Hezbollah Killed Israeli Soldier In A Drone Strike

by | Oct 14, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Hezbollah has taken responsibility for a drone strike on a military camp, which has killed Israeli soldiers. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed at least four fatalities and seven severely injured” among its personnel in a Hezbollah UAV attack on an army base in Binyamina on Sunday.

    “A UAV launched by the Hezbollah terrorist organization hit an army base adjacent to Binyamina,” the IDF confirmed early Monday. “Four IDF soldiers were killed in the incident and an additional seven were severely injured.”

    The armed group announced an attack on a Golani Brigade training camp in Binyamina with a “swarm of drones” earlier on Sunday. The area is located to the south of Haifa, which has been a frequent target of Hezbollah strikes in recent weeks. The drone made it past Israeli air defenses and struck the base at around 7 pm, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said in a statement. The military is investigating how an unmanned aerial vehicle could have passed air defenses undetected, he added, according to a report by RT. 

    While Hezbollah and Israel have routinely exchanged strikes over the past year, the Jewish state stepped up its military campaign against the Lebanese armed group last month. West Jerusalem launched a massive bombing and limited ground campaign against Lebanon after a series of hand-held electronics explosions killed dozens and wounded thousands of people across the country, in an attack widely believed to have been orchestrated by Israel. –RT

    While the IDF has publicly acknowledged that around two dozen of its soldiers have been killed in Lebanon, Hezbollah maintains that the true scale of the Israeli death toll is far greater.

    Hagari further said a lot of others were severely injured. Previously, Israel’s N12 News television said at least 67 people were wounded in the attack on the Israeli military’s Golani Brigade in Binyamina, northern Israel.

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