Israel Claims Iran Is Planning Terror Attacks On The Olympic Games In France

by | Jul 27, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said on Friday that Iran orchestrated the sabotage of the French rail system ahead of the Olympic games. Katz further claims that Iran isn’t done scheming either and will conduct a terror attack ahead of the Paris Olympics.

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    “The sabotage of railway infrastructure across France ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics was planned and executed under the influence of Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam,” Katz wrote on X (formerly Twitter) according to a report by RT.  Katz added that he warned French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne that “based on information held by Israel, Iranians are planning terrorist attacks against the Israeli delegation and all Olympic participants.”

    “Increased preventive measures must be taken to thwart their plot,” Sejourne further wrote.

    The French national railway operator, SNCF, said on Friday that arsonists set fire to signal boxes along the lines connecting Paris to several major cities, including Lille, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg. The “massive attack” disrupted traffic ahead of the Games and led to delays and cancelations, affecting 800,000 passengers over the weekend, the operator said.

    French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said on Friday that the “acts of sabotage on SNCF facilities were carried out in a planned and coordinated manner.” He wrote on X that intelligence agencies and police were mobilized to find the perpetrators. –RT

    Sejourne reiterated that Israeli athletes are welcome in France,” despite the tensions surrounding the war in Gaza and pro-Palestinian protests. France 24 and Reuters both reported that the Israeli delegation was given 24-hour security with an enhanced police escort.

    According to The Telegraph, Israel will dispatch armed Shin Bet agents to Paris to provide additional security for its athletes and Olympic officials.

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