Israel Bombed Lebanese Capital Targeting Hezbollah Commander

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Israel and Lebanon’s current conflict has just taken another step toward a wider regional war. Israel has bombed Beirut, the capital of Lebanon in what it has claimed is a “targeted strike” on a Hezbollah commander.

    Israeli media outlets have named the target as Fuad Shukr, alias Hajj Mohsin, describing him as a senior advisor” to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, commander of the group’s precision missile project, and someone wanted by the US for his role in the 1983 role in the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut. -RT

    At least two people have died and 20 were injured in the strike, including children, according to an RT Arabic correspondent. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the strike and said it targeted the Hezbollah commander responsible for Saturday’s attack on a village in the Golan Heights and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians.

    This retaliatory response could result in another response from Lebanon. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that by striking the village of Majdal Shams, Hezbollah had “crossed the red line,” echoing recent comments by Foreign Minister Israel Katz. Hezbollah has denied responsibility for the attack, however, it did say it would respond to any retaliation by Israel.

    Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged rocket and drone fire for months, forcing the evacuation of almost 200,000 residents on both sides of the border.

    West Jerusalem has threatened a military operation against Hezbollah for months, even as it continued the offensive against Hamas in Gaza. President Isaac Herzog said in early June that Hezbollah’s “terrorist aggression must be stopped” and that the world should not be surprised when Israel acts.

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