Israel Strikes Syria, Killing 14 People

by | Sep 9, 2024 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    An Israeli airstrike in Syria has killed fourteen people. The attack was said to have targeted the country’s Hama province.

    Israeli warplanes attacked several targets near the city of Masyaf in the country’s western-central Hama Governorate late on Sunday, a military source told the agency. The attack killed 14 people and wounded several others. Some media sources did claim that some of the missiles, which had been fired by jets from Lebanese airspace, were shot down by Syrian air defenses.

    According to a report by RT, the strikes damaged the main road between Masyaf and the town of Wadi al-Uyun and caused a major blaze in another area, Sana cited the source as saying.

    The reported death toll has risen steadily in the hours since the airstrike. On Monday morning, the director of Masyaf National Hospital, Dr. Faisal Haidar, told the agency that the number of dead had reached 14, with 43 others wounded, including six in critical condition.

    In early April, what is thought to be an Israeli airstrike destroyed Iran’s consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus, killing seven officers from Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, including two high-ranking generals. Tehran retaliated a few weeks later by launching a massive missile and drone barrage against Israeli military facilities. –RT

    So far, there has been no talk of retaliation against Israel for the attack, at least not in any mainstream media outlet account.

    Israel has repeatedly struck Syrian territory since the outbreak of the civil war in the neighboring country in 2011, with the aim of reducing the presence of its arch-rival Iran. Tehran, together with Moscow, is assisting Damascus in its fight against terrorist groups.

    Because this is being played off as “just something Israel does”, the likelihood of retaliation seems small.

    Iran was also supposed to attack Israel, during the first part of August, and not much came of that threat.

    Iran Is Expected To Attack Israel SOON

    Hopefully, this is just hyped up war mongering, but it doesn’t look like Israel is seeking any kind of a cease fire agreement with anyone at this stage of the geopolitical show.


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