Islamist Gunman Killed After Firing Shots Outside Israeli Consulate In Munich

by | Sep 5, 2024 | Coincidence, Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Headline News | 0 comments

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    An Islamist was killed after firing shots outside of an Israeli consulate in Munich, Germany. The attempted terrorist attack took place shortly after 9 am on Thursday and resulted in a major response from security teams.

    In a string of posts on X on Thursday, Munich police reported that the shooting incident took place near the Munich Documentation Center, a museum that focuses on the history of the Nazi regime, and the Israeli consulate, according to a report by RT.

    The “authorities” wrote that officers opened fire after seeing “a person who was apparently carrying a firearm.” The individual in question was “shot and wounded,” according to one of the tweets.

    The gunman was an 18-year-old Islamist known to the ruling class of Germany as such.

    The fact that the young Islamist was already known to German authorities raises a lot of questions about not only his ease of entry into the country from Austria but how he wasn’t apprehended and questioned earlier. There’s also the question of how he was able to walk around central Munich for so long in broad daylight (long enough to be filmed by nearby bystanders) brandishing a large vintage gun with a bayonet.

    German Police said they immediately deployed 500 officers to the area on fears there could be more attackers. Authorities believe that the Israeli consulate was the target given it happened on the anniversary of the Palestinian terror attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics which killed eleven Israeli athletes. But investigators say they are still looking at the motive, according to a report by ZeroHedge. 

    The world is quickly descending to violence as war wages, protests continue, and governments push even more constricting measures on their slaves.

    Similar questions are arising about this event, as were raised during the attempted assassination of former United States ruler, Donald Trump. Maybe everything isn’t as it seems.


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