“Indoor Only” Cats Test Positive For Bird Flu

by | Aug 29, 2024 | Headline News | 2 comments

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    State health officials have a warning for pet owners after several cats were found with bird flu in northeast Colorado. Two of the cats were “indoor only” cats, and had no known exposure to wild birds or mice.

    This begs the question: where did the cats get the bird flu then if they were not exposed to it? If the ruling class wants us to believe in germ theory, this isn’t the way to go about it. But this isn’t about their theories, it’s about fear and if they panic everyone, it’s better for them. The rulers will always propagate what is in their best interests, and not what is truth or “right”. They only want power and money, and since they can print as much money as they want, power seems to be the ultimate goal. Controlling humans has become easy. All they have to do is scare them into being unhealthy and sick, which most already are from following their nutritional guidelines, and they have the human cattle under their thumb forever.

    The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

    Antione Béchamp, a French scientist, balked at the idea of germ theory. Béchamp proposed that the environment of the body determines what can live and not live. The common source of disease then, is chemical poisoning, which can come in many forms, such as pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified foods, and vaccines. It could also come from eating too many food-like products that are not appropriate for a human being. All of these, do not come from nature. They are produced by the military-industrial–pharmaceutical complex.

    Even those pushing germ theory don’t know and can’t explain how indoor cats were exposed to the bird flu virus.

    “It’s certainly possible the virus from the outdoor environment was somehow brought into the home. What we don’t know is how that may have occurred,”  Dr. Rachel Herlihy, a Colorado state epidemiologist said. “Cats that live on or near a dairy operation, those that have owners that work on a farm, cats that are fed or have access to raw or unpasteurized milk would be at increased risk. Cats also that hunt or consume rodents or birds.”

    “We have seen avian influenza, this H5N1 virus, in Colorado since 2022. It has been present in birds,” said Herlihy according to Fox 31’s Colorado affiliate. “But what changed in 2024, starting in April here in Colorado, is that we saw this virus start to infect dairy cattle. We also had affected poultry operations here in the state in July. It’s really been since about May that we started to see a very small number of cases occurring in domestic cats.”

    Shocking: CO’s Bird Flu Testing Regimen Found More Bird Flu In Dairy Herds

    Dr. Robert O. Young claims that the Rockefellers, who designed our modern medical system, knew that if they could convince the public of germ theory, they would have an infinite source of revenue. All they needed was the right propaganda to get the slaves to fall in line, so they took over medical schooling and taught doctors what they wanted them to know.



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      1. I just can’t take the stupidity! They use these PCR tests and then they cycle them until they get a positive. You can find bird flu in a ham sandwich that’s been in the freezer for 10 years if you cycle the test enough times!

        Damn! People are so stupid they still believe the bullshit hoaxes even after the COVID hoax and the COVID Vax hoax!

        Have ethics and feeling like you have to tell the truth is almost an unbearable burden anymore while all these corporate, political and media con-men consider the entirety of the USA their patsies.

        The people that believe this stuff are so dumb, so very dumb.

      2. why is this story still running? It’s a non story . you are wasting space for a real artical of importance. Please get rid of that stupid picture of the cat .

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