In Stunning Letter To Congress, Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Pressured Facebook To Censor Content

by | Aug 27, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

    Two years ago Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Joe Rogan that the FBI pressured Facebook into censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story.

    Now he’s participating in a Congressional investigation.

    In a stunning Monday evening letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that senior Biden administration officials “repeatedly pressured” Facebook teams to suppress information related to COVID-19 that the platform would not have otherwise censored – and the administration ‘expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.’

    Zuck now says that Facebook should not have compromised its standards “due to pressure from any Administration in either direction.”

    “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” reads the letter. “I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”

    He’s also committed and “ready to push back if something like this happens again.”

    Zuckerberg also said that Facebook shouldn’t have censored the NY Post‘s Hunter Biden laptop story – and said that the FBI had warned the platform “about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election.”

    “That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply,” reads the letter. “It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story.

    He also points out in the letter that “some people believe this work benefited one party over the other.”

    According to Zuck, Facebook “no longer temporarily demotes things in the U.S. while waiting for fact-checkers.”

    Speaking of demoting stories, Facebook began censoring ZeroHedge in 2019 – with links to our articles met with a popup that said “the link you tried to visit goes against our community standards.”

    In June, the Supreme Court ruled that states and individual plaintiffs who challenged the Biden administration’s censorship complex don’t have standing to sue because they cannot establish a clear link between the government’s pressure and the platform’s actions.

    What will Jim Jordan do with this information?


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