Snidely Whiplash ties Nell Fenwick to cartoon railroad tracks.
— Loony Toons Coyote plots against the Roadrunner.
— The scorpion and the frog
— Good wolf, bad wolf
— parable of the cold and hungry snake
How does everyone identify it and know that it’s going to happen, and it still happens. And, then we need someone to study the cause of it happening.
Is the fishing expedition over, when it jumps in the boat? Or, not sporting enough?
How would you have counseled the above characters, at what expense, and for what nameable period of time, before deciding whether you had successfully reformed them?
How many social advantages should be given, before they would lose the motivation to do wrong?
How has criminology changed society for the better, since the 60’s, if this is not frivolous makework?
What did the criminology professor do wrong, in order to the get the position?
They got you guys right where they want you, personally invested into someone elses tragedy.
Mental note, chill out dude. If you’re not shopping at wal mart, you’ll be fine.
End drug prohibition and watch these people have better outlets with their time and energy. It’s not rocket science, these people need a hobby and they lost their **** because they had inadequate personal stress management tools.
You are not watching news. You are watching political theater.
The only argument worth having, the only analysis worth anything, are those in defense of liberty. Liberty, too big to fail.
Yeah. Money sure helps forget about the pshycotropic medications that scrambed these peoples minds in the first place….
This professor learned:
There always has been, Always will be, Crazies.
-Laws do not fix crazy
-Crazy goes Around any law
-Crazy people do crazy stuff
-there are nutjobs. Some nutjobs are Violent. Lucky for us, most nutjobs are usually Non-violent.
-there are crazy people
-there is No fix for crazy
So Avoid them. Avoid crazies.
Also Arm yourself at All Times.
You never know when the nutjob decides to crazy. So arm yourselves sheep.
Most important. Properly train. Yes you need outside help to train properly. USCCA and other orgs like them have some good training. You should be willing to pay Twice as much for training as for the firearm you carry.
Go to youtube for enlightenment about crazy:
Search “road rage”. “road rage woman” is fun.
Search “public freak outs”.
Search “Police shoot unarmed man.”or “Police corruption”.
For real fun: search “Florida Man”, now you have an idea of REAL Extreme crazy.
Now you know some of the dangers every time you leave home.
Avoid Crazies
Avoid thugs. Avoid thug Ares. Be home by 9pm.
“Nothing good happens past 9pm.”
Avoid ALL interaction with any Police.
ALL above are Equally dangerous.
Don’t speed. Check those vehicle lights are working properly. I watched a teen boy murdered by Police over flashing his headlights. BTW, teen was white, now dead. In my small home town two teens were murdered by Police within 30 days. Both teens unarmed, and outnumbered by police. Those Police types with “No Accountability” are your so called “protectors”. Murdering unarmed teenagers.
When you search “Florida Man” on youtube. Frightening. I just want to stay home. How about you?