Human Bird Flu Cases Are Likely “Underreported”

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Experts, Headline News, Health | 0 comments

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    As the bird flu continues to spread, the mainstream media continues to push the fear of it onto the public. The ever-spreading avian influenza is now said to be “underreported” in human beings.

    The virus that the ruling class is using as an excuse to cull entire poultry flocks is known as H5N1. It is increasingly adapting to mammals and has been found in cats, goats, and raccoons. In the United States, the virus has spread to at least 170 dairy herds across 13 states. And in April, health officials confirmed that a dairy worker had caught the virus from an infected cow. This was the first time the virus made the jump from a mammal to a human.

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    This fear-mongering of underreported human cases is right in time for the emergency use authorization of the newly crafted mRNA bird flu “vaccines.” How coincidental.

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    On July 25, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed an additional three human cases, bringing the total number of U.S. cases to 13 since April, according to a report by Wired. 

    “These cases are not entirely surprising given that these people were working with infected poultry,” says Stephen Morse, an epidemiologist at Columbia University in New York. “The good news is that so far, there’s no evidence that this has spread from person to person. At that point, we’d really have to ramp up the concern to the level of red alert.”

    The American Medical Association (AMA) made a few changes to its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) system this past week. The CPT system is described as “the leading medical terminology code set for describing health care procedures and services.” One change is the creation of a new CPT code for H5N8 Influenza virus “vaccine” candidates that “receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

    It’s possible there are more human infections that are going undetected as well if the mainstream media can be trusted. But it definitely seems like they want more testing to gin up support for the “vaccine” as cases spike in the aftermath of mass testing. The U.S. has allegedly only tested around 200 human beings for the virus, while more than 4,100 people are being monitored. Anice Lowen, a flu researcher at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia says ideally everyone working with infected animals should be tested. “It’s really important that we know the extent of spillover,” she says. “I think this country certainly has the resources to be doing more testing.”

    Bird Flu Could Be About To Enter The “Mass Testing” Phase



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