Hezbollah’s “Battle of Reckoning” Is Lackluster At Best

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Headline News, War

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    Militant group Hezbollah has announced an open-ended “battle of reckoning” against Israel in the aftermath of the exploding pager incident. So far, dozens of missiles have struck Israel in retaliation, however, the attack appears to be lackluster.

    “We admit that we are pained. We are humans. But as we are pained – you will also be pained,” Hezbollah’s deputy leader Naim Kassem said at Aqil’s funeral on Sunday, announcing an “open-ended battle of reckoning” with Israel. Later in the day, Hezbollah launched around 100 rockets at Israel, targeting the city of Haifa in the north. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) responded with a series of airstrikes in southern Lebanon on Monday. The IDF strikes killed at least 274 people, including 21 children and 39 women, Lebanese Health Minister Firass Abiad has said, according to a report by RT. 

    Hezbollah responded by launching 35 rockets at several Israeli bases. The IDF said the missiles targeted Mt. Carmel and Galilee.  “I promised that we would change the security balance, the balance of power in the north – that is exactly what we are doing,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday, announcing the bombing campaign against Hezbollah from the army headquarters in Tel Aviv.

    Warning from other rulers say that this is all “dangerous”, but it most definitely appears that Israel’s military might is overpowering the mild responses from Lebanon’s militant groups. The lackluster responses do not appear to be harming Israel much, and in return, Israel continues to rack up the death count as it retaliates repeatedly and much more strongly.

    A border more regional and widespread war continues to seem more likely as time creeps forward.

    Are They Trying To Start World War 3 Before The Election In November?

    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has condemned the Israeli attacks on Lebanon as “insane” and warned of “dangerous consequences.” Howwever, so far, only Lebanon has really suffered those “consequences”. Israel seems to be regularly outgunning them as Hezbollah’s responses pale in comparison.


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