Iran Is “Fully Prepared” For A War

by | Oct 9, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    While saying it doesn’t seek escalation of an already tense conflict, Iran added that it is “fully prepared” for a war. Seyed Abbas Araghchi, Iran’s foreign minister has stated that the Islamic Republic supports efforts for a ceasefire as well.

    “We have stated many times that Iran does not want to increase tension, although we are not afraid of war, we are fully prepared…” Araghchi told reporters on Tuesday in Tehran on the sidelines of the ‘Al-Aqsa Storm; The Beginning of Nasrallah’ conference.

    The Islamic Republic launched a barrage of missiles at Israel last Tuesday, striking a number of military bases in what Tehran said was a response to recent Israeli killings of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. That attack seemed to fall flat, but Israel still vowed a “serious and significant” strike in reprisal. Israel has yet to respond.

    “We are ready for any scenario, the armed forces are fully prepared,” Araghchi stressed. He also noted that Iran’s policy is to stop the hostilities and reach an “acceptable ceasefire.”

    Israel’s stated goal from the beginning of the war was to eliminate Hamas.

    Netanyahu Vows “Nothing Will Stop” Israel From Destroying Hamas

    The Iranian diplomat said at the conference on Tuesday that Israel should not test Tehran’s will. He warned that any attack on Iran would be met with a crushing response. The Iranian military has prepared “at least ten” scenarios for a possible Israeli strike, according to media reports on Monday.

    Even though all strikes on Israel up to this point have done little if any damage to West Jerusalem’s military or equipment.

    Monday marked the one-year anniversary of the raid into southern Israel by Hamas, which claimed some 1,200 lives. The Jewish State responded by declaring war on the Gaza-based militant group and imposing a near-total siege on the enclave. Nearly 42,000 Palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. –RT

    War rhetoric is ramping up in the Middle East quickly. Anything could snap these already tight tensions. Be prepared for the possibility of expansion of conflict in the coming months.


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