I’ll Tell You What No One Else Will!

by | May 20, 2024 | Headline News

Do you LOVE America?


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    Get the Hell out of Here

    The clueless post-modernist in the picture below is one of the most dangerous men alive:

    Courtesy: Cbc.ca

    He’s been the most disrespected person in the Middle East for many decades only to be outshined on his cluelessness by the current clown that reads the teleprompter notes (“last time, pause here”).

    Barack, if a friend passes this publication to you, let me be perfectly clear: you were the most reckless and dangerous president in American history aside from Woodrow Wilson, who glorified the KKK, insulted the Japanese, and made them enemies that threatened the United States for the first time in the 20th century and passed legislation for the Federal Reserve.

    You know why you were so disrespected? Because you know nothing and make decisions based on that.

    If you ever get to see how much of a joke you were in the Middle East when your best friends were the Iranian Ayatollahs, your chest pain would lead you to retire to the backwoods of some cabin and live out your days there.

    Your time in office will be regarded as a stain and a blip on the radar.

    In a plea for Americans to wake the hell up and understand that globalists funding the Democratic Party are eroding the fabric of society, the Emir of Kuwait has put an end to the disgrace that Obama and Biden have brought via America’s conceit, arrogance, and utter stupidity in the Middle East, and this is unquestionable.

    The dollar is on its way out of hegemony!

    Nothing tells me that the Middle East and Persian Gulf are done with the Democrats more than the Kuwait Emir’s speech and dissolvement of parliament last week.​

    He suspended many of the articles of the constitution for four years and made a statement that I think should reverberate and echo in the West (wherever Western values still matter to normal people, not losers on campuses like Obama’s Harvard woke madness) because it’s a wake-up call for Republicans and conservatives in general to take back control of the constitution and the direction of the free world.

    Western Europe is basically dying… People are not having children… They will be the only societies in history that never get conquered but instead invite immigrants to take over their ancestorial lands.

    Kuwait’s Emir has said this (I am paraphrasing): “We told our American and European counterparts this many times… We, the Arabs, are tribal people and follow a leader that cares for his flock. I don’t believe in democracy because it is faulty in that it allows radical groups (Alexandria Osacio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and others) to use demographic shifts (immigration and increased birth rates of certain minorities) against the greater interests of the host country.”

    If these words by the Emir of Kuwait don’t shock you to the core, you’ve already given up.

    He is telling you what Qatar is funding, what open borders are fueling, what George Soros is funding, and what Obama and Biden have sold your future for.


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