Is It Here? Bird Flu Human To Human Transmission

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Headline News

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    It looks like the human-to-human transmission of bird flu is beginning to become a reality. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on September 13th shared new information from Missouri officials on a recently reported human H5 avian flu case. The infected person had no contact with animals, and the “authorities” appeared to be “stumped” as to how the infection manifested.

    In fact, just yesterday, we reported that the ruling classes’ mainstream media puppets reporting that there are no signs that the bird flu is being transmitted between human beings.

    Ruling Class Says There Are No “Signs” That Bird Flu Is Spreading Between Humans

    The CDC did say now that a household contact got sick with similar symptoms as the infected person the same day and that a healthcare worker had reported mild symptoms.

    According to the University of Minnesota’s CIDRAP, in another key development, the CDC detailed findings from genetic sequencing of the virus in the patient’s clinical specimen, including confirmation that the neuraminidase is N1. Though not all genes could be sequenced owing to low amounts of genetic material in the patient’s sample, the lab work found more evidence that the H5N1 virus that infected that patient is closely related to the one that is currently circulating in the United States dairy cattle population.

    News of symptomatic contacts came as a surprise after a CDC official said a day earlier that the evidence so far pointed to a “one-off” case. The CDC had said Missouri health officials are leading the investigation, but that it was in close, almost daily contact with the state’s health department about the case. So far, no links to animals or raw milk have been found. –CIDRAP

    The Overhyped Threat of a Human Bird Flu Pandemic is a Hoax to “Reset” Our Food System

    The index patient was hospitalized for a significant underlying medical condition and reported to the hospital with chest pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. However, the person wasn’t severely ill and wasn’t transferred to the intensive care unit. The CDC had said earlier that a respiratory panel was done during hospitalization, which turned up a positive flu result that was batched with other samples and sent to the state lab for subtyping.

    The index patient received antiviral treatment, was discharged from the hospital, and has since recovered. “The simultaneous development of symptoms does not support person-to-person spread but suggests a common exposure,” the CDC said.

    This is just one more step toward getting the public ready for the next one. They likely won’t let this one go to waste considering the rulers have already stockpiled “vaccines” in case of human transmission.

    Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic

    It sure looks like this is the one that will become the next plandemic. Unfortunately, this one may also be really noticeable, unlike the COVID-19 scamdemic.

    Mainstream Media Warns Bird Flu Is “Quietly” Getting “Scarier”


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