Hezbollah Is Prepared For War With Israel

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Hezbollah is prepared for a war with Israel. Since October 8th, when Hezbollah first fired rockets into Israel in solidarity with Palestinians following the Hamas attacks, the two sides have exchanged nearly 5,000 strikes.

    Hezbollah is siding with Hamas as Israel fights to destroy the group and eradicate it from the planet.

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    New information from Sky News claims that Hezbollah is now changing its tactics and preparing for a global war with Israel. There seems to be an uptick in the tit-for-tat attacks between the Israeli military and the Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah fighting group. This pattern is fairly unpredictable. Overnight there’s war a big Israeli strike targeting two Hezbollah commanders in Safad al Battikh, a village which hasn’t been hit previously and where nearly two dozen civilians are also hurt.

    Hezbollah militants have responded with a slew of return rockets on Israel. Their partners in Yemen, the Houthis, have also reacted, sending a drone as far as Tel Aviv, into a building a hundred meters away from the United States embassy. That attack killed one person.

    After about nine months of what the mainstream media is calling “low-level conflict” with Hezbollah, Israel is at risk for a full-scale war with Lebanon.

    According to a report by the New Yorker, the attacks at the border have forced tens of thousands of civilians to flee, emptying out Lebanese villages and Israeli kibbutzim. Hezbollah’s rhetoric has been increasingly bellicose. A video that the group released recently shows aerial photos and G.P.S. coördinates of Israeli targets on an airport, a seaport, a gas field, and a nuclear research center all with crosshairs on them. In the video, Nasrallah says, “If a war is imposed on Lebanon, the resistance will fight without restraints, without rules, without limits.”

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